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Is this poll pointless?

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Qui-Gon Jinn is a character I've liked always, don't really know why. I hear he's a bit more interesting in the extended stuff but he's really not in that film. But as a kid, I liked the character. And I appreciate some of the stuff in the prequels but the movies aren't good. Everyone is fairly boring in Episode 1. Jar Jar Binks and his species got too much screen time while Maul was a wasted potential in my opinion. Cut swimmy boys' time in half and give us more Maul. Also fuck those yellow starfighter ships, I always hated the way they looked.
None of the star wars films are masterpieces or even great 1,3,4,5,6 are all 3-4 star films. They are pulp adventure films for children while also paying homage to film history. They were impressive showings for their time in special effects and CGI. But were topped in all aspects By Star Trek and The Lord of the Rings.

Also all the marvel CU films are shit except for the first Iron Man which was cool.
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The only time politics in video games are good is when it is a critique. The first Bioshock, Metal Gear, Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas and possibly the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 are critiques of certain political ideologies, culture or philosophies. However, critiques usually require one to study such ideologies, culture or philosophies which requires work and the possibility of your worldview getting put into question. We can't have that. It is much easier and better to have a game were you beat the player over the head with messages like; "Orange man bad!", "Fascism bad", "Alt-Right bad", "Racism bad", "Sexism bad", "Bigotry bad", "Diversity is our strength" and not show or tell the player why these things are bad or good. The writers and developers can't be arsed to do that. Fuck me!
Guardians of the Galaxy movies are the only actually good Marvel films. They'll age the best too since you can watch Vol. 1 and Vol.2 with no idea what a superhero fucking is and they are fun space adventure movies.
Guardians of the Galaxy movies are the only actually good Marvel films. They'll age the best too since you can watch Vol. 1 and Vol.2 with no idea what a superhero fucking is and they are fun space adventure movies.
I'm not a big MCU fan but I will begrudgingly agree with that. I like Guardians of the Galaxy. Went and saw both with my mom in the theater as she was the one who wanted to see them and found myself pleasantly surprised and enjoying myself.
The only actually good marvel movie is howard the duck. Almost every single marvel film has almost no replay value. And yeah that includes the raimi trilogy which is at best just overly camp schlock. It's fun yeah but c'mon.

Also not unpopular but if you think the prequels are good by literally any possible standard or measure then you're factually delusional.
The only actually good marvel movie is howard the duck. Almost every single marvel film has almost no replay value. And yeah that includes the raimi trilogy which is at best just overly camp schlock. It's fun yeah but c'mon.

Also not unpopular but if you think the prequels are good by literally any possible standard or measure then you're factually delusional.
Raimi trilogy is good with the exception of 3 and that's on SONY, prequels are fine; seethe.

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Most Sony exclusives are the equivalent of Oscar bait and like most Oscar bait films Sony exclusives are pretentious as all fuck. How many more fucking cut scenes must I go through in order to get back to the gameplay Sony?
Yea honestly Star Wars is not anything to write home about and I'll never understand why. In '77 it was something new but the PT sucked ass across the board. ROTS just tricked people into thinking it was good in any way, shape, or form. The supplementary material was a fingersnap away from being non-canon.

The Clone Wars '03 had hardly anything going for it, it felt like EU polished shit with Jedi being gods beyond measure for no reason and yet introduced nothing of worth save maybe a Grevious to be scared of, but none of the battles were interesting as they were just 'the enemy attacks, we beat them/ran off'.

The 08'-20' Clone wars had a few diamonds in the rough but even then a lot of it is dogshit, especially Grevious who never wins jack shit and kills what, two Jedi padawans over three years? Maul was interesting but is on the verge of feeling dragged on and on....

And of course at least it focused on the damn 'Wars' part of 'Star Wars', most of these films lack any logical, coherent interstellar war action to focus on trite magical spiritual BS.

Not a fan and I hope it either shapes up or dies off from the public eye.
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Elysium is a great movie and it's industrial design is among the best.




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I've been playing demon's souls and I now realize that dark souls 2 isn't shitty dark souls.

Its shitty demon's souls
I've been playing demon's souls and I now realize that dark souls 2 isn't shitty dark souls.

Its shitty demon's souls
Kinda? Demons Souls has a lot of elements you see in later titles but not in full and some of its own unique shit. The healing being a farmable/buyable item is in Bloodborne and DS2 (but alongside estus making DS2 more easy). The puzzle path bosses are seen in Bed of Chaos and that dragon in DS3. Warp worlds that can’t be accessed from walking out of the hub is in Bloodborne but the whole world is connected. The half health shit is DS2.

I do think DS2 was trying to see what they could meld from DeS back into Dark Souls.

I hated that DeS didn’t have many shortcuts or any Archstones until you beat a boss. Die at a boss? Gotta corpse run back or fight your way through that level. 1-1 was good with the shortcuts but then it quickly abandons that.
GUYS, even when Demon's Soulsths came out on the PS3 many moons ago, I thought at the time "Haven't they made this before? If not, why not? Isn't this just a regular, bare bones, RPG barely put together using the same tropes as other games, but the theme this time is European instead of JRPG anime shit?"

I mean, it was great fun, but it just seemed like this half-assed Japanese arcade title.

Perhaps we should just make arcade games again? Seems like a safe bet. Keep trying to out scorsese scorsese here isn't working.

These are the thoughts I usually keep to myself because they are stupid. Have a link to a youtube video.

The entire Souls franchise is overrated along with all the other games you like.