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  • T
    I'm so shocked that the industry known for crunch had crunch and people act shocked.
    @TorontoReign Tbh, I'm not that surprised that 76 was made on crunch (should have added the "/s").

    What I'm kinda surprised is that Todd relied on crunch despite not wanting his employees to go through what Bethesda went through in Morrowind's dev cycle.

    But hey, Todd is a liar so it's a nice wake up slap to Todd fanboys claiming he's a saint.
    Not just Todd. All of those people are liars. Including all of the favorites. They owe you no truth.
    I forgot what games are coming out this year that are worth a damn.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Don't know about that, but from what I've seen their is a lot of focus on choices and consequences in the world depending on how you do things and who you help out. The parkour/melee gameplay looks like it's been improved on as well.
    Avellone's stuff was removed (said so on Twitter), he's not credited. I'll wait for sale before getting it. Anyway, there's also Colony Ship (comes out of EA), Urban Strife (EA start) and hopefully Space Wreck. I'm expecting Stalker 2 to be shit (NFTs), but hopefully I'm wrong.
    Pokemon Legends Arceus
    E3 2021... Pretty dull overall. It feels like Square and Capcom did minimal effort so that they could get the Participation Trophy.
    At least Square had SOME new stuff to show, Capcom literally had nothing and then spoiled a twist on a mystery game.
    Judgment sequel confirmed! Global release on September 24! Looks like I have another game to look forward to.
    Sucks that the only way to play Judgement on PC is through Stadia.
    I'm hoping that Stadia paid for timed exclusivity so that it will appear on Steam like the rest of the Yakuza series.
    Tried to play Oblivion. Modded it & then ran into a bug that crashed my game every time I closed the menu. This is why I stick to Morrowind.
    @Norzan Oblivion had stealth archery too, @TheGM got it right. It was the first Bethesda game that properly implemented it.

    @R.Graves Have you played unmodded Oblivion? It's janky asf lmao. I'll probably get back to it when I am very bored again.
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    Reactions: TheGM
    The game was working for a while. Then the crashing started and the intervals between them got shorter and shorter until it corrupted my newer saves despite the mods I installed to patch and fix the game.

    @Alphons It's probably why I considered playing Oblivion. It has not turned into Skyrim so it has its nostalgic charms. Said charm goes away fast though...
    I know it has stealth archery, i was just referencing the meme that only stealth archery works in Skyrim.
    Playing P4G. Liking the extra stuff.
    P4G is a good game. Much better than shitty emo Persona 3.
    819 hours? The BoS must have plenty of time for an expedition.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Well don't forget matters such as supplies and the various threats a BOS expedition could face along the journey (not just raiders, who knows what else has arisen since the War) and of course various radiation hot spots they would have to go around.
    So apparently Bethesda did not allow Mick Gordon to mix the soundtrack of the latest Doom game. Bethesda's gotta Bethesda it up.
    Won Underrail yesterday with my own custom-made build (which was shite). Now using a recommended Psi-build and the difference is staggering.
    Deleted member 98605
    I hate PSI. I got far as a sneaky-sniper/assault build. Remember that gladitorial bullshit in Central? I like, did it 20 times at lvl 16 and somehow won. I got down to the deep deep Underrail but I think I lost the data, so one day I'll do it again with a 'proper' build. But even then I won't do PSI. Fuck Psi.
    I wanted to try out Psi seeing as I always play charismatic snipers. Plus I do want to interact with the mysterious pillars and obelisks throughout the game in this run.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @Eshanas hey hey hey, slow it down with the bigotry. Cave wizards are honest profession!
    I would like to meet the backer responsible for the Deal with the Devil quest so that I can punch them for such a horrid quest in the game.
    Got into Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Been at it for a while but it still feels like there's more to it. Liking that feeling a lot.
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