Recent content by JohnnyEgo

  1. J

    How Do You Feel About Gender Identity Hw ?

    In the grand scheme of things, I find I don't really give a fuck. It's hard for me to see the harm if you want to go from calling yourself Joe to calling yourself Sally. You got a preferred pronoun or want me to call you Mrx Smith? As long as you aren't a jerk about it, it really doesn't seem...
  2. J

    Conservative or Liberal

    Fish gotta swim. Birds gotta fly. MutantScalper gotta stroke out over US hegemonic practices. It's just his nature. I wouldn't take it too seriously.
  3. J

    Conservative or Liberal

    The 'Green Party' ideology exists in the US, probably in similar percentage, but it has been absorbed into the two dominant parties in unequal measure. Unlike robust multi-party parliamentary governments that have to assemble ruling coalitions post election, our coalitions are essentially formed...
  4. J

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    I believe Pokemon is cockfighting for children.
  5. J

    Conservative or Liberal

    Fiscally conservative, mostly socially liberal, though not politically so. Basically, what the mainstream Republican party was considered in my country in the 1990s, although in today's political climate, I'd be considered a very conservative Libertarian.
  6. J

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I know it's just a game, but I always chuckle a bit when I blow the dust off of FO2 and pick up the 10mm SMG. They do make a 10mm MP5, but it is a rare bird, and 10mm is not a very common caliber. You'd probably be out of luck if you had to spend your time scouring the wastes for reloads...
  7. J

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I wouldn't presume to speak for Willis, but bullpups in general tend to have really crappy triggers, and the M17 was no exception. I own a Tavor, which has a lot going for it on paper. It's compact, takes AR mags, and has a long barrel. It's very comfortable to shoulder and easy to manuever...
  8. J

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Hey Willis! Be curious to see what you think of that Maxim 9 in use. Local range has one as a rental, and I took it for a spin. Thought it was a lot like a really front-heavy Glock. I thought about picking one up, but it was at the intersection of 'just too expensive for an impulse buy' and...
  9. J

    Cartoons Are For Kids

    I watch cartoons with my 8 year old, and have since he was born. Some have been easier to sit through then others. I am thoroughly convinced that 'Caillou' teaches kids how to whine, and Pokemon is a gateway drug for cockfighting. But there have been standouts at every age. I liked 'Props...
  10. J

    Bad movies you love?

    She gets free room, board, and high speed internet from me, so I still get a couple of texts and an occasional conversation throughout the year. There was a movie I half remember from the 80s about a nuclear powered mega bus, which I think was called 'Cyclops'. I remember as a 5 or 6 year old...
  11. J

    Bad movies you love?

    I enjoyed Mystery Men quite a bit. Helped that I had a thing for Claire Forlani at the time. This was the movie-fest I forced my daughter to endure for my last birthday: She liked 'Last Dragon' and powered through 'Ice Pirates', but I lost her at the Chinese restaurant scene in 'Dead Heat'.
  12. J

    Favorite song

    I'm an old. I remember Beck's "I'm a Loser Baby" being the anthem of my high school narrative sound-track, along with "Birdhouse" from TMBG's 'Flood' album. I still enjoy early 90s alternative rock, even though it is now played quite heavily on the adult casual classic rock stations that...
  13. J

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    That is a pretty stock. Talo does some pretty cool limited addition stuff. I love my Talo Wiley Clapp Colt. I am not much of a wheel gun guy, but I saw the caliber and couldn't help myself. Paperwork also came back for my newest little friend. A little plastic surgery... And it looks...
  14. J

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Despite your 12/31/17 join date, you seem very familiar, Fins. Since you have determined that SuAside has never seen any war, and that most personnel in modern armies are stupid, I am very curious about your own first hand experience with war. Myself, Carib, Gonzo, and a few other folks in...
  15. J

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    One of my local dealers has had two of them on the shelves for a while. He has them priced for $2,000, and hasn't been inclined to move off that price point. They have probably consumed through shelf-space whatever profit he might have had in them when he got them. They tend to wait around...