Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

P.S. We've identified and fixed some issues with 0.65.
We suggest anyone playing to download and reinstall the game

What has been changed? Will I be able to use my save data to continue with these new fixes?

There should be a huge ladder on the north wall you can use to descend down. Maybe you didn’t see it because of the roof?

I checked again and found that the very tip of the ladder sticking out of the chasm is where you click to descend. This confusion was brought up by the examine text of the chasm, being: "You could descend but you aren't exactly sure how. Maybe with some additional support and a thick rope.", which prompted me to try using a rope everywhere on it first.
Does this bug occur in the upper left area of the worldmap?

Yes, that is correct.

I found a new bug. The location of Ouroboros was revealed to me, so I traveled there and took the truck, which I used to quickly explore some of the map. I parked it in Mesa Verde because it was out of fuel, but after that, every map of Mesa Verde now has the truck trunk stuck in it. It is still searchable.
visual bug A.png

And one more, when asking what the town was called when speaking with Major John Fleming, dialogue instantly ends.

And two more crashes, one in the Hoover Dam Army Barracks, and one in the Hoover Dam Lookout, both with similar messages. "The instruction at 004aa6ae referenced memory at 00a69104(Barracks)/00b89044(Lookout). The memory could not be read from."

Lastly, because Denom died when we were fending off the weedlings, I don't think the quests "Figure out what Denom did to the crops" and "Kill the weedlings" can be completed, which may block my reputation from becoming high enough to learn where Maxson Bunker is from Isaac. On that note, I have no idea where to even start looking for the computer's memory core and power supply.
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What has been changed? Will I be able to use my save data to continue with these new fixes?

We fixed the issue where hunger system was causing your health to drop even if it wasn’t enabled. Besides that we fixed the issue where Alexandra’s Talking Head would temporarily disappear.

Also, we added an ini setting to completely disable footsteps SFX. Some players are playing the game on older computers which can’t run that feature at all.

I doubt your save game will work because we had to change a file that holds all major variables. From what I recall that invalidates old save games. But you can just grab the hunger system fix by downloading and replacing this file in patch001.dat/scripts

I checked again and found that the very tip of the ladder sticking out of the chasm is where you click to descend. This confusion was brought up by the examine text of the chasm, being: "You could descend but you aren't exactly sure how. Maybe with some additional support and a thick rope.", which prompted me to try using a rope everywhere on it first.

Ah yes, I need to change that description because it applies to a different area. Sorry for the confusion.

Yes, that is correct.

I found a new bug. The location of Ouroboros was revealed to me, so I traveled there and took the truck, which I used to quickly explore some of the map. I parked it in Mesa Verde because it was out of fuel, but after that, every map of Mesa Verde now has the truck trunk stuck in it. It is still searchable.
View attachment 35678

Ouroboros is unfinished and something probably wasn’t initially correctly done with the truck’s setup. We will investigate

And one more, when asking what the town was called when speaking with Major John Fleming, dialogue instantly ends.

And two more crashes, one in the Hoover Dam Army Barracks, and one in the Hoover Dam Lookout, both with similar messages. "The instruction at 004aa6ae referenced memory at 00a69104(Barracks)/00b89044(Lookout). The memory could not be read from."

Unfortunately, unless we get very lucky and see the issue inside debug.log, we have no clue what causes these memory crashes. I hope that we haven’t pushed the engine to its limits!

Lastly, because Denom died when we were fending off the weedlings, I don't think the quests "Figure out what Denom did to the crops" and "Kill the weedlings" can be completed, which may block my reputation from becoming high enough to learn where Maxson Bunker is from Isaac. On that note, I have no idea where to even start looking for the computer's memory core and power supply.
You can find everything that you’re looking for in Hoover Dam and from there in Maxson Bunker. Isaac isn’t the only one who can reveal the Brotherhood’s location.
More thoughts on my experience with the current build...

There doesn't appear to be a way to change pages in the Status screen when you have more than 17 quests from one location.

Going to Boulder Dome and getting close to the train prompts your character to attempt to use it, however the message box told me it's biometrically locked to Dr. Presper and his associates. On top of that, I looked all around the "Gas Station" area at the Grand Canyon and didn't see a single person or exit grid to enter a new area. I did find out you can go out of bounds while inside the explorable trailer though. That was interesting.

I found two more of the escaped prisoners, Mallet and Ginger, and was wondering if there's a way to talk to them without it ending with both of them dead.

Is there a point to buying Trig's inventions or the broken Pip-Boy 2000? I bought them in my search for the computer parts because they were cheap and I still don't know where they might be.

How high is the Science check to break the security on Isaac's power armor? Also, after a single failure, the armor disappeared. Is this intentional?

I lost some progress and got a bit frustrated when I talked to a dog that I had no choice but to antagonize (no other dialogue option than to lock eyes with the dog and make barking noises at it) in Hoover Dam, which turned the entire settlement against me.

I found that Pierre is the one in Hoover Dam that can also tell you where the Brotherhood bunker is, but I haven't been able to get the information out of him yet - the schematics he wants for his quest are in Jericho, where I can't go.

Is there a way to help Private Costa desert the NCR without getting caught, and again, turning the entire settlement against you? Is there some kind of skill or attribute check at play here?

Despite persuading Private Rock to let me pass into the gym, he would not move. (I only figured out that was where the gym was because I saved, killed him, and then passed.)

It is currently impossible to guide the 3-Some caravan to Jericho since going near that area will crash the game. I knew that, but tried it anyway. (I tried anyway because I wanted to help Pablo, but I shouldn't have because since I failed, I can't try again) However, the other caravan to Blackfoot worked just fine, though I don't think it increased my standing with Ailis McLafferty as far as I can tell.

I searched Dogtown all over for Daniel or literally anyone else, but came out empty-handed. Same goes for the Blackfoots - besides the scorpions in the caves, nobody was there.

This is why I expressed that the walkthrough doesn't go as in-depth as I'd like; the steps can be very vague, especially where I am right now gathering up the escaped prisoners, and it doesn't make me very hopeful I can actually make it to Act II.
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Going to Boulder Dome and getting close to the train prompts your character to attempt to use it, however the message box told me it's biometrically locked to Dr. Presper and his associates.

Yes, that’s fine. You now have Presper’s location and can report that back to ODYSSEUS.

On top of that, I looked all around the "Gas Station" area at the Grand Canyon and didn't see a single person or exit grid to enter a new area.

You have to go north

I did find out you can go out of bounds while inside the explorable trailer though. That was interesting.

Sounds like a bug!

I haven't found any more of the escaped prisoners yet. It is to my understanding a few are found in random encounters, but I have come across none beside the previously mentioned Jean-Baptiste one as I was wandering around the periphery of Maxson Bunker.

Yes, the main quest in Van Buren is epic. It cannot be shortcircuited. You won’t see any speedruns of it out there.

Is there a point to buying Trig's inventions or the broken Pip-Boy 2000? I bought them in my search for the computer parts because they were cheap and I still don't know where they might be.

Trig’s laser pointer is useless unless you want to provoke someone from far away. Ultrasonic generator is a very powerful weapon against animals, especially canines.
Computer parts can be found in NCR Army Barracks, Tibbets Service and Vehicle Depot Area and Scaven Pickers Camp.

How high is the Science check to break the security on Isaac's power armor? Also, after a single failure, the armor disappeared. Is this intentional?

That check has a -99 penalty. But I find it strange how it disappeared because the only time that can happen is when you fix it and it creates a functional Power Armor suit at your character’s location. So you’re saying that there’s no PA lying on the floor in Isaac’s backroom?

I lost some progress and got a bit frustrated when I talked to a dog that I had no choice but to antagonize (no other dialogue option than to lock eyes with the dog and make barking noises at it) in Hoover Dam, which turned the entire settlement against me.

The dog code is taken straight from Fallout 2. Might be that they only did good/bad reactions. But I think if you ran away to some other location, everybody would stop fighting you. And it was a good chance to test the Ultrasonic Generator! :-D

I found that Pierre is the one in Hoover Dam that can also tell you where the Brotherhood bunker is, but I haven't been able to get the information out of him yet - the schematics he wants for his quest are in Jericho, where I can't go.

You can also hack his computer.

Is there a way to help Private Costa desert the NCR without getting caught, and again, turning the entire settlement against you? Is there some kind of skill or attribute check at play here?

Yes. Your Speech needs to be higher than 50 or your Charisma needs to be higher than 5

Despite persuading Private Rock to let me pass into the gym, he would not move. (I only figured out that was where the gym was because I saved, killed him, and then passed.)

Sounds like his random walk code got in the way. We’ll investigate

It is currently impossible to guide the 3-Some caravan to Jericho since going near that area will crash the game. I knew that, but tried it anyway. (I tried anyway because I wanted to help Pablo, but I shouldn't have because since I failed, I can't try again) However, the other caravan to Blackfoot worked just fine, though I don't think it increased my standing with Ailis McLafferty as far as I can tell.

That’s unfortunate. Jericho caravans worked for me during development. It only started crashing later but hopefully we will find the bug soon.
Caravan owners keep track of your caravan runs and will change their dialogue later on once they can trust you more.

I searched Dogtown all over for Daniel or literally anyone else, but came out empty-handed. Same goes for the Blackfoots - besides the scorpions in the caves, nobody was there.

Dogtown is a huge city and the Legion is hidden pretty well but you can reach them. I’ll post the guide to reach them later.
Who were you looking for in Blackfoot? Chagas? He should be in one of the houses in the first area.

This is why I expressed that the walkthrough doesn't go as in-depth as I'd like; the steps can be very vague, especially where I am right now gathering up the escaped prisoners, and it doesn't make me very hopeful I can actually make it to Act II.

We will improve the main story walkthrough for the next release.
Notes on Fallout Yesterday continued:

Why does using Repair on ODYSSEUS give you 1000 experience points, pop up dialogue faster than you can read it, then kill you?

I had a LOT of skill books I saved up over the ~20 hours I've been playing so far; I was saving them until I had leveled up enough to get the Comprehension perk to get the most out of them. While using them, I found that my health periodically was damaged by five points over time, every other skill book I used would trigger this. Why does standing in one spot for a long period of time damage you? It makes it so the "rest until healed" function no longer works.

Greater healing powder still applies a -1 Perception debuff despite claiming it does not in the item description.

The crater covers up a few of the corpses after you use the laser cannon to get rid of the Hounds Of Hecate. I can press shift to highlight and see there's items there, but there's no way to get to them.

I took the quest in Hoover Dam to get rid of the enemies in the Scum Pits, find building supplies for the hydroponic farm, and clean or cover up the toxic waste. When I received the key for where I need to go, I didn't remember seeing anywhere that matches the description of this catwalk/ladder. Where is it, exactly?

Speaking of Hoover Dam, I made the mistake of waltzing in while wearing power armor so I was immediately shot at on sight. Knowing this, I tried the same thing in NCR armor at the Brotherhood bunker. They reacted appropriately, too.
That check has a -99 penalty. But I find it strange how it disappeared because the only time that can happen is when you fix it and it creates a functional Power Armor suit at your character’s location. So you’re saying that there’s no PA lying on the floor in Isaac’s backroom?

I returned to Isaac to try and crack the security codes on it again. Yes - if you fail to crack the security, the armor does in fact disappear without a trace. However, after loading and trying about four more times with a Science skill of 132% (which also irradiates you for some reason), I got it. Understandably, Isaac wasn't too happy about it.

For some reason, the truck also disappeared.

That’s unfortunate. Jericho caravans worked for me during development. It only started crashing later but hopefully we will find the bug soon.
Caravan owners keep track of your caravan runs and will change their dialogue later on once they can trust you more.

I'll do some more runs for the Crimson Caravan then, and see if dialogue changes.

Dogtown is a huge city and the Legion is hidden pretty well but you can reach them. I’ll post the guide to reach them later.
Who were you looking for in Blackfoot? Chagas? He should be in one of the houses in the first area.

I think I may have just described another bug. I think the first time I went to Blackfoot, I saw the map that was populated, but every subsequent time I returned, it placed me at the empty settlement with all the tents and the tunnel. I can't get back to that first map I saw.

I just found Chagas in a random encounter, so I don't think I need to go back there anyway.

You can also hack his computer.

I guess I didn't realize it would take me multiple hack attempts to find the location, but I've got it now. It spits out this text that has nothing to do with anything though; the same thing happened when I was told the location of Ouroboros.

You have to go north

Thank you - the exit grid was a bit difficult to see, but I found it. There's a lot more to the Grand Canyon than I thought there would be, and left me with a lot more questions than answers.
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0.65 (the first release)
1. You get 2 dialog options when you try to return any prisoner's PipBoy:
a) connect PipBoy to the console; b) update the status of the prisoner's location.
After you choose any option this dialog closes and you get 1000 (first option) or
500 (second option) exp points. You can't initiate that dialog again (something like
first you connect PipBoy and then you update the status).
Both options also update the task status in your own PipBoy regarding that particular prisoner.

2. Got a single random encounter with floaters (after constant travelling for about 5 game years)
Got a message during the fight: "Floater critically missed and crippled his *left leg*".

3. There's a random encounter with *lost enclave patrol* or something like that.
These NPCs have some strange names like "Map Script".

4. There's no critter picture in the aim dialog for Desert Stalkers, Three-headed Rattlesnakes, Radleech and Giant Slugs (found in Tibbets).

5. I find additional ambient sounds (bird singing, howling wind) to be very repetitive and annoying. Literally.
Would be great if you will give us an option to turn it off or if you dramatically lower its repetition.
There's only a single place where howling wind has its place - Boulder Dome. Just my opinion.

6. That "action/battle" music played in some locations (Hoover Dam, Farm, Hecate's camp) is a bad choise for Fallout if you ask me. Had to replace Dam's music by some other file.

7. There's a *talk icon* when you try to select "Three-headed Rattlesnake" found in the Hecate's camp.
The same applies to some new critters found in the Cipher's camp.

8. Mesa Verde is a pretty cool level. Would be awesome if you extend it more. Some additional caves, ground areas
with extra critters.

9. Can't find a way to solve the "big crops" quest in Cipher's camp/Mesa Verde.
Investigating that barrel just gives a message: "Some glowing green mushrooms are growing around this barrel".
And there's nothing to do.

10. As I recall there's no exp reward for solving remove the Hecate's army quest (laser canon or straight fight, can't tell for an optional way with poison).

11. BlackJack disappears after talking to Alexandra and convincing her to leave this area.
Also BlackJack disappears after asking him to give out his PipBoy. And if you approach him together with Alexandra
he initiates a fight.
Something is messed up here.

12. There is an area in the storage cave/Mesa Verde which is not accessible. Check attached screenshot.

13. Got a message: "This ramshackle welded steel frame holds a 133hp..." during a dialog with a Hound's chief
and some NPC in Hoovers Dam. Dunno what it was.

14. There's an unaccessible desk located in the Police building (Hoovers Dam/Downtown).

15. Something is messed up with a hanged man near the beginning of the Fort Abandon map. Chech the screenshot.

16. Hunters sell some baby roaches for 0$ (random encounter). Check the screenshot.

17. Have no idead what are you talking about:
In Dogtown, you have to explore around a bit to find Daniel who was captured by the Legion. Same with the Grand Canyon, but you have an alternative of skipping that and going to Boulder Dome.
Dogtown is just empty (3 or 4 areas). B.D. is a single map with some robots and glowing ones.

Could you explain how to find Maxsons Bunker location? I seem cant get it from some guy.
Is it the same that located not too far from Tibbets and named BoS? Or is it different location?

And one more thing.
Delivered filtration schematics (from Jericho) to Otto and got a offer from him regarding weapon upgrades.
Got one upgrade for plasma pistol. And after returning to Otto he now refuses to provide his upgrade services because he's busy
and he asks for Hydroelectric Magnetosphere Regulator. What the heck is this thing and where is it located?
This is not funny, you know.


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Hey! Do you know where Otto is located? That ladder you're looking for is on that map. You just have to look south-east, bottom part of the map.

Notes on Fallout Yesterday continued:
I took the quest in Hoover Dam to get rid of the enemies in the Scum Pits, find building supplies for the hydroponic farm, and clean or cover up the toxic waste. When I received the key for where I need to go, I didn't remember seeing anywhere that matches the description of this catwalk/ladder. Where is it, exactly?
Hey! Do you know where Otto is located? That ladder you're looking for is on that map. You just have to look south-east, bottom part of the map.

Oh, thank you! Yes, I will check that area when I play again later today.

Could you explain how to find Maxsons Bunker location? I seem cant get it from some guy.
Is it the same that located not too far from Tibbets and named BoS? Or is it different location?

There are currently two methods as far as I can tell, one in Mesa Verde through Isaac in the first map of the village, but you probably have to be Idolized by doing most/all of the quests in the area, and the other in Hoover Dam through Pierre in the Mechanical Engineering building. If you have a high enough Science skill, you can just get the location from his computer, which is what I did.
Maxson's Bunker and BoS are the same location.

Delivered filtration schematics (from Jericho) to Otto and got a offer from him regarding weapon upgrades.

How did you get to Jericho? Far as I can tell, it's impossible to get there because of a bug that crashes your game around that area of the world map.
Oh, thank you! Yes, I will check that area when I play again later today.

There are currently two methods as far as I can tell, one in Mesa Verde through Isaac in the first map of the village, but you probably have to be Idolized by doing most/all of the quests in the area, and the other in Hoover Dam through Pierre in the Mechanical Engineering building. If you have a high enough Science skill, you can just get the location from his computer, which is what I did.
Maxson's Bunker and BoS are the same location.

How did you get to Jericho? Far as I can tell, it's impossible to get there because of a bug that crashes your game around that area of the world map.

Here are some screens for you just to simplify your search.
Be careful, though. That area (Skum Pitt) is pretty tough.
I was able to clean the place out (2 levels), but task status has not been updated for some reason. I suspect scripting errors.

Thank you for the information. I was wondering what Maxson Bunker is? I thought that it could be another map besides BoS.
Right now I have 3 empty slots for city names (on global map).

Yeah, well it's possible, but a bit time consuming. I used a little trick to get to Jericho and surrounded areas.
You just have to travel by a square one at a time and then save. Just enter the local map, save and continue your travel. It won't eliminate that bug though, but you'll be able to get to that place.


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Here are some screens for you just to simplify your search.
Be careful, though. That area (Skum Pitt) is pretty tough.
I was able to clean the place out (2 levels), but task status has not been updated for some reason. I suspect scripting errors.
You weren't kidding, those Radleeches gave me several game overs, especially with the (what I assume to be) instakill critical hits saying your internal organs were crushed. Do you know how to do the other tasks that the farmer gives you, covering the toxic goo, and finding building materials for the farms?

Right now I have 3 empty slots for city names (on global map).
If you want to know, all the current locations are: Blackfoot, Bloomfield, Boulder Dome, Brotherhood (Maxson Bunker), Circle Junction, The Crater, Dogtown, Fort Abandon, Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Jericho, Mesa Verde, The Nursery, Ouroboros, Reservation, and Tibbets.

Yeah, well it's possible, but a bit time consuming. I used a little trick to get to Jericho and surrounded areas.
You just have to travel by a square one at a time and then save. Just enter the local map, save and continue your travel. It won't eliminate that bug though, but you'll be able to get to that place.
I used your trick to get to Jericho, but I didn't see the schematic that Pierre/Otto want anywhere. It must have something to do with uncovering map squares, because I backtracked straight out of how I went in without any crashes.

It seems like you're as deep into this game as I am though. I really, really like this game, it's a shame the original Fallout 3 never officially saw the light of day outside all the leaks.

I'd like to know though, how many prisoners have you found?
You weren't kidding, those Radleeches gave me several game overs, especially with the (what I assume to be) instakill critical hits saying your internal organs were crushed. Do you know how to do the other tasks that the farmer gives you, covering the toxic goo, and finding building materials for the farms?

If you want to know, all the current locations are: Blackfoot, Bloomfield, Boulder Dome, Brotherhood (Maxson Bunker), Circle Junction, The Crater, Dogtown, Fort Abandon, Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Jericho, Mesa Verde, The Nursery, Ouroboros, Reservation, and Tibbets.

I used your trick to get to Jericho, but I didn't see the schematic that Pierre/Otto want anywhere. It must have something to do with uncovering map squares, because I backtracked straight out of how I went in without any crashes.

It seems like you're as deep into this game as I am though. I really, really like this game, it's a shame the original Fallout 3 never officially saw the light of day outside all the leaks.

I'd like to know though, how many prisoners have you found?


No, I have no idea how to solve this quest regarding the Skum Pitt's issue. I suppose it's not implemented yet.
I managed to fix that Cipher's computer and as I recall there is some information regarding water deintoxication or something like that.
Also I noticed something interesting in the craft menu - I'm talking about wood planks. Guess it could be used as a building material, but
I never managed to find wood planks required for this.

Jericho consists of 4 maps: train station, car mart, cathedral, water station or whatever it's called.
You need to visit the last map. There will be a stand-alone building near the area with pumps and other equipment.
Look inside it. There's a silver desk inside north-east room. The schematics are there. I've found them even without taking this quest. Seems like a permanently spawned item.
Funny thing, there's a strange back pack inside the cathedral (near the ladder which is broken). I wasn't able to grab it due to it's enormous weight.

Thanks for providing the list of locations!
It seems I completely forgot about the nursery and some other locations! However, there is one location missing from your list.
I won't spoil it. But let's just say it's called B****m S*****s (not very far from Ouroboros).
It's unfinished as far as I can tell, but you can visit it if you want.
You need to look around for a female NPC (custom model) inside/outside that big "Engineering" building near Otto's "office".
I'm not sure about the speech check, but if you talk to her there will be a dialog line regarding that map.
You can bring a shovel with you, but there's nothing useful in that grave.

I still have to find these prisoners: V. Presper, Sean Coleridge, Robert Briggs, Martin Pierce, Adam Davidson, Julian McKinley.
I've spotted Julian. She's in Reservation, but has nothing to say. And I can't find a PipBoy of hers. However, there's an option
to update her last known location. So I guess she's done for me.

Could you explain how to get inside the Nursery? Is it even possible?

Yeah, I like this mod too. But it's unfortunate it's still so incomplete and unfinished. Hope they will be able to get it done!


You were right about Daniel. Dogtown is amazingly huge, but unpopulated and empty at the moment.
Seems like I've found another bug. Right now I have all menu buttons populated with the location's name.
And there's no button for Tibbets :-)

1) Moletown is still unfinished and can not be entered twice. An exit grid in the cave leads to Tibbets.

2) There's a guy in advanced power armor (Bloomfield/second map). He has strange dialog and behavior. Check the screenshot.

3) Could you explain how some diseases work? I frequently get some events like: you feel like there's someone
watching you. Or even: you barely manage to keep your fears in check, but you are able to move into the darkness.
What the heck is this?

4) There's an inapproachable room in the Dogtown's prison. Check the screenshot. Also there's an item box which you cannot open.

5) I got a police car, but that garage still has some traces of this car (you can see a car's truck. Check the screenshot.
And it seems that buggy car from Bloomfield just vanished (I used it to get to Dogtown).

6) Welcome screen for Dogtown is messed up. Check the screenshot.

7) Craft menu - selecting the "Docking Clamp Chip" crashes the game.

8) First screenshot - Hospital in Tibbets, yet another out of bounds example.


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No, I have no idea how to solve this quest regarding the Skum Pitt's issue. I suppose it's not implemented yet.
I managed to fix that Cipher's computer and as I recall there is some information regarding water deintoxication or something like that.
Also I noticed something interesting in the craft menu - I'm talking about wood planks. Guess it could be used as a building material, but
I never managed to find wood planks required for this.
I have still never found the computer parts, despite being told the locations where they are. I looked all around, but didn't find any. Also, I don't remember how to find the Scaven-Pickers' camp. (last time I really got into this game was ~3 years ago, back then I found it)

Jericho consists of 4 maps: train station, car mart, cathedral, water station or whatever it's called.
You need to visit the last map. There will be a stand-alone building near the area with pumps and other equipment.
When I went there, I only saw one map, because I walked all around the four corners and didn't see any exit grids, but I will return and look again, now that I know there's supposed to be four maps.

It seems I completely forgot about the nursery and some other locations! However, there is one location missing from your list.
I won't spoil it. But let's just say it's called B****m S*****s (not very far from Ouroboros).
You don't have you worry about spoiling locations with me at least, I've been over the design documents. That means there's just a few locations missing until all are in the game, being Twin Mothers/Vault 29, Vault 70, and Hangdogs.

I still have to find these prisoners: V. Presper, Sean Coleridge, Robert Briggs, Martin Pierce, Adam Davidson, Julian McKinley.
I've spotted Julian. She's in Reservation, but has nothing to say. And I can't find a PipBoy of hers. However, there's an option
to update her last known location. So I guess she's done for me.
I'm about the same as far as prisoners go - missing Coleridge, Briggs, Pierce, and Davidson. You can find information on Presper's last known location at Boulder Dome. I just updated ODYSSEUS with Julian's last known location, but I tried stealing from her to try to get her Pip-Boy and it told me it required a skill of 168% to attempt it??
I'm only missing Pierce because despite killing him and looting his Pip-Boy, I was unable to turn in the information. It could be because I didn't talk to him before doing so.

Could you explain how to get inside the Nursery? Is it even possible?
I don't think it's possible at this time. Akeisha is just outside it and that might be the entire reason it's here at the moment.

You were right about Daniel. Dogtown is amazingly huge, but unpopulated and empty at the moment.
You found Daniel? I haven't yet, I have to comb the area again.

I'm also wondering if other quests in Hoover Dam Downtown can be completed, joining the Rangers by bringing them a Legion Vexillarius flag, and the bounty hunting job given by Bob at Hock It To Bob.

Also, I'm having one of the same problems I had all those years ago from when I played the 0.3/0.4 version of FO: Yesterday; I'm doing the Brotherhood questline again and found who poisoned the commander, but there's no option to confront him in dialogue.
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I have still never found the computer parts, despite being told the locations where they are. I looked all around, but didn't find any. Also, I don't remember how to find the Scaven-Pickers' camp. (last time I really got into this game was ~3 years ago, back then I found it)
Here's some info on computer parts for you:
Hoover Dam - underground barracks. There's a locked room with a female guard inside. This room is very close to the map
entrance which leads to the South Gate (also there are yellow defense beams near this room).
It's highly questionable source for this item, because the guard tends to leave this room (when unlocked). And if she spots you inside or _even outside_ this room she will trigger an alarm and everyone turns hostile.

Tibbets - I don't know the exact location, but I guess they stored somewhere on the lower levels accessible by that broken
elevator (path to ODYSSEUS).

Scaven-Pickers - you just have to randomly travel around the Reservation, like 3-5 squares all around it.
There's a NPC who sells it for some money. Probably the easiest way.

When I went there, I only saw one map, because I walked all around the four corners and didn't see any exit grids, but I will return and look again, now that I know there's supposed to be four maps.
Yeah, this is a common thing for the current development stage, I guess. They make exit grids so damn small. Unfinished level design I guess.
As for Jericho you just have to go straight west and a bit south every time you found youself on a new map. Pretty straightforward.

You don't have you worry about spoiling locations with me at least, I've been over the design documents. That means there's just a few locations missing until all are in the game, being Twin Mothers/Vault 29, Vault 70, and Hangdogs.
Wow! This is something new for me! To be honest, I know nothing about the development history of this game.
I guess these locations are still under development and unavailable in this version.
But I really meant another location - B. Springs!

I'm about the same as far as prisoners go - missing Coleridge, Briggs, Pierce, and Davidson. You can find information on Presper's last known location at Boulder Dome. I just updated ODYSSEUS with Julian's last known location, but I tried stealing from her to try to get her Pip-Boy and it told me it required a skill of 168% to attempt it??
I'm only missing Pierce because despite killing him and looting his Pip-Boy, I was unable to turn in the information. It could be because I didn't talk to him before doing so.

Thank you for the hint regarding Presper's location! Appreciate it!
In version 0.60 I wasn't able to leave G. Canyon where Martin hangs out. Dunno about version 0.65.

I don't think it's possible at this time. Akeisha is just outside it and that might be the entire reason it's here at the moment.
I see. Thanks for confirming this! Since I met her during my travel there's nothing and no one to be found on that little area.

You found Daniel? I haven't yet, I have to comb the area again.
Well, I missed some crucial exit grid, just like you :-) It turns out that Dogtown is quite a big place.
There's even a police car which you can take.
If you want a hint - just go south and turn west when you reach that big "Black Club" pedestal or whatever this thing is called.

I'm also wondering if other quests in Hoover Dam Downtown can be completed, joining the Rangers by bringing them a Legion Vexillarius flag, and the bounty hunting job given by Bob at Hock It To Bob.

Also, I'm having one of the same problems I had all those years ago from when I played the 0.3/0.4 version of FO: Yesterday; I'm doing the Brotherhood questline again and found who poisoned the commander, but there's no option to confront him in dialogue.
If you ask me I think probably >95% of the current quests are broken. This completely spoils a game for me. There's so much to be done.
Here's some info on computer parts for you:
Thank you! I went with the Scaven-Pickers camp, which took me like six in-game months to find running circles around the Reservation, when I should have gone with the one in the vehicle depot/lower levels of Tibbets, that one is in a locker as soon as you get off the elevator!

As for Jericho you just have to go straight west and a bit south every time you found youself on a new map. Pretty straightforward.
As soon as I knew where to look, I found it fairly easy. A note though, the description of the schematic says that they're for upgrading and maintaining the Hydroelectric Magnetosphere Regulator. It's not another, different item you need to find for him.

But I really meant another location - B. Springs!
I know, I was saying now that I know Burham Springs is in the game, that left those three locations I mentioned remaining to implement. And I was talking about the original Fallout 3 that was cancelled in 2003, which this game is based on, the design documents for the game were leaked a long time ago and you can read them if you want.

In version 0.60 I wasn't able to leave G. Canyon where Martin hangs out. Dunno about version 0.65.
I didn't play 0.60, but in this version you can get in and out of that area no problem now, there is the usual green exit grid to the southwest now, then you go into a cave, up a ladder, and backtrack the rest of the way.

Well, I missed some crucial exit grid, just like you :-) It turns out that Dogtown is quite a big place.
There's even a police car which you can take.
If you want a hint - just go south and turn west when you reach that big "Black Club" pedestal or whatever this thing is called.
I found him today, I just had to look a bit harder, I didn't think to look past where the road textures end. I didn't find the police car though. There is *a* police car at the police station, but it's not the same as the one you can drive.

If you ask me I think probably >95% of the current quests are broken. This completely spoils a game for me. There's so much to be done.
Despite that, the game is able to be completed; read the following if you dare!
I believe you can sequence break the game currently and possibly skip finding the escaped prisoners if you are able to get into the top left unlabeled elevator, repair its wiring, and take it down to the Service Vehicle Depot. There is a tough section called the Defense Tunnels with a behemoth robot and a pacification robot that are both armed with miniguns that can get lucky crits that will one shot you (talking 300-600 damage!), but once you get past that, be prepared for a surprise. After this, you can continue the game without worrying about the prisoners anymore.

Also, that weird "take 5 damage when 6-12 hours pass for seemingly no reason" thing will kill you if you do something that takes longer than your max health can stand, like, it's impossible to get attribute upgrades from the Brotherhood doctor now because that process takes six weeks, for example, and some of the high tier Mr. Fixit projects can take like 300+ hours. I'm pretty sure that's what was killing me when I used repair on ODYSSEUS in the courtroom, too.
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Hi! I will try to catchup with all the new posts soon.
Here is a list of quests which should be currently completable.

Tibbets Quests

- Meet ODYSSEUS and attend your trial
- Reach the entrance to the Vault
- Search the red brick building for loot
- Exit Tibbets
- Restore life support systems
- Repair the generator
- Fix the floating eye bot
- Locate the rare .50 Magnum Revolver
- Look into the disturbance in Service Level East
- Provide an update on ODYSSEUS' status regarding the 13 unaccounted-for prisoners
- Prisoner 31: Victor Presper
- Prisoner 32: Sean Coleridge
- Prisoner 33: "Border" Briggs
- Prisoner 34: Martin Pierce
- Prisoner 35: Adam Davidson
- Prisoner 634: Jean-Baptiste Cutting
- Prisoner 9833: Jillian McKinley
- Prisoner 7630: Chagas
- Prisoner 212: Blackjack
- Prisoner 97209: Daniel
- Prisoner 31470: Mallet McBride
- Prisoner 112: Ginger Flowers
- Prisoner 404: Akeisha Moon

Fort Abandon Quests

- Get rid of Caesar's Legion

Mesa Verde Quests

- Deal with the Hounds of Hecate
- Acquire the Ciphers' enriched uranium
- Sabotage the wind turbine for the Hounds of Hecate
- Repair the computer so the all the Ciphers can access the old knowledge
- Cure Radian
- Figure out what Denom did to the crops
- Get more food to the Ciphers
- Restore the crop fields with the Miracle Wheat
- Resolve the Alexandra-Blackjack situation
- Kill the weedlings
- Build an alarm for Trig

Brotherhood of Steel Quests

- Administer treatment to the Commander
- Identify the poisoner
- Locate Devon's contacts
- Search for the Circle of Steel
- Undertake Operation Peacemaker: Bring an end to the Brotherhood-NCR war
- Fix the malfunctioning forklift on Level 1
- Repair the damaged vent on Level 1
- Restore functionality to the faulty computer on Level 2
- Fix the malfunctioning memory banks on Level 2
- Repair the water chip on Level 2
- Establish a trade route with one of Hoover Dam's caravans
- Retrieve the lost armory codes

Hoover Dam Quests

- Secure a meeting with Governor Dodge
- Successfully negotiate peace between the NCR and the Brotherhood
- Ensure City Council members attend City Hall meetings
- Join forces with the 3-Some Caravan Company
- Spy successfully on the Crimson Caravan for the 3-Some Caravan Company
- Infiltrate the Crimson Caravan as a spy for the 3-Some Caravan Company
- Successfully frame the 3-Some Caravan Company
- Extort money successfully from Ailis
- Expose the Crimson Caravan's activities
- Provide filtration schematics to engineers
- Increase school attendance
- Teach a survival class
- Eliminate hostile mutants in the Scum Pits
- Discover the lost Sub-Level-1-Classified
- Discover the pre-war history of Hoover Dam and S1C
- Share Hoover Dam's pre-war history with Candice
- Help Beatrice in a bar fight
- Eradicate hostile mutants in S1C
- Adjust the calibration of the two functioning generators
- Help Pablo with his supply issue
- Fix Dr. Yuri's Auto-Doc
- Help Dr. Yuri restock his medical supplies
- Meet with "C." at the old trains station after midnight
- Inform the Quartermaster about her shipment's arrival

Bloomfield Space Center Quests

- Enhance the Sub-Reactor's efficiency to a range of 60% to 85%
- Fly to B.O.M.B.-001 and confront Presper
- Enter valid Mission Control computer Access Codes
- Input Hermes-13's flight data
- Fix Hermes-13's engine fault
- Acquire rocket fuel for Hermes-13
- Input authentic Mission Control Launch Codes
- Repair Docking Clamp Control
Notes on Fallout Yesterday continued:

Why does using Repair on ODYSSEUS give you 1000 experience points, pop up dialogue faster than you can read it, then kill you?

Sounds like you've encountered the hunger system bug. The time advanced by a month and you died because of hunger.
I'm attaching the fix. Just unpack it into patch001.dat/scripts

I had a LOT of skill books I saved up over the ~20 hours I've been playing so far; I was saving them until I had leveled up enough to get the Comprehension perk to get the most out of them. While using them, I found that my health periodically was damaged by five points over time, every other skill book I used would trigger this. Why does standing in one spot for a long period of time damage you? It makes it so the "rest until healed" function no longer works.

Same issue as the previous one.

Greater healing powder still applies a -1 Perception debuff despite claiming it does not in the item description.

Good catch. We will check.

The crater covers up a few of the corpses after you use the laser cannon to get rid of the Hounds Of Hecate. I can press shift to highlight and see there's items there, but there's no way to get to them.
View attachment 35682

Quite annoying. We will fix that.

I took the quest in Hoover Dam to get rid of the enemies in the Scum Pits, find building supplies for the hydroponic farm, and clean or cover up the toxic waste. When I received the key for where I need to go, I didn't remember seeing anywhere that matches the description of this catwalk/ladder. Where is it, exactly?

It's at the south end of Downtown Engineering location. A little bit difficult to find, but that was intentional.

Speaking of Hoover Dam, I made the mistake of waltzing in while wearing power armor so I was immediately shot at on sight. Knowing this, I tried the same thing in NCR armor at the Brotherhood bunker. They reacted appropriately, too.

Oh yeah, they're trigger happy as long as the war is on. Once you end the war, they'll stop shooting at anyone resembling the other side.

I returned to Isaac to try and crack the security codes on it again. Yes - if you fail to crack the security, the armor does in fact disappear without a trace. However, after loading and trying about four more times with a Science skill of 132% (which also irradiates you for some reason), I got it. Understandably, Isaac wasn't too happy about it.

For some reason, the truck also disappeared.

I'll do some more runs for the Crimson Caravan then, and see if dialogue changes.

I think I may have just described another bug. I think the first time I went to Blackfoot, I saw the map that was populated, but every subsequent time I returned, it placed me at the empty settlement with all the tents and the tunnel. I can't get back to that first map I saw.

I just found Chagas in a random encounter, so I don't think I need to go back there anyway.

I guess I didn't realize it would take me multiple hack attempts to find the location, but I've got it now. It spits out this text that has nothing to do with anything though; the same thing happened when I was told the location of Ouroboros.
View attachment 35684

Whoops, that's not what it's supposed to say. The last string "Brotherhood of Steel" reveals the name of the location that it reveals on the world map.

Thank you - the exit grid was a bit difficult to see, but I found it. There's a lot more to the Grand Canyon than I thought there would be, and left me with a lot more questions than answers.

The Grand Canyon is 95% unfinished. It will all make more sense once it becomes what it should be.

2. Got a single random encounter with floaters (after constant travelling for about 5 game years)
Got a message during the fight: "Floater critically missed and crippled his *left leg*".

We had to reshuffle some of the hardcoded, limited kill types because we added many new creatures. It's a text error that will be fixed.

3. There's a random encounter with *lost enclave patrol* or something like that.
These NPCs have some strange names like "Map Script".

I was hoping issues this bug was causing the dreaded worldmap crash but it's just a text error.

4. There's no critter picture in the aim dialog for Desert Stalkers, Three-headed Rattlesnakes, Radleech and Giant Slugs (found in Tibbets).

Yes, we are aware. Unfortunately these were originally built back in the day and the author forgot to create targeting images. But we will sort it out eventually.

5. I find additional ambient sounds (bird singing, howling wind) to be very repetitive and annoying. Literally.
Would be great if you will give us an option to turn it off or if you dramatically lower its repetition.
There's only a single place where howling wind has its place - Boulder Dome. Just my opinion.

Well, after being used to 25+ years of playing without those sounds, of course it's going to sound a little strange in the start. But why don't you just lower the volume if you don't like them? The original game, except for the legendary music, had very poor sound design. It was literally up to 5 random SFX playing on every map. If you switch off the music in the original game, the game basically has no sounds. The new sounds along with footsteps add a missing immersion layer that wasn't there before. Saying that, nothing stops us from adding more variety to the ambient soundtrack in the future. To summarize, the sounds are staying but we will try to add more variety to them.

6. That "action/battle" music played in some locations (Hoover Dam, Farm, Hecate's camp) is a bad choise for Fallout if you ask me. Had to replace Dam's music by some other file.

We like those songs and think they are fitting. Which action music in Hoover Dam?

7. There's a *talk icon* when you try to select "Three-headed Rattlesnake" found in the Hecate's camp.
The same applies to some new critters found in the Cipher's camp.

What about it? Every monster has a talk icon.

8. Mesa Verde is a pretty cool level. Would be awesome if you extend it more. Some additional caves, ground areas
with extra critters.

Thank you. It's as big as the original design planned for. There will be other similar, much bigger locations in the game later on such as the Grand Canyon.

9. Can't find a way to solve the "big crops" quest in Cipher's camp/Mesa Verde.
Investigating that barrel just gives a message: "Some glowing green mushrooms are growing around this barrel".
And there's nothing to do.

You need to use the Geiger counter on it.

10. As I recall there's no exp reward for solving remove the Hecate's army quest (laser canon or straight fight, can't tell for an optional way with poison).

Try talking to Azkee after you get rid of them.

11. BlackJack disappears after talking to Alexandra and convincing her to leave this area.
Also BlackJack disappears after asking him to give out his PipBoy. And if you approach him together with Alexandra
he initiates a fight.
Something is messed up here.

That's supposed to happen. Blackjack will be later found in Hoover Dam but that's not implemented yet.

12. There is an area in the storage cave/Mesa Verde which is not accessible. Check attached screenshot.

We will fix that.

13. Got a message: "This ramshackle welded steel frame holds a 133hp..." during a dialog with a Hound's chief
and some NPC in Hoovers Dam. Dunno what it was.

A bug with the text. We will fix it.

14. There's an unaccessible desk located in the Police building (Hoovers Dam/Downtown).

15. Something is messed up with a hanged man near the beginning of the Fort Abandon map. Chech the screenshot.

16. Hunters sell some baby roaches for 0$ (random encounter). Check the screenshot.

17. Have no idead what are you talking about:
In Dogtown, you have to explore around a bit to find Daniel who was captured by the Legion. Same with the Grand Canyon, but you have an alternative of skipping that and going to Boulder Dome.
Dogtown is just empty (3 or 4 areas). B.D. is a single map with some robots and glowing ones.

See the PDF walkthrough in the main folder. Dogtown is not a finished location.

Could you explain how to find Maxsons Bunker location? I seem cant get it from some guy.
Is it the same that located not too far from Tibbets and named BoS? Or is it different location?

Yes, Maxson Bunker is just another name for the Brotherhood of Steel headquarters. Same as the Lost Hills bunker is another name for the BoS bunker in Fallout 1.

And one more thing.
Delivered filtration schematics (from Jericho) to Otto and got a offer from him regarding weapon upgrades.
Got one upgrade for plasma pistol. And after returning to Otto he now refuses to provide his upgrade services because he's busy
and he asks for Hydroelectric Magnetosphere Regulator. What the heck is this thing and where is it located?
This is not funny, you know.
Otto is not fully finished yet. At some point, he can become a companion.


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Here are some screens for you just to simplify your search.
Be careful, though. That area (Skum Pitt) is pretty tough.
I was able to clean the place out (2 levels), but task status has not been updated for some reason. I suspect scripting errors.

That quest is tied to Dogtown which is unfinished. So you can't complete it at the moment.

Thank you for the information. I was wondering what Maxson Bunker is? I thought that it could be another map besides BoS.
Right now I have 3 empty slots for city names (on global map).

There will be more. The game has over 20 locations.

Yeah, well it's possible, but a bit time consuming. I used a little trick to get to Jericho and surrounded areas.
You just have to travel by a square one at a time and then save. Just enter the local map, save and continue your travel. It won't eliminate that bug though, but you'll be able to get to that place.

This is quite a nasty bug which we will prioritize fixing. Unfortunately, we don't know if it has been there since forever or only appeared in 0.6

Also I noticed something interesting in the craft menu - I'm talking about wood planks. Guess it could be used as a building material, but
I never managed to find wood planks required for this.

The wood planks for now only have a use in a special encounter but there will be more use for them later on.
Could you explain how to get inside the Nursery? Is it even possible?

It's not possible to get inside at the moment. We will work on that soon.
Yeah, I like this mod too. But it's unfortunate it's still so incomplete and unfinished. Hope they will be able to get it done!
Absolutely! The team is highly motivated :dance:

3) Could you explain how some diseases work? I frequently get some events like: you feel like there's someone
watching you. Or even: you barely manage to keep your fears in check, but you are able to move into the darkness.
What the heck is this?

Sounds to me like you've developed a phobia related to excessive brainwashing inside Tibbets O.o
7) Craft menu - selecting the "Docking Clamp Chip" crashes the game.

Hm, when did that break? It's a big issue because that means you can't acquire an endgame item without cheating. We'll have to fix that one soon.

I'm only missing Pierce because despite killing him and looting his Pip-Boy, I was unable to turn in the information. It could be because I didn't talk to him before doing so.

You should be able to hand in his Pip-Boy without talking to him first. We will investigate. But even if you killed him, if you investigate Presper's train in Boulder Dome that should be good enough.

Also, I'm having one of the same problems I had all those years ago from when I played the 0.3/0.4 version of FO: Yesterday; I'm doing the Brotherhood questline again and found who poisoned the commander, but there's no option to confront him in dialogue.

You can definitively confront him but you have to prove first that he is the poisoner by running analysis on the suspicious stimpak as well as see the security footage video. Also the quest needs to be accepted as well. And then you can confront him.
Yeah, this is a common thing for the current development stage, I guess. They make exit grids so damn small. Unfinished level design I guess.

Yes, you are right. Those tiny exit grids were just placed there for showcase purposes.

In version 0.60 I wasn't able to leave G. Canyon where Martin hangs out. Dunno about version 0.65.

That has been fixed in 0.65.

If you ask me I think probably >95% of the current quests are broken. This completely spoils a game for me. There's so much to be done.

95% of quests are definitively not broken, that's an exaggeration. There are already players who have finished the game at around level 16. You might be thinking of some way to solve quests which is not implemented yet.

It's a big game, we will get there.
Thank you for your feedback.
Thank you for all the latest information!

You can definitively confront him but you have to prove first that he is the poisoner by running analysis on the suspicious stimpak as well as see the security footage video. Also the quest needs to be accepted as well. And then you can confront him.
I had forgotten about checking security footage for the Brotherhood traitor questline, it's been a long time since I last did this. However, it may be impossible to complete now, Tibbets is kinda, uh, gone, and I remember you take Devon's head to a doctor there to analyze for the location of the Circle Of Steel hideout.

Why do Alexandra and Mark only have 50 max HP? This makes it incredibly easy for them to die during combat encounters compared to the Hanged Man, who has 139, and has made it with me through the entire game so far. (I know in the future it will be possible for companions to level and thus increase their max HP.) Something I wanted to mention about Alexandra though, it was very refreshing to have a voiced talking head finally! Very much looking forward to more of those. (Would love to hear the AI Joshua Graham voice for the Hanged Man lol)

The NCR troopers guarding the debris on The Rim don't react to the PC wearing power armor while the war is still ongoing.

Per your completable quest list, I had no idea the resolution of the NCR-Brotherhood war was possible. I haven't been able to secure a meeting with Governor Dodge, but I have done three caravan runs for Ailis McLafferty, who has let me in on her psycho plan to take over leadership of Hoover Dam, can I use her to broker peace between the two factions or, once you accept her plan, are you stuck on that path. (I saved before speaking with her so I loaded once I learned her plan.)
On that note, it doesn't seem like there's a nonviolent way to confront Ailis about her dealings with Devon.

Also, if you decline helping her, she tells you you have 24 hours to get out of town, but after dialogue ends, combat with the Crimson Caravan will be initiated immediately, same goes for if you tell her you will report her to the authorities. After winning the combat encounter, (which one police officer joined and I killed), the NCR troopers at the military HQ shot me on sight, so I assume you can't just defend yourself from Ailis and her cohorts and get away with it.

I tried to turn in the "Eliminate hostile mutants in the Scum Pits" quest to Farmer Dave, because I killed all the critters in both there and S-1-C, but there was no option to do so.

Isaac will not tell you the Brotherhood armory codes because he does not want to help the Brotherhood. He says that's his final word on the matter, but does this have to do with the settlement's reputation system, too?

This is a weird one, after applying your hunger system bugfix and getting the Strength enhancement surgery, the year went from 2259 to 2272.

The Hanged Man has disappeared. I told him to wait outside Mesa Verde as usual while I went to learn the Ciphers' schematics they carved into the walls, but I didn't know that would pass time. I guess if followers wait in one spot too long they disappear forever? I'm suffering from a Jet addiction that can't be cured, so I was using his inventory to help with the loss of Strength points... bye-bye, .223 minigun, gauss rifle, technical manual, and chemistry journals.

Speaking of followers, Beatrice immediately broke after recruiting her. She would participate in combat encounters, but could not be spoken to, and would not move outside combat, either. And, after bringing Mark to Bloomfield, he mysteriously disappeared and the Rusty Hooks all turned hostile.

The power armor disappearing bug also applies to the suit in the Brotherhood armory.

I am getting fruit with the message "Your tree bore a piece of fruit." as if I had the Bonsai perk, but I never took it.

Oh, one more thing, how do you find the guy with the space suit and the truck capable of transporting your rocket fuel? The walkthrough just says to explore the wasteland so I assume it's a random encounter, but is there a reliable way to find him?
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