So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I don'T think Jo is the only character pretending that he will help you in your quest if you do his errands. But this is one of the examples of a characters who isn't depicted as bad.
Piper and McCready. Two negligent morons that go parading across the wasteland at the player's behest despite having young children to care for (Piper's pre-teen sister and McCready's sick, literally dying baby). Piper pretty much just abandons Nat the moment the player asks her to, and McCready decides to stick around in the Commonwealth and let some friend deliver the antidote to his sick infant.
Horrible, irredeemable characters written by people overly focused on everything revolving around the player.
KL-30 creeps me the fuck out. I mean, I'm not a robot fetishist or anything. *shoves FISTO into a closet*F4
Goodneighbor except for the assaultron
Goodneighbor except for the assaultron
Exactly the Institute is more or less like Big Empty in New Vegas. they're scientists who operates outside morality restrains. (since the laws and other institutions (Nation State) that support such morality restrains were no longer exists) they could be either good or evil (And in the end if player sided with them, player's karma will decide their morality... especially in NV Old World Blues (which later revealed that regardless of what will happen to Hoover Dam and New Vegas, Courier will spend the rest of his / her life ruling the Big Empty and his/her karma values will decide what will BMT do. continue evenmore terrifying experiments upon wastelanders or do the same thing Robert House 'promised player to do should he win the while game'.
I think he's just too patriotic and one track minded to think for himself really. I also think they hint he wasn't bright before being mutated either and once he was, instead of killing him they realize how much of an asset he can be since he was so malleable. So they just tell him how much he does for his country and how wonderful he does so he feels praised and worth something. FFrank Horrigan. What his motivation? He's a former marine / secret service agent. But he's no longer human, he's a mutant of some sort. Which is what his government hates. Does he just need to get his violence fix / pain meds? But why can't he go off and do that on his own. Why can't you convince him to join you (even when he is obviously losing - rogue Enclave squad, turrets hacked, FEV released)? It just seems that he should be more conflicted than they wrote him to be (at least somewhere in his mind or in his past).
Exactly. A big, scary, insanely strong and tough grunt. He may be their ultimate soldier but he's still just a pawn for them.Frank is just a grunt. The real antagonist is the faction itself.
I think Tandi is one of those people who is annoying because of their worldliness, which they won't hesitate to remind you of.I don't really think there's a character that I truly hated in any of the games I've played (pretty much everything but FO4 and POS) but man did Tandi piss me off in FO2. She knows what it's like out in the wasteland, especially after being held captive by Raiders but she still acts like an elitist prick.
Linette is an absolute dbag but at least there's a reason for her being that way, she's never had any experience with the outside world and only knows what she was taught growing up. Tandi, though? She does know better, it's like she completely forgot her roots and let the power go to her head.
That and an absolutely baffling dialogue omission, though this is more directed toward the writers than Tandi as a character. When she's rolling her eyes at you after you mention the intelligent Deathclaws why in the hell can you not just have Goris introduce himself if you have him as a party member? Even if it would lead to her calling the guards and turning the whole settlement hostile, it should be an option.
Going to go with Autumn from Fallout 3.
What was his motivation?
What did he believe in?
Autumn believed in the Enclave and everything it stood for.
But what did they stand for?
I get it, they believe everyone is shit. Why would they care about the water then?
The Enclave's plan in F3 was confusing. It made little sense and instead just felt like Bethesda needed an antagonist.