Fallout TV show coming 2024, featuring Vault 33 in Los Angeles

Honestly, that retcon is so funny.
I’m not even mad, I’m looking at this as a seperate thing.

I know Todd keeps saying “Hey, this IS the Fallout canon” but eh, we put way too much on canon that we stop enjoying stuff.

At this point, I just want to see Bethesda break their own continuity to the point where the game becomes a contridiction.
I find it more entertaining seeing people that previously defended the lore retcons now getting mad at them because they are hitting close to home.
I mean rock solid continuity isn't the be all end all of good storytelling. The problem is they don't break continuity to tell good stories they seem to do it because they just like breaking things.
I haven't watched the show, but After learning about the retcons I'm crying inside.

I also want to make a tomato salad for some reason.
I mean rock solid continuity isn't the be all end all of good storytelling. The problem is they don't break continuity to tell good stories they seem to do it because they just like breaking things.
Well that and they just want to do their own thing with it with zero regard to how well the thing they're getting rid of is received by their fans. You guys like New Vegas? Well, sorry we didn't and we don't want to deal with any of that so sorry!

I watched the first episode last night. Didn't hate it. I hate the overuse of BoS but that's entirely expected at this point. I figured this show was going to pay no mind to the non-Bethesda titles when I saw the BoS have an entire boot camp for recruits. Like c'mon, these people apparently are doing fine in the East and are hiding in bunkers in the West afraid to even let the outside world know they still exist. They are not recruiting and training people at this scale that close by lmfao. I guess they didn't say where this was but I assume it's a bit East of Cali/Nevada but not East enough to be like the factions of Fallout 3 and 4. So is it like the Tactics version of BoS? Are they splintered off from both West and East chapters or are they intertwined with them still?
They definitely are fine with taking the BoS from isolationists to saviors of the people to hyper militant and keeping them on that last one. Oh and they had a war zeppelin thing plus a bunch of vertibirds and well maintained power armor. These guys can't be associated with the West chapters lol.

But overall, the show seems fine based on that episode alone. I'm going to hate all the retcons and deliberate ignorance of anything previously established on the West Coast as I watch more I'm sure. If the show is decent enough to try and watch I will despite that. If it's boring and annoying then I won't. Oh and I saw a moment of the stupid assault rifle from FO4/76 which I hate the look of. Why are they so hellbent on these random designs?
I was smoking the hopium but after seeing the retcons, it just looks malicious. It's like Star Wars 7-9. They can't just go in their new direction, they have to completely raze and salt the earth whatever came before. They're behaving like the good little Marxists they no doubt are.

I mean Vault-Tec was so powerful, they controlled the US ICBM arsenal? What the actual fuck?
What the hell does retcons have to do with Marxists?
In completely unrelated news, I think people should avoid digitally k-holing on youtube.
I mean Vault-Tec was so powerful, they controlled the US ICBM arsenal? What the actual fuck?
It is the inverse Chris Carter Rule. Instead of everything being a mystery to the point even the writers get lost in their own bullshit, the inverse makes it so everything must be explained. No hints, zero subtleness, nothing alluded to, THIS IS HOW IT HAPPENED, THIS IS THE SAUSAGE!

Take into account Bethesda's own writing rule of Fuck You That's Why as the basis of all their writing efforts and you end up with this.
Marxist retcons - see 1619 project for a fabulous retcon of US History. See critical theory, etc.

Back on topic,

Can't allot any blame to China for some fictional future resource war because we must try to sell our shit in China.
What the hell does retcons have to do with Marxists?
In completely unrelated news, I think people should avoid digitally k-holing on youtube.

People will literally do anything to relate anything to politics, no matter how disconnected the two of them are
If by people, you mean Hollywood, they've been doing that for decades now. Not surprising when some regular people do the same.

The idea that Vault-Tec nuked the world to help their bottom line makes no sense. No one builds fancy vaults if there's no world economy. It would have made much more sense for them to institute a fear campaign and lobby the government to fund more vaults.
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What the hell does retcons have to do with Marxists?
Marxists can't create, only destroy.
The idea that Vault-Tec nuked the world to help their bottom line makes no sense. No one builds fancy vaults if there's no world economy. It would have made much more sense for them to institute a fear campaign and lobby the government to fund more vaults.
Welp looks like the whole the vaults were an experiment part of the lore was just chucked out the window.
Okay, I've got some questions that I've been thinking about ever since last night...

1. I heard that the "Shadow Government" is back, is that true?

2. Supposedly, Fallout 3 & 4's lore was retconned as well, if that's true. How so?

3. And most importantly,(at least for me)
Are The Original Creators Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky, Jason Anderson, & company ever credited? Anywhere from the opening or end credits? Maybe the Special Thanks part?

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Okay, I've got some questions that I've been thinking about ever since last night...

1. I heard that the "Shadow Government" is back, is that true?

2. Supposedly, Fallout 3 & 4's lore was retconned as well, if that's true. How so?

3. And most importantly,(at least for me)
Are The Original Creators Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky, Jason Anderson, & company ever credited? Anywhere from the opening or end credits? Maybe the Special Thanks part?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

Of course not, only Todd the Creator is mentioned.