Recent content by JimTheDinosaur

  1. J

    Fallout 2 Modding: Quick Question / Answer Thread

    The modder's pack you just unpack in a separate folder and use the script editor from there. Have you attempted any regular Fallout scripting beforehand? If not, I'd advise looking into all the tutorials in the stickies included here, and try and get a handle on the basics before getting into...
  2. J

    Fallout 2 Modding: Quick Question / Answer Thread

    mr fixit is actually a funny example of how inflexible something like graphics in the engine still is. When you first look at it, it might seem very simple: the inventory art of the item you want to create superimposed over custom artwork by the mod creator. But this inventory art (frm's) can't...
  3. J

    Fallout 2: How is burst damage calculated?

    This is only true for 1/6th of the bullets (of the center stream), the 2/3rds of the outer streams and remaining 1/6th of the center stream are calculated in bulk form, checking for hits, adding damage (including bonus ranged damage, which is why you really need that for miniguns) until a single...
  4. J

    Combat settings

    @Magnus, the AI is irredeemably terrible I'm afraid. Unless you want to go work on sfall. If anyone were to ever pick up sfall again in a thorough way, I think the only way to "fix" the AI to a degree would involve increasing the amount of checks heavily (the reason the AI runs up to an enemy...
  5. J

    Armoured talking heads

    I'd leave out the APA ones though (maybe just use your regular PA ones); would be a bit boring to talk to 5 APA clones during the endgame ;)
  6. J

    Fallout 2 mod F2: damage calculation change, a FIX v5

    Neither, I won't even be using hookscripts probably; I'm essentially just making something in the FO engine at this point. Btw, if you were asking to see if my old damage formula is by now redundant and can be scrapped from new versions of sfall, be my guest ;)
  7. J

    Fallout 2 mod F2: damage calculation change, a FIX v5

    This goes without saying: I'm pretty sure that if you ask people about what stood out for them about FO combat it would be the aimed shots component, not that there happened to be different (and broken) ammo types. This is the iconic Fallout element that needs expanding on imo: huge variation of...
  8. J

    Fallout 2 mod F2: damage calculation change, a FIX v5

    I'm never negative ;) Another point I didn't mention is that I don't feel that intense inventory management suits the setting very much. You're talking about making ammo rarer, which is great for the setting, but doesn't jive well imo with having 3 tiny stacks of different ammo types per...
  9. J

    Fallout 2 mod F2: damage calculation change, a FIX v5

    It's kind of a shame how much effort has been expended by modders (me included) trying to figure out how to make the Fallout ammo formula work, when doing so wouldn't make a lick of difference. For one, the UI isn't built around the concept of switching ammo to deal with threats differently at...
  10. J

    FO2 Mechanics Overhaul Mod

    Hey @TheEart, sorry I'm a bit out of the loop right now, but I think this is what you're looking for: set_proto_data(pid, 20, get_proto_data(pid, 20) BWOR (flag)) with pid being the prototype you want to change, and flag one of the following flags: 0x00000008 - Flat (rendered first, just...
  11. J

    A confirmation for leaving the map?

    If someone wants to do this, the best way to go about it would probably be to check whether or not the dude is standing on top of one of the green exit grid PIDs, then move him back (iirc this is possible without triggering the map switch) and then build a menu.
  12. J

    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    I already asked about this once and it's a joke by him using the innovative medium of custom user titles ;)
  13. J

    [RESOLVED] NPC turns into a container?!

    My 2 cents is that you should always take a wait and see attitude towards any fan project, whether mod or engine or whatever. Odds of it being completed any time soon, or even at all, are always going to be up in the air. So work with the tools you have I'd say, especially given that you can...
  14. J

    Script Troubleshooting

    AllowUnsafeScripting is only needed if you want to add your own functions to sfall (read_byte, etc. you can check the sfall function list doc for more info). You won't need it for any of the existing ones.