I don't think I've bought a game for 40+ bucks since Wasteland 2. For me it's too much of a gamble. It's hard to know if a game is going to be worth it within 2 hours (steam) so refunding is seldom a realistic option for me as it is far too short to get a proper judgement of a game and I mean I can get annoyed with the simplest things that starts grinding my gears until I feel sickened by the game.
Divinity Original Sin for example is a game that I started to enjoy but grew tired of because I hate diablo loot systems and the constant combat shoehorned in every 20 ingame meters as well as a boring save the world story and a setting that felt inconsistent to me. So I spent what? 20 bucks on it? Well to me that's 20 bucks down the drain.
Every player isn't going to be the same as me with these issues so I'm only speaking for myself but I don't trust games anymore. Spending more than 15 bucks on a game is something I'm wary of because I know that there might be something in the game that fucks up the entire experience for me. Maybe it's the slow walking speed or the combat animations or the story or the UI or the animation played for picking up items. I have no idea what might be the breaking point for me. So the highest I'm willing to go is not 60 bucks for any game what so ever. It's 30. And that's only if I'm extremely excited for a game which I rarely am (only game I can think of is the next Mount & Blade game).
So sure, increase your prices. I don't give a shit. I haven't bought a game for 60 bucks in ages and I'm still going to wait until their games sold at base price for 90 bucks goes down to 15 bucks on a sale. I have loads of games on my backlog that I have to get through. I don't have a compulsive need to buy the latest and "greatest" so whatever. And if they never go down to 15 bucks? Well I'm not buying them then am I? Tough shit.
I never understood how anyone can waste 60 bucks on a game anyway when if you just wait a year or two it'll drop in price. It's not like the game is going anywhere and it's not like you don't have a mountain of cheaper games to play already, ESPECIALLY if you're on PC. Only difference is online games, you kind of wanna be there when it is highly populated.
Funnily enough I've been playing great game after great game these past 2 months. Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age Inquisition, Gothic 3, Risen, Risen 2 and currently playing and enjoying Risen 3 and Lego Worlds.
I haven't paid more than 15 bucks for any of these games individually.
So yeah I WANT them to increase their prices. It'll be fun to sit back with some popcorn and laugh at all the twats who actually go out of their way to pay 60 bucks in the first place whining about how 90 is too much.
Oh and obviously if they were to do this across the board then you'd definitely see a drop in sales because of obvious reasons. Games are already expensive and like I said there's a mountain of old games so if there's a choice between 90 bucks or 30 bucks which do you think a parent or whatever would get for a present?
Seasons passes, on disc DLC, day 1 DLC, pre-order exclusives, microtransactions, lootboxes and maybe one day an increase in base price. If they NEED to do this kinda scumbaggy shit in order to make a profit then the problem isn't one the gamers' side, it's on the publisher/developers side.
However I doubt it has ever been a "need", it's probably just a "want" for the most part.