This ghoul has seen it all

Fallout is dead, it is now just gonna be expansions for Fallout 76 for the next conceivable future.
LOL! E3 really has a habit of making even the most vocal of critics go, "Well maybe this time will be better!" after getting burned over a dozen times. I don't trust Bethesda. Their track record over the past decade has been less then desirable and they have made no plans to change what they are doing because idiots on here will still give Bethesda a chance and buy their games which creates an endless cycle.They destroyed whatever shred of simpathy i could have for them after literally well over a decade of making garbage entries in two franchises that had immense potential.
And even if i disagree with the direction, what their audience wants is the exact opposite of i want. So the chances of them making any game that suits any of my tastes are pretty much zero, because Bethesda isn't interested in it. Why would they change the winning formula at this point, the formula i despise?
At the end of the day Bethesda is just a company that makes games, and getting angry about games is dumb because unless companies are actually scamming people, it doesn't really matter. Don't get me wrong: I still believe Fallout 3 and 4 are utter failures as Fallout games and will likely believe that as strongly until the day I die, it's just at the end of the day Bethesda is just a company that makes video games
They don't deserve another chance. The sooner Bethesda goes belly up, the sooner the IPs it holds hostage are freed from it.
I was actually thinking of Icewind Dale. Neverwinter Nights is also cool looking. I didn't know they had mmo. I hear about Icewind Dale a lot in my family as my dad used it to get two of my older cousins into computers and now they work in tech so it gets brought up a lot at family get togethers.Neverwinter Nights or the Neverwinter MMO?
Not gonna tell me to do jack and shit. I say whatever the fuck i want and it's none of your business.Grow up.![]()
I want it to fail for the memes that it will generate. Fallout 76's PR was fucking hilarious.I said it was childish to wish failure of new ip by new people
Literally didn't happened that way. Let's just say, it involved Bethesda suing to rip out the franchise from another company.because your favorite studio couldn't hack it and decided to sell their ip of their own volition.
Literally didn't happened that way. Let's just say, it involved Bethesda suing to rip out the franchise from another company.
I'm wondering if this is to be a world map like how they usually do, or if we'll see the ability to travel to other places and explore. Could be risky if it's the latter. Only ME1 got that right so far. Will there be vehicles? Likely will see outpost building for space colonies. Will there be factions/guilds? Probably for who will control space and the future of mankind, or something.I'm surprised they are trying their luck with a new IP instead of nechromancing and/or rebooting an old IP. Usually Bethesda plays much more safe. Good news for now. I hope the game will be good and I think it will probably be at least somewhat good if it won't try to be a mere transposition of Skyrim or FO4 mechanics in a sci-fi setting. I still don't have much faith in Bethesda's writing... that will most likely be bad even in this game but writing isn't everything. It's early to say something more than "I like the aesthetics of it" though, they have shown almost nothing.
I remember that story, but I don't think that was foul play on Bethesda's part.
Not really foul play, but extremely dickish.Interplay only sold the right for Bethesda to make 1 Fallout game, with an option for 2 sequel games after that. Not the full IP.
Then they got money problems and were forced to sell the rights to Bethesda (I can't remember if by court or outside court), with exception of the rights to make an online multiplayer game.
Interplay got money problems again and Bethesda sue them for breaching the MMO contract or something like that and took Interplay's rights for the MMO Fallout game.
Later Bethesda sued Interplay once again to make them stop being able to sell the classic Fallout games (Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics), and took the rights to sell those games for themselves (so now Interplay couldn't even sell the games they made, while Bethesda would be the ones selling those games and getting that money).
What's interesting is that Bethesda only bought the rights to make 1 to 3 Fallout games when they heard that Troika Games were already in negotiations to acquire the IP for themselves. Troika Games was made by previous Black Isle Studios members, including the creators of the Fallout IP.
Bethesda has a bad habit of dragging smalling companies to the ground and kick them while they're down. Usually acquiring them or forcing them to shut down, while getting their games and rights to sell them and/or IPs.