Walpknut May 21, 2017 Tonight is the finale of Samurai Jack. Hope it doesn't disappoint, the last 2 episodes were pretty weak.
Tonight is the finale of Samurai Jack. Hope it doesn't disappoint, the last 2 episodes were pretty weak.
Walpknut May 20, 2017 Everytime an Angryjoe video pops up in "recomended" I cringe at the thumbnail, without fault.
Walpknut May 20, 2017 So how much does an Avocado cost in the US? Here we can buy them by the bucketload for cheap. Even street vendors sell them.
So how much does an Avocado cost in the US? Here we can buy them by the bucketload for cheap. Even street vendors sell them.
Walpknut May 20, 2017 Just found out there is a Colombian animator on the Staff of Rick and Morty. Noice.
Walpknut May 20, 2017 If you name your kid after a Star Wars character you should be tried for child abuse. Straight up.
Walpknut May 20, 2017 My dad keep sharing fake news bullshit through whatsapp. Then again he was the kind of person who bought Tabloids unironically. Alcholism...
My dad keep sharing fake news bullshit through whatsapp. Then again he was the kind of person who bought Tabloids unironically. Alcholism...
Walpknut May 19, 2017 Like, oh yeah, please tell your kid audience that they don't need to study because they can set up a patreon. Nerd """culture""".
Like, oh yeah, please tell your kid audience that they don't need to study because they can set up a patreon. Nerd """culture""".
Walpknut May 19, 2017 It irritates me when YOutubers start saying that school is useless because "Look at us!", Maybe they never learned what a bubble is...
It irritates me when YOutubers start saying that school is useless because "Look at us!", Maybe they never learned what a bubble is...
Walpknut May 19, 2017 It's all fairly easy to do, altho a faster way would be to just write the same letter a hundred forty times with no spaces or any puntuation
It's all fairly easy to do, altho a faster way would be to just write the same letter a hundred forty times with no spaces or any puntuation
Walpknut May 18, 2017 Chelsea Manning got released? Everything is going wrong for alt righters this week. lol