Every time again ... E3 rant topic.

Well their opinion does mean a lot to Bethesda because console users are a bigger share of their income than PC gamers. If they are okay with paying for mods then bethesda just found themselves a new source of income.
Bethesda finally did it, they potentially poisoned gaming even worse than EA.
Well their opinion does mean a lot to Bethesda because console users are a bigger share of their income than PC gamers. If they are okay with paying for mods then bethesda just found themselves a new source of income.
Based on how well received exclusives and console versions are by console users, it strikes me as them being grateful to even get something on said consoles.

As a console user (though I primarily PC game), the number of times I would ignore buying something all because I know there is a PC version is probably way too often for console developers to like. So for console fanboys, every drop of the proverbial water is a celebrated event for them.
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The quality of Bethesda's DLC went quickly downhill with FO4. Even if you don't like the DLC for FO3 for lore or writting quality you would have to agree that for their price point they where the best value for dollar DLC for any game, same with New Vegas' DLC altho those weren't developed by Bethesda.
Then comes FO4, with only 2 big DLC at a much higher price with really bad content and the rest of them being just furniture packs. This along with their switch to Proceduraly generated content for FO4 really shows them moving towards a path of least effort in the design philosophy, and now they won't even bother using their resources for DLC anymore. Maybe we'll see even more mainstream Bethesda backlash in the future? I am excited.
I'm one of F4's defenders and I think everything but Nuka World was shit.

The Point Lookout wannabe of Far Harbor was "okay" at best.
The only thing I remember of Fart Hardon is how Valentine (worst character btw) states in a very smug fashion as if the writters designed him as the smart character that MACHINES having limited memory and need to clean old files to make space for new entries as non sensical. Seems Emil Pagliacci isn't familiar with computers, and he is writting for a Sci-fi game.
The only thing I remember of Fart Hardon is how Valentine (worst character btw) states in a very smug fashion as if the writters designed him as the smart character that MACHINES having limited memory and need to clean old files to make space for new entries as non sensical. Seems Emil Pagliacci isn't familiar with computers, and he is writting for a Sci-fi game.

I think you mean BEST character.
I meant worse character in general not within FO4. I guess for Fo4's standards he must be the peak of writting.
It might sound like a cosnpiracy theory but I think that this Creation club thing, if it succeeds (I.E. They get console users to pay) I think Bethesda will proceed to no longer release the creation kits publicly for future games unless you sign up for their programm. We have seen that they think very negatively about people making mods without their specific tool (Pete Hines even outright said people who made mods without the Creation kit weren't modders but Hackers) and they probably don't like all those script extenders either seeing how they also forbid usage of outside resources for their Creation Club stuff. They might even make it a premium piece of software while they are at it.
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For your info guys the entire cast of Alien was written to be male or female both hence Ripley being badass. Kinda goes against what Phipps just said.
I was just about to say that. Script/movie writers do that all the time. That's probably something they often do to keep the demographic or changes in mind.
However, I think if the gender doesn't really bring much to the table, why even bother? Like so many already said, good characters are good because of ... good writing. What a novell idea.
My ultimate concern is quality of life mods being locked behind a paywall. Imagine SkyUI or USLEEP behind a paywall.

I don't think Bethesda is dumb enough (watch me eat these words) to kill off free-modding and restrict everything to Creation Club. It literally sells the game for them. Maintaining a free market while indulging into a contractor market is in Bethesda's best interest.

If they REALLY want to make Creation Club a boon for members, they should give club members access to in-house development tools (Havoc, etc.).
Remember that PC gamers are a minority demographic. If they get the console users they won't have to care about PC modding any longer.
My only sadness is that Bethesda isn't forcing paid mods for SSE and FO4. Seeing seas of tears because they will have to pay to be entertained would feel pretty nice. I don't even care if mod authors get paid, so long as users get charges. People say modding is a hobby. When does a stamp collector share their stamp collection? When does the star-wars hobbyist share his/her collection with everyone? When does the computer hobbyist share his/her creations with the world? Modding isn't a hobby when you mod publicly, privately yes, but work is involved in public modding. I would gain so much respect if Bethesda shut close the gates of free modding for those two games. Fuckem' Fuckem all.
My only sadness is that Bethesda isn't forcing paid mods for SSE and FO4. Seeing seas of tears because they will have to pay to be entertained would feel pretty nice. I don't even care if mod authors get paid, so long as users get charges. People say modding is a hobby. When does a stamp collector share their stamp collection? When does the star-wars hobbyist share his/her collection with everyone? When does the computer hobbyist share his/her creations with the world? Modding isn't a hobby when you mod publicly, privately yes, but work is involved in public modding. I would gain so much respect if Bethesda shut close the gates of free modding for those two games. Fuckem' Fuckem all.

Well their opinion does mean a lot to Bethesda because console users are a bigger share of their income than PC gamers. If they are okay with paying for mods then bethesda just found themselves a new source of income.
Bethesda finally did it, they potentially poisoned gaming even worse than EA.
You speak the truth unfortunately. PC gamers are outnumbered by the console gaming masses... And I'm not a member of the PC master race but console gamers tend to be idiots or casual gamers who are very ignorant when it comes to gaming.
Mhmm, I always feel that is a bit unfair though, since when you compare it like that? Yeah, the PC crowd is easily outnumbered by console users, but what we should do is not always compare the PC to ALL types of consoles, there is Nintendo, Microsoft and Sonny who controll most of the console market, and they are also competing with each other, so it's really not like one platform against all the other ones. And if you see it from that perspective, the PC is still a rather huge market.
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