Fallout 3 is The Force Awakens

only theme failout 3 have is pop
So what are everyone's favorite and least favorite elements of Fallout 3?


* The intro in Vault 101
* Seeing the Wasteland for the first time
* Moira Brown
* John Henry's broadcasts
* Tranquility Lane
* The Ant-Agonizer and Mechanist
* The Republic of Dave
* The terror of the DC Underground
* Wiping out Paradise Falls
* The Music
* Sarah Lyons
* The assault on Adams Air Force Base
* Liberty Prime and his death
* The Homefront mission

Least Favorite

* Little Lamplight
* The weakass original ending
* Colonel Autumn's accent
* Stupid Super Mutants

I honestly can't tell if you are autist with taste of a teenager or genius troll. When I saw your fallout 3 review for are first time I thought you were trolling but then I saw you arguing with people and I saw your blog and I was like "Wait!! is this guy for real??"

Either way you are one of a kind.

btw, that is your favorite tv show?
Game of Thrones

I don't generally watch a lot of TV in general. Star Wars: Rebels is the only one I watch elsewise.

And I admit, I surprised a lot of people here with the fact I love Fallout 3 and was generally okay with Fallout 4.
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Can't believe you guys are willing to deal with this guy. I've already put him on ignore. My brain hurts trying to deal with his excessive LARPing.

If you're seeing this, others has been pointing out just ONE thing, and yet it seemed you insist otherwise but provide no other arguments. Just..... stahp.
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Black Angel has gone from being a pleasant person I devoted large amounts of writing responses to, to being a butthead.

Black Angel has gone from being a pleasant person I devoted large amounts of writing responses to, to being a butthead.

Direct insults? Shame on you. Black Angel has been raising points (along with others) throughout discussions but you don't seem to acknowledge or address any of them.

Worse, you seem to dismiss these points (after addressing you deviate or move on to a different point all together) all because they don't fit in with your views which is appears more like troll behavior. Plenty of Fallout 4 trolls (like Greed/Someguy37) do what you do and nobody here likes those folk.
Direct insults? Shame on you. Black Angel has been raising points (along with others) throughout discussions but you don't seem to acknowledge or address any of them.

Worse, you seem to dismiss these points all because they don't fit in with your views which is appears more like troll behavior. Plenty of Fallout 4 trolls (like Greed/Someguy37) do what you do and nobody here likes those folk.

I made an entire thread about Skyrim for him (which he never posted) and have addressed every single post he's done except for the ones I may have missed because I was responding to five or six different people. Then he insulted me by calling me a sheep which you haven't addressed. What the hell Cerberus Gate?

Oh and he also blocked me. So I can't respond to the posts.
Then he insulted me by calling me a sheep which you haven't addressed. What the hell Cerberus Gate?
He's on the RPG Codex. RPGs (good ones) are something he has passion for so him calling you sheep for liking Skyrim is common behavior (plus you did come across as overly fanboyish in that discussion).

Just saying that calling him a butthead for calling you a sheep... not exactly the right response to an opposing opinion.
Holy fuck what is this drama? I am literally shaking rn. Going 2 jump, I hate it when mummy and daddy fite. You have ruined Christmas.
@CT Phipps I think your willingness to overlook any flaw brought to Fallout 3 might tick some people off. You acknowledge these flaws yes, but then you still give it a ridiculously high score. I took two and a half points off of Dishonored 2 for its early performance issues and a weaker main plot. They didn't bother me personally, but lazy writing and bugs shows a rushed development. You need to accept that Fallout 3 isn't even a 7/10. It's simply too flawed to be considered higher from an actual... 'critique'.
He's on the RPG Codex. RPGs (good ones) are something he has passion for so him calling you sheep for liking Skyrim is common behavior (plus you did come across as overly fanboyish in that discussion).

Just saying that calling him a butthead for calling you a sheep... not exactly the right response to an opposing opinion.

It's been a general bad day with my father in his final stages and coming here to blow off steam talking about a fun game I love, only I got a lot more negativity than expected.

My apologies.

Fallout 3 is a game which is important to me and one I'm not going to apologize for deriving hundreds of hours of enjoyment from.
It's been a general bad day with my father in his final stages and coming here to blow off steam talking about a fun game I love. I apologize if my behavior was inappropriate but I dislike being attacked for a game which helped me through the first round of my father's sickness (he got better and lived many good years thereafter--I'm sorry he won't get any more).

Fallout 3 is a game which is important to me and one I'm not going to apologize for loving.
For what it's worth, sorry about your father.

Don't need to apologize for loving it, it's not a problem unless you try to force that love down on other people. 3 was the game that introduced me to Fallout but to me, the game is no longer good since retrospect has made me aware of its many flaws.

Just remember that around here, 3 does receive flack (and I'd say, needed flack judging by how the rest of the world seems to excuse its problems so much). So if you do want to blow off steam by talking about 3, expect some attack on your points whether it be long posts or short remarks.
@CT Phipps I think your willingness to overlook any flaw brought to Fallout 3 might tick some people off. You acknowledge these flaws yes, but then you still give it a ridiculously high score. I took two and a half points off of Dishonored 2 for its early performance issues and a weaker main plot. They didn't bother me personally, but lazy writing and bugs shows a rushed development. You need to accept that Fallout 3 isn't even a 7/10. It's simply too flawed to be considered higher from an actual... 'critique'.

My internet scoring is based basically on how much enjoyment I derive from the game. Basically, if I get 10 points of good from it, then 2 points of bad, it's an eight. If I derive 100 points of good and 2 points of bad, it's a 98.

For me, Fallout 3 got more enjoyment for me than seven or eight good games combined. Plus, I loved all of the DLC.

Also, I'd like to respond to everyone's posts but I can't do that individually unless i spend all day doing so I try and cover as much as I can.

For what it's worth, sorry about your father.

Don't need to apologize for loving it, it's not a problem unless you try to force that love down on other people. 3 was the game that introduced me to Fallout but to me, the game is no longer good since retrospect has made me aware of its many flaws.

Just remember that around here, 3 does receive flack (and I'd say, needed flack judging by how the rest of the world seems to excuse its problems so much). So if you do want to blow off steam by talking about 3, expect some attack on your points whether it be long posts or short remarks.

Sorry, I shouldn't have let myself get all riled up. I like I'm better than that but I'm overly sensitive today.
Usually, I'm not like this. Edited that previous post, and I apologize for calling you a sheep.

The REAL problem I had is how you're full-on praising Skyrim, but seemingly can't even accept the idea of people trying to show you what's better in comparison to that. I've already pointed out few times how, whatever you thought Skyrim did good, Dark Souls did it much, much better. Isn't it going to be a good thrill for you to try new things? Like I've said, I've already played Skyrim. Up until now, you didn't even answer my question on whether or not you've played Dark Souls. You only mentioned you couldn't care less about it, yet you don't even seem to have played it.
Usually, I'm not like this. Edited that previous post, and I apologize for calling you a sheep.

The REAL problem I had is how you're full-on praising Skyrim, but seemingly can't even accept the idea of people trying to show you what's better in comparison to that. I've already pointed out few times how, whatever you thought Skyrim did good, Dark Souls did it much, much better. Isn't it going to be a good thrill for you to try new things? Like I've said, I've already played Skyrim. Up until now, you didn't even answer my question on whether or not you've played Dark Souls. You only mentioned you couldn't care less about it, yet you don't even seem to have played it.

I didn't say I could care less about it, I've said for what I've played of it, I haven't been blown away. It's a beautiful and fun game but I haven't been brought into the lore or world yet. Maybe I'll change my opinion after I play some more.

It may be it's not to my tastes but I'm happy to give it a try.

There's no objective marker for taste after all.
I'm sorry for this, but I'm really, really sorry but.... I've to call you a casul.

You think Skyrim had good lore or world? Then you are a casul. Pro-tip for playing Dark Souls: Always pay attention, whether to your surroundings or item's description. Hell, despite being rather minimalistic, NPC's dialogues often hold important bits and pieces on what to do next and what's going on, and what happened. Trust me, it will blow you away much, much more than how Skyrim does it (spoon-feeding you the lore and what to do next, especially because of the quest-marker).

I sincerely hope you will be baptized by the Fire that is Dark Souls.

But in case you can't do it, maybe later entries like Dark Souls 2/3 and/or Bloodborne would be able to do it for you.

Or, or, from what I've heard Enderal mod for the game was much, much better than the game itself so try it in case you haven't.
I describe myself on my blog as a fanatically dedicated causal gamer.


*cranks all difficulties to Easy*
Then why did you come here?

I mean I know that there are more intelligent(?) casual gamers that prefer actual discussion rather than circlejerks over at r/Fo4 or Bethesda.net but you're not even taking game advice. And then you talk about cranking games down to easy mode. I don't know anymore.

I still don't know, but have you tried any isometric games other than Fallout? Because you should, there are a lot of really good ones.
Then why did you come here?

Bethesda's forums were redone so there was no place to discuss lore, factions, and what they liked about the games anymore. I remember a really wonderful thread where we discussed the Stormcloaks vs. Imperials for 100 pages of content as well as Mister House vs. NCR vs. Independent for 50.

This seems to be about the only place a really dedicated Fallout fan can get into the meat and gristle of the franchise.
BTW, I really did pick up Dark Souls and am giving it a try. I would have gotten further in the game but I had a backlog of games I've gotten caught up with. Dishonored 2 takes precedence, I'm sorry.

Also, I agree Dishonored 2 isn't as good as the original.

I don't want to piss people off by the fact I love Fallout 3 and was okay with Fallout 4. I respect people's opinions and why they had their enjoyment ruined by the flaws in the games.