Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Should Fallout 3 be considered canon?
If it could be helped, no. Alas, there's nothing to be done about it. That ship has sailed.
Should Fallout 3 be considered canon?
Honestly, I don't think continuity should stand in the way of a good story. I also don't have the same knee-jerk reaction to the BoS and Enclave that some fans do. I played the original games but it was Fallout 3 which really made me LOVE the franchise.
Honestly, I don't think continuity should stand in the way of a good story. I also don't have the same knee-jerk reaction to the BoS and Enclave that some fans do. I played the original games but it was Fallout 3 which really made me LOVE the franchise.
Honestly, I don't think continuity should stand in the way of a good story. I also don't have the same knee-jerk reaction to the BoS and Enclave that some fans do. I played the original games but it was Fallout 3 which really made me LOVE the franchise.
Yeah, I'm surprised you said that CT given you're a writer yourself.
One of the most important aspects is continuity.
I'm not just talking about rather simple stuff like eye colour or so, but major shit.
Except those different Batman are all been classified as either reboot of the old ones or in different universe.![]()
Just as there's countless versions of Batman, so can the story fudge details if it means a better tale is told. For me, Fallout 3 was all about discussing the post-apocalypse and analyzing the pseudo 1950s nostalgia. It was a game about loss, sadness, and the inability to rebuild until a messiah from Vault 101 got the ball rolling. The game was about making me as the player FEEL the sadness and melancholy of the setting, punctuated by odd bits of humor like Moira Brown and the funny bits with ants.
To me, that's more important than whether the BoS and Enclave belong on the East Coast.
Another example is Human Revolution. It's fairly obvious the continuity of the original game with HR doesn't line up in numerous ways but it's something I can overlook because it's such a great game.
I often see you assuming the intention behind the writing was something deep, as opposed to just being the developers putting it in there for the sake of it. I call this type of thing "The good writing of the gaps".For me, Fallout 3 was all about discussing the post-apocalypse and analyzing the pseudo 1950s nostalgia. It was a game about loss, sadness, and the inability to rebuild until a messiah from Vault 101 got the ball rolling. The game was about making me as the player FEEL the sadness and melancholy of the setting
I often see you assuming the intention behind the writing was something deep, as opposed to just being the developers putting it in there for the sake of it. I call this type of thing "The good writing of the gaps".
You are taking ambigous writing, and adding your own meaning to it.
Is it possible that Fallout 3 was analysing nostalgia?, It's possible, but given that there's not even a slight debate or mention of it in-game, it's just as possible that Bethesda saw the retrofuturistic side of the series, exaggerated it, and called it a day.
As for the inability to rebuild, that's probably Bethesda just going "Post-apoc settings need to be destroyed forever right?" and not realising how complex the setting could be if they did something unique with it.
This has been stated several times and I don't believe it. Mostly because the Washington D.C. setting has a lot of tragic bits of environmental building (the teddy bear flapping in the wind), skeleton placements, stories on the computers, and adventures based around various elements of the Pre-War related to American contradictions. For example, Paradise Falls and the slaving adventures are all about how America the supposed land of the free had slavery as one of its bedrocks for years.
I think a lot of detractors of the game would feel differently about it if they took a bit of time to just soak up the atmosphere.
But again, what is art to some people is trash to another.
This has been stated several times and I don't believe it. Mostly because the Washington D.C. setting has a lot of tragic bits of environmental building (the teddy bear flapping in the wind), skeleton placements, stories on the computers, and adventures based around various elements of the Pre-War related to American contradictions. For example, Paradise Falls and the slaving adventures are all about how America the supposed land of the free had slavery as one of its bedrocks for years.
I think a lot of detractors of the game would feel differently about it if they took a bit of time to just soak up the atmosphere.
But again, what is art to some people is trash to another.
I can't believe what I am reading actually. Are you real? Environmental world building with teddy bears and skeleton placement and terminal entries? Are you aware of how dense you sound? You literally sound like the typical Bethesda drone (fresh out of middle school) that strolls in here claiming Bethesda are masters at their craft at building believable worlds.
I guess we could sit here deconstructing how fucked up every aspect of the Capitol Wasteland is, but I won't waste my time. Soak up the atmosphere? That is all there is to the fucking series now. ATMOSPHERE! SO IMMERSIVE! You know what immerses me in the atmosphere? Shit that makes sense and lore that isn't fucked up. Canon that is adhered to and not thrown aside with total disregard because of some possible character development or freedom from constraint which is usually freedom from thought.
Only one Highlander movie due to the plot? Fuck that lets make him an alien and he starts off old in a dystopian future and then dudes come down from space and he gets young again. Then we will retcon that retcon so we can be more creative.
Am I insane? Is it too much to ask for writers to read up on the lore of the series they are writing about? Get the damn dates right at least. Detractors need to just soak it up? I soaked up that shit until every last bit of content was slurped out and it tasted like shit.
Defending Fallout 3 at this point is fucking hysterical. Wow they are slavers guys and the USA did slavery so it is really deep. I would say more, but this leash is digging into my neck, but rest assured that you are wrong sir. When your next sequel comes out I expect a total retcon of previous events due to it all being a dream.
Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas didn't have teddy bears and manequins, NOT ATMOASSSPHURIC!
The environmental storytelling in Fallout 3 is one of the most overrated aspects of that game because the game world doesn't have any internal logic. The skeletons should be dust, wooden structures shouldn't be standing, BUT OHH EMMM GEEE there are two skeletons on a bed next to each other, that's soooooooooo sad. Not to mention the computers probably shouldn't be working either. It's hard to be engrossed by something when it doesn't make sense on any level. Fallout 3's disrespect for continuity aside, the game biggest sin is it's lack of internal logic within it's own game world.