National Beholder
Doesn't it have Mentats on it, implying that large forehead is an effect of drugging the subject with them? There is similar case with wrecked cell where there is a skeleton with Buffout.
I feel like Tim and Leonard really like sci-fi and outer space so I wouldn't doubt them eventually having aliens that still doesn't detract from MZ was.
And it still doesn't make ambiguous and/or Easter Egg encounters in Fallout 1 confirm aliens.
I don't think Fallout 1 flat out confirms much. Sure that's an alien-like body in the Glow but that place had too much going on for me to think oh yeah it's definitely an alien without question.
Doesn't it have Mentats on it, implying that large forehead is an effect of drugging the subject with them? There is similar case with wrecked cell where there is a skeleton with Buffout.
Can you mouse over and examine the corpse? Does it actually say it is an alien corpse or something not of terrestrial origins?we have clear evidence of an Alien body in the glow
Like CerberusGate said, does the game acknowledges it as an alien? If it doesn't, then it's not. I also linked to a content cut page from that "alien" where you would be able to hover over and it would speculate if it was an alien or not. Again, cut content because the devs knew it was stupid to make aliens canon. It was also a reference to X-Files because a note was supposed to be near it signed by Dana Scully.we have clear evidence of an Alien body in the glow is not some wacky event is an actual body. it was a conscious decision of the Dev team to put it there.
It's not impossible, and might even be probable, but that is not guaranteed. The Fallout [2] editor has hundreds (if not thousands?) of tiny bits of tile art, and not every tile (and layered object) is placed correctly, or with the understanding of what it depicts, or that it may have just been placed there because it looked fitting.Ignoring the UFO event that is just a joke. we have clear evidence of an Alien body in the glow is not some wacky event is an actual body. it was a conscious decision of the Dev team to put it there.
the devs knew it was stupid to make aliens canon.
It's not impossible, and might even be probable, but that is not guaranteed. The Fallout [2] editor has hundreds (if not thousands?) of tiny bits of tile art, and not every tile (and layered object) is placed correctly, or with the understanding of what it depicts, or that it may have just been placed there because it looked fitting.
If we saw what looked like a terminator t-800 in a trash heap somewhere in the game, that wouldn't mean that Skynet is THE Skynet, and that the Terminator 1-3 timelines exist in the Fallout universe. It'd be a gag, or an actual mistake. Fallout has what looks like a D&D monster (right out of the manual), and it's officially part of the game world, but Fallout 2 has a spell casting supermutant, who summons those same D&D looking creatures to attack the PC... and I doubt that Melchor is really what he appears to be, or (if so) that he is officially canon.
If you think about it... Melchor could have been justification for Bethesda to imbue FO3...
with a lot more from Oblivion than they did.![]()
Mercifully they didn't, but one wonders if it was discussed in the meetings. Think of how lucky we are that they didn't retcon the entire setting to be the 1950's that evolved from TES in its ancient past.
I mean mostly fair. I just preferred they be hinted at the MOST in Fallout.You can argue Bethesda should have not made a big deal about them but my point still stands that there were no issues with aliens in fallout before 3
Again, where did the game said it was an alien? It can be easily just be another mutant or some genetic experiment, like the cut content even hints at. About the model, they could have decided to kept it after they realized making aliens canon was stupid and just keep the model as some sort mutant or genetic experiment. They could have also just decided to recycle that model in the Glow for a joke special encounter because that model somewhat ressembles a Roswell alien.Yet they added the alien body anyway is not cut content the body is there the explanation for it may have been cut as you posted but the must be very dumb cuz it seems they went with it anyway.
it makes sense that they'd reuse the mutated skeleton sprite for the alien joke rather than creating a whole new sprite in addition to the ship as a joke. otherwise what the fuck was an alien doing just chilling out in the open in a military base?Is not a alien it just happen to look the exact same
Cmon lol
Mate, did you even read my previous posts?Yea except for the fact that they are canon in fallout 1 you find a body of one of them in the Glow
Hey, cryo grenades and cryo mines are cool.The wisest option is to just remove the DLC altogether, since it's not like you lose anything from it.
Mate, did you even read my previous posts?
They give a hint about "alien" skeletons. They have a log saying that they experimented on the "subject" by feeding him tons of mentats. Never do they say they experimented on the "alien life form".
Mentats are known to change the brain of people, if you feed someone tons of them in a short amount of time, with god knows what else going in the experiment, you could conceivably mutate someone's brain to enlarge it.
Also Fallout has the dwarves, and that skeleton could easily be a mutated dwarf experimented on using Mentats.
Never in the games do anything say "it's aliens". Even the UFO says it's property of the USA Air Force on it.
We even find the mutated skeleton of the horned kangaroo in one game. And our character does "say"/"think":
"You think these might be Horned Kangaroo bones, but you cannot be sure. They are too weathered to make a final determination.".
If those skeletons were alien, our character would describe/think them as alien, just like with the made up horned kangaroo.
You're the one doing mental gymnastics to justify that model to be an alien. Again, and i repeat again, the game never acknowledges it as an alien. There's nothing in the entire game, either a line of dialogue or a description, that 100% confirms it as an alien. At this point you're just being stubborn for the sake of it because you want to believe aliens were canon before Fallout 3 to justify the shitty Mothership Zeta dlc.Yes I read you mental gymnastics I like how when i give an explanation in handwaving it as nothing yet you come here with this over complicated thing because I caught some here with their pants down when i show the alien body in the glow.