Wall of text alert.
One of the big reasons is "human nature", human nature will always come back to haunt us: If we share the wealth (TO SOME DEGREE!!!! I'm not going full commie, and suggesting I take YOUR crayons and pencils etc, don't freak out, stay with me here - - - - )
If we share the wealth - the argument goes - human greed will always pervail. We can then turn our eyes to the real world we live in, as evidence of this: Mega corporations rule. Through lobbying, they *actually* rule, they influence how laws are written, what lawmakers are in place, and they dictate through this a lot the courses of various supposedly sovereign nations.
The problem with this argument though, is that it is not necesarily "human nature" on a normal individual basis. If it was, then the entire "control population" would behave this way. All humans would be trying to fuck each others over, litterally, physically, on a daily basis. Life would be impossible. Murder would be absolutely constant. Everything anybody owned would be up for grabs, and would have to be constantly defended, through coersion or violence (in the same way large scale/global scale resources are both sought after and defended violently)
A mega-corporation, however, is not a person reacting to his perfectly natural whims. General Electric, for example, has (checks) 313 000 employees, thats 1/3 of Estonia, acting as a vessel for capitalistic greed in action - or, "human natural behavior"
(It has to be said that not being greedy is also perfectly natural, and is also manifested globally as various charity organizations. While many of them are fake, many are indeed genuine. A lot of the medical profession and similar directions are also examples of this, but I digress - )
GE, Coca Cola Co., Google, Apple and Amazon, for example, have - in total - 1,2 million employees. These bodies are no longer examples of just "natural human behavior", but super-behemoth human-conglomerates with powers way beyond any normal walking breathing person.
Psychologically, we humans like to anthropomorphize anything. Rocks, clouds, pets. A corporation or a brand is anthropomorphized without even any effort. We give these beings faces, personalities, when in reality they are methodically harvesting up all the wealth. Why, even? Why do corporations do this? Who *owns* the values they generate? All those CEO old farts just fucking die anyway, none of them even spend that much. Is anybody ever going to spend it? Unlikely. These companies tend keep going untill they implode by losing all their value. It's almost pathological in nature, but much more than that it's a kind of algorithmic function, a kind of... "this is what happens if you combine this kind of mentality, this kind of species, with this kind of activity"
This can all be nipped in the bud tho. People are free to do their lil "mom and pop stores" that people love drooling about in their examples. Coca Cola Co. is not a "mom and pop store", people can even be rich, even filthy rich if they want to. I like the nice little example I saw in some video, of Dean Norris being rich. He can be as rich as he wants, because his money comes from people throwing it at him for him performing. That's all well and good. Demand and such. What Dean Norris is not doing, is sitting back, while sweat-shop workers do the acting for him. He doesn't employ 100 000 faceless people, for then to use this force of demography to get his way in a bigger scale around him.
Human nature is a lot. It is greed, but also selflessness, and it is solidarity, but also murder and torture. We have decided in our society that we will not tolerate murder and torture - under any circumstance! Killing through self defense is relabelled, even, you're not a murderer despite having killed someone. Murder is a part of human nature we do not tolerate, and therefore seek to nip in the bud. We start early. Most children known that murdering is wrong, because they're informed pretty much as soon as the topic comes up.
Exploiting - to the point of enslavement - should not be tolerated under any circumstance, but in this society, it is not only tolerated, but encouraged. Sweat-shops make shit tons of money, and their brands are still highly celebrated. Exploitation often is described as being savvy, and business tycoons are still seen as heroes - to both adults as well as children.
Mega corporations and their algorithmic behavior of murderous insanity may be a natural product of several factors put together, and as such, as natural as sociopathic and murderous tendencies in a single individual, and as with the single individual, it should be scrutinized *with great conviction* (as in, heads should roll)
Socialism or Communism or whatever, nobody here even keeps the correct definitions straight, proposed to bring the means of production (which now uses a bit of antequated language), to the worker, for then to distribute the proceeds between the workers.
When I think of that, I think "kindergarden", so... you know... it kind of fell on its ass, historically. There's anecdotal stories of many a commune that has functioned well, living in utopia, but they are fleeting.
The problem here is giving life to an unliving entity that will crawl over countless dead in order to keep growing.
If the worker steals from the shared pool, then he pays a fine or goes to prison.
If the worker steals - uses the surplus to become an employer, grows his company, for then to exploit labour, conglomerate with other companies, and begins to lobby in the laws of sovereign nations, and through this cause massive "3rd party" suffering well beyond his view, then we take his head.
I get what you're trying to say Crni, but I see absolutely no solution here, other than to just go all French Revolution and start putting heads in baskets. This is the most headachy position to have - to see that the system we live in is very, very flawed (just as stupidly flawed as Communism was, it's just that WE're not taking the brunt of it - other people are, far away people), but still unable to see a better alternative. Not seeing the alternative is NOT an excuse to embrace the current system though, that's what angers me, when I see that, it's a very cavalier attitude to suffering around the world...
If ANYthing... then I propose to repeat the French Revolution eeeeevery... 40 years.
That sounds too often, but it has to do with generational shifts, we can't let previous beheadings become "olden time activities" that people lose touch with. Everyone attending has to be able to connect this years beheading with either one they witnessed prior in life - or to the stories told by their parents directly. It has to be a personal experience, akin to public hangings in Iran, where people bring their cellphones, to eternalize the memory
DarkCorp, not to engage in a debate - Just wanted to say, I have the opposite future prediction

The future will allow more and more deregulation, untill we're in a technologically ruled dystopia of entire slave-nations, and then to the point where genetic "purity" (through genetic manipulation) can allow for actual "testable" master races