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  • Tonight is the finale of Samurai Jack. Hope it doesn't disappoint, the last 2 episodes were pretty weak.
    DB Super only got good recently. 75 episodes of bullshit to get thought.
    Eh... I enjoyed it. If anything the comedy is FAR superior to previous iterations.
    So how much does an Avocado cost in the US? Here we can buy them by the bucketload for cheap. Even street vendors sell them.
    THe only German thing I think is pretty big here are the Bayer products, and cars for douchebags. My PC isn't of a german brand but I built with parts so maybe the premade stuff is from there.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Eh, in this globalised world everything is probably chinese ... I think Germany is simply not very big in special stuff, we're kinda more on knowledge really. People come here to study and all that. Taking advantage of our universities, which have a pretty decent standard. Second is probably quality of living.
    If you name your kid after a Star Wars character you should be tried for child abuse. Straight up.
    My dad keep sharing fake news bullshit through whatsapp. Then again he was the kind of person who bought Tabloids unironically. Alcholism...
    Like, oh yeah, please tell your kid audience that they don't need to study because they can set up a patreon. Nerd """culture""".
    It irritates me when YOutubers start saying that school is useless because "Look at us!", Maybe they never learned what a bubble is...
    It's kind of already hsppening to youtubers with the Adpocalypse they insist is a Wallstreet Journal conspiracy.
    my thoughts are for every one youtube that makes it there are hundreds that don't. Do because you love it not because you whloe life and income depends on it
    It also isn't a sustainable system in the grand scale of things. It all hinges on the ability of various companies to keep dishing out money for advertisements. Advertisements that in the end have to go full circle and pay back the investment. You can't have an entire society where everyone gets paid hard cash for babbling nonsense, there will be too much money going out, not enough coming back.
    It's all fairly easy to do, altho a faster way would be to just write the same letter a hundred forty times with no spaces or any puntuation
    Now that's just lazy. What's the point of doing it without the challenge? If you do that kind of thing your parents must've not been around.
    So, apparently Alien covenant is just as shit as Prometheus.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    I never saw Prometheus, I prefer keeping the Derelict a mystery.
    Prometheus sucks and not even in a fun way. You aren't missing anything.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    At this point, a reasonable explanation might be that Ridley is simply always drunk when he's on set. He definetly sounds like it when you hear him talk.
    Chelsea Manning got released? Everything is going wrong for alt righters this week. lol
    How can anyone use "globalist" as an insult and not feel like a clown?
    It's the age of new insults.
    Elementary school all over again.
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