Atomic Postman
Vault Archives Overseer
Imagine thinking the Phantom Menace is a good film, jesus christ
I'm not a big MCU fan but I will begrudgingly agree with that. I like Guardians of the Galaxy. Went and saw both with my mom in the theater as she was the one who wanted to see them and found myself pleasantly surprised and enjoying myself.Guardians of the Galaxy movies are the only actually good Marvel films. They'll age the best too since you can watch Vol. 1 and Vol.2 with no idea what a superhero fucking is and they are fun space adventure movies.
Reminder that people cried at the end of infinity war.
Well it did have Duck Tits in it and how could that not tickle your funny bone.The only actually good marvel movie is howard the duck.
Raimi trilogy is good with the exception of 3 and that's on SONY, prequels are fine; seethe.The only actually good marvel movie is howard the duck. Almost every single marvel film has almost no replay value. And yeah that includes the raimi trilogy which is at best just overly camp schlock. It's fun yeah but c'mon.
Also not unpopular but if you think the prequels are good by literally any possible standard or measure then you're factually delusional.
Raimi trilogy is good with the exception of 3 and that's on SONY, prequels are fine; seethe.
Kinda? Demons Souls has a lot of elements you see in later titles but not in full and some of its own unique shit. The healing being a farmable/buyable item is in Bloodborne and DS2 (but alongside estus making DS2 more easy). The puzzle path bosses are seen in Bed of Chaos and that dragon in DS3. Warp worlds that can’t be accessed from walking out of the hub is in Bloodborne but the whole world is connected. The half health shit is DS2.I've been playing demon's souls and I now realize that dark souls 2 isn't shitty dark souls.
Its shitty demon's souls