Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

Here are the answers:

I played a little more with your fix:

If you'd like, I can record a combat encounter with them. I have a save on the spacewalk just before getting into a fight with them. To reiterate; when they're low health, all shots miss, even aimed ones, and you can click all over them to attack them but only a few pixels seem to register the attack, which again, misses.

Can you send us your save game?

Thank you. I was able to close four of them, but is there any indicator which silo is which?

No, they’ve been randomised by Presper to make any sabotage plans not as effective as they could be.

I loaded my save at Bloomfield just before going to BOMB-001 to try it again today. The combat encounter with Presper and his followers is difficult, I'm inclined to say *too* difficult. I had the game set to Easy and the combat difficulty set to Wimpy, Hardened Power Armor, and I used an After Burner Gum and a Psycho on both myself and Alexandra. Three of them use gauss weaponry so they make quick work of my companion and soon after, myself, despite all my heals on my person. I can't tank all the damage from them and they get two turns in a row with their Sequence on the first turn.

We know that fight is hard but because FY is a huge game, the player will be of much higher level when he gets there so it has to be more challenging than normal.

Yes, I know I don't have to fight them, but it would be satisfying to rid the world of them all.

It would make sense if you would be able to see the endgame slides.

Also, I found it amusing Martin is looking fine and dandy for a former corpse.

You killed him? Those that get killed earlier won’t show up in the endgame but that wasn’t implemented yet.

It had been a very long time since I last played a total conversion, so only very late into my playthrough I remembered about the ctrl+numpad speedups through sfall. However, even at normal speed, the end slides still fly by too fast, and I have no idea why.
The explanation for 12 years passing after a surgery may have something to do with how sfall is configured to handle what happens when the 13-year time limit is reached. (But this doesn't explain why so much time passes in the first place.) I found that setting when I was scrolling through the ini in my initial setup to configure my game resolution.
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For Hoover Dam's manure surplus, I assume about 15 minutes pass by for each attempt on opening the safe, which caused every NPC to move one hex and triggers the brahmin to do *that*. I was holding down the shortcut key to attempt repeatedly so that happened over and over again, so every time the brahmin would walk one hex they would leave another mess.

Something very odd is happening with your game’s internal clock. Possibly the Speedkey broke something for good. Or it could be the 13 years limit fix. Your save game might help us figure it out.

One last thought about BOMB-001, I was hoping the quest "Convince Coleridge that Presper deceived them" would be in the game so it'd be like the ending of Fallout 2 where you can convince that Enclave squad to fight with you against Frank Horrigan.

We ran out of time to implement that but yes, you will be able to talk to everyone, not just Presper, in the future.

I may wait until the next release to play this again; most things can only be done one specific way and that one way I have screwed up unknowingly. For example, I don't think I had gathered all prisoner information (Pierce, Coleridge, and Briggs were not crossed out in the Status screen), but after clearing the Defense Tunnels and speaking to ODYSSEUS, I was shocked to find out Tibbets was self-destructing, which meant that locating the Circle Of Steel hideout was now impossible.

Yes, I suggest waiting for the next release. We won’t rush that one as there’s a good chance it will be a big one.

I know that the events at the end of Act 1 in Tibbets are shocking but BIS always knew how to make the middle of their story go down as memorable. You’ll have alternative ways of finding CoS in Boulder Dome but that’s not done yet.
Here's my save game, as requested. Hope it helps you learn something.

I discovered the reason why the endgame slides were passing by quickly.
We haven't yet recorded any narration for them and one setting we changed in ddraw.ini caused them to move fast because of that.

The fix is to edit ddraw.ini and change AllowDShowSound from 1 to 0.
Then they will load correctly.
Once you're done, make sure to restore the setting to 1 or many music tracks won't play anymore.

P.S. One or two slides may still go by fast but that is because they overlap with some Fallout 2 filenames.
We will fix that when we record the narration.
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as for the game speedup i'd advise to re-check your sfall settings.. there are two ways of speeding up time via sfall currently.
the first one is by numpad + a key combo and the second is the base game speed % sfall setting..
if you go with the latter and beyond 100% the numpad-0 option wil default to whatever percentage you've set in default speed% in sfall..

settting either too high causes the ending slides to go speed of light, so that's definetly what you must have been messing with..


as for BoS operations I'd check the amount of "ticks" that are set to pass in the scripts. I'd assume a so called "czech error" so you may possibly set a value an order of magnitude or more, bigger than intended.. I forgot to mention this but this bug is a long standing one i had this ever since the BoS base was accessible, and i generally don't use any speedups..

also on a side note some spoonfeeding please?

I have both ledgers Crimson Caravan leader's one and Devon's one, so what do i do to nail Ailis?
I've read somewhere i should find some mayor Jack, but i can't find him.. governor Dodge seemes unaccessibel either.. i show stolen ranger pin to the assistant, she says she'll let me in and nuffin happens..

also I'm trying to wok for 3some caravan, i took the job to get to Jericho, I traveled there, however i decided to go fetch the filtration schematics before going back with the caravan, and when i came back the caravan master said i'm on my own now.. so i returned to 3some caravan, and they sent me on another run but they haven't disclosed where exactly, so i was out on the worldmap without having a blind idea where to go...
Nvm.. the caravans do only work one way, and One needs to travel back alone. did 3 runs and 3some boss told me I'm part of the family now and i get paid 100% instead of 50%.. so what exactly needs to happen so that I'd get the spy on Crimson caravan quest? this runing back and forth to Jericho is a bit tiersome, especially that this will be fourth time.. how many more runs do i need to undertake for them to trustme enaugh?

but yeah, freaking finally... the BoS's Power Armor unit's password can be cracked now.. this wasn't the case in previous releases.. Mark Sure did welcome at least some protection.. as currently he suffers from the 'ol weaksauce cassidy on first level, a bug that occours when party member before joining wears armor on first time map entering to where the "to be" party member resides.

the bug is like this: after joining party all Mark's damage resistances and thresholds are 0/0% with the default armor on. when he de-equips te armor, he still says 0/0% on everything, but he actually gains negative stats, and since his armor is moderately good one, his negative stats are big..

all in all when wearing standard t-51b power armor he has 8/20% damage resistances to normal damage that's -4/-20% from the bug in case of the Tesla Armor plus 12/40% from Power Armor ergo he has 8/20% for normal DT/DR%

not to mention since it's Tesla he'll never have any decent laser and plasma and electrical resistances
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How much would it cost to develop an entirely new tileset for Tibbets including all necessary assets?

It's the first area you visit and it would be great if it had it's own unique look instead of re-using old assets.
made some progress but i guess now i'm stuck

So after four runs, 3some caravan leader wants me to spy on the crimson caravan, he devised a planthat vinnie should attack me at one point, and i'm sepose to talk details with vinnie, however vinnie tells me same old shit he doesn't even acknowledged i got a raise from that 1500$ which was seposedly 50% income.. leader said i get paid full 100% from now on and vinnie still sends me on caravans for 1500$, to make things worse 3some caravan leader somehow wants me dead because he says i killed vinnie, despite vinnie standing right next to him, i sepose this is some bug due to gym fighting, since i was seposedly fighting vinnie in the ring, and killed him like i did milko mallet and that other guy, yet all are alive, but only 3 some caravan boss has something to say about it