So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Meanwhile i'm waiting for Grim Dawn's newly announced expansion and playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Feels like a better use of my time.
Yknow, the more I see of the face animations for dialogue the more perplexed I am. Why did people shit all over MEAndromeda for its face animations, face textures and wonky looking hair but when it comes to Starfield that is just as bad (if not worse) there isn't a memetrain going on about it?
Also, bad writing.
Let's have boss lady of let's kill people and throw them out of airlocks faction tell a total stranger who her love interest is, that wouldn't make her a target or anything in case the total stranger isn't here for good reasons. Also why are they telegraphing their relationship status to a total stranger and why is love interest lady so willing to spill every bean about their relationship? Finally, there is a moment of show don't tell but Bethesda in their dogshit writing did show and then tell as well, because they think you're as dumb as they are and needed to really bash it into your brain that BOSS LADY IS MORALLY AMBIGUOUS.
Starfield is the most creatively lazy setting in recent memory, it's amazing how someone so untalented at worldbuilding as Emil Pagliarulo can continuously be given lead writer and designer positions for RPG projects.
Its all about accessibility, they are very accessible. you don't have to think that much or at all since it is entry level. You know ground floor, bottom shelf, doors wide open, accessible. Everything is spelled out for you in Big BIG letters. Cuts down on the muddlement so you can just play without thinking.Starfield is the most creatively lazy setting in recent memory, it's amazing how someone so untalented at worldbuilding as Emil Pagliarulo can continuously be given lead writer and designer positions for RPG projects.
I genuinely believe that there is a colossal swath out people out there that have no discernment of quality. Like, you know how tone-deaf people sing along to a song and have no idea that they sound like absolute dogshit? It's like that. But for surprisingly everything. If everyone says X is bleh then X is bleh if everyone says that Y is the shiz then Y is the shiz, why?Bethesda makes baby's first RPGs, which is fine i guess. But the problem is how many people call some of their games as the best of all time, like they can compete with the actual best of all time that have far more depth and work put into them.
Gaming reviewers are partly responsible for this. Seen how many of them sucked Bethesda's dick between Oblivion and Skyrim? 10/10, Game of the Year award, bla, bla, bla. This pretty much tricked a bunch of people into believing that their games were somehow the cream of the crop, the peak of roleplaying games. When most likely most of these reviewers hadn't played any RPG beyond a Bethesda game, or tried like Fallout 1 and started whining that the game wasn't holding their hands, things weren't spelled out to them like they are babies or because it requires far more commitment than a Bethesda game and they don't have time to learn the ropes and actually understand the game due to the fact they have to write articles about bullshit and they can't spend too much time on a game.I genuinely believe that there is a colossal swat out people out there that have no discernment of quality.
unfair. at least when mcdonalds puts a burger on the menu you do in fact get a burger. they dont give you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.Bethesda is the McDonalds of roleplaying games.
With bugs in it, remember the bugs.unfair. at least when mcdonalds puts a burger on the menu you do in fact get a burger. they dont give you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Gaming reviewers are partly responsible for this. Seen how many of them sucked Bethesda's dick between Oblivion and Skyrim? 10/10, Game of the Year award, bla, bla, bla. This pretty much tricked a bunch of people into believing that their games were somehow the cream of the crop, the peak of roleplaying games. When most likely most of these reviewers hadn't playing any RPG beyond a Bethesda game, or tried like Fallout 1 and started whining that the game wasn't holding their hands, things weren't spelled out to them like they are babies or because it requires far more commitment than a Bethesda game and they don't have time to learn the ropes and actually understand the game due to the fact they have to write articles about bullshit and they can't spend too much time on a game.
Bethesda is the McDonalds of roleplaying games.
Yeah I know it's not the easiest thing to just sum up a sci-fi franchise but... What is the selling point of Starfield exactly? What is the setting? What is the big hook to draw you in?
Star Trek, philosophy and exploration in a post-resource scarcity society where they can focus on exploring the galaxy and the philosophical quandries they come across.
Babylon 5, a sci-fi setting with some light action, primarily focusing on politics between embassies between different races with vastly different cultures and ideologies, trying to maintain peace and stability.
Star Wars, basically an action adventure story with some war elements that has a hefty sprinkle of space magic thrown in along with some narrative structure elements borrowed from tales of old.
Event Horizon, what if a space ship used a hyper drive and disappeared...
Then came back and brought hell with it.
Mass Effect, you take on the role as a super special forces human in a galactic society where humans are recently established and many other races view you with suspicion. You are the first of your kind to be this special forces and have to uncover a conspiracy, a murder and an ancient doomsday prophecy all the while holding the fate of humankind on your shoulders based on the choices you make. Also blue space tits.
All I know about Starfield is that Bethesda made a space game. Some organization called Constellation led by a mid granny who wants to fuck you wants you to go on fetch quests to bring back space artifacts from some alien civilization, maybe.
And I mean there is a plot hook here that could be interesting. What if Earth (which we know is fucked) got... Fucked. And humanity had to scramble together to the stars to forcefully terraform and create new habitable planets, would all of humanity get along? No, it would automatically fracture. Because even if extinction is on the line human nature is still human nature and for a variety of reasons we will find problems with one another, be it over prosperity, resources, politics, religion and so on.
So a sci-fi setting focused on humanity, exploring how different groups would over the course of centuries of isolation from one another and being cut off from earth completely would transform into completely new cultures and ideologies and how those would clash, repeatedly. And here you are, thrown into it, another war potentially brewing between space faring nations and you're left to figure out what these nations are all about, who to support and whether or not you can deescalate things as a kind of rogue ambassador/mercenary.
THAT could be an interesting setting. THAT could be an interesting plot hook.
I mean, is this it? Is that the plot hook of Starfield? Go find shiny stones cause... Well what the fuck else are you gonna do?
well thats the inherent probelm with trying to give the alien a backstory isnt it?I already supported the idea that the Jockey ship was a 'space bomber' with the Alien eggs its payload)
Spoony was wrong about FF8 and also probably has a vagina by now.99% of scifi writers deciding weather to write about aliens, ai, or maybe clones:
View attachment 27653
Bethesda on its way to write about nothing:
View attachment 27654
well thats the inherent probelm with trying to give the alien a backstory isnt it?
theres only two possible scenarios.
1) they're weapons, engineered or not doesn't really matter
2)they were cargo on the way to a space zoo
not a lot of reasons for animals to be on a ship in such large quantities.
I know that Bethesda is going for a 'mystery of the ancients' plot here, but other than it being a tired plot device just mentioning it does not suddenly make the world more interesting. Plenty of people now know Mass Effect which in a way is competition to this game despite being older and more linear.
Two of my ideas didn't have aliens or AI as a heavy part of them. One of them was basically Starfield's artifact fragments except mixed in with Highlander basically. Each fragment can give you powers and everyone in power want those objects to turn the tide in their favor but the power you got from touching yours is the power of locate the other fragments, whether they are in the ground or whether they belong to someone. Once attached to a person the only way for them to "detatch" is for the person to die. So it basically turns into a highlander situation of there can only be one.99% of scifi writers deciding weather to write about aliens, ai, or maybe clones:
99% of scifi writers deciding weather to write about aliens, ai, or maybe clones:
Bethesda on its way to write about nothing:
well thats the inherent probelm with trying to give the alien a backstory isnt it?
theres only two possible scenarios.
1) they're weapons, engineered or not doesn't really matter
2)they were cargo on the way to a space zoo
not a lot of reasons for animals to be on a ship in such large quantities.