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  • Monthly manga is so much better than weekkly releases, problem is... they are monthly releases.... you will see the ending when you die.
    Deleted member 93956
    Not much really. It's just that the Fantasia arc was setting off and took a lot of "screen time"
    I thought Berserk was Decade-ly?
    Berserk is nevereverly
    So Pot is legal now?
    Its one of the more tamer and less destructive drugs out there. I see pot as no different then alcohol. Its fine in moderation.
    Tell me about the drunk people. Not only was my dad an abusive alcoholic but my genes are a minefield, I don't drink or smoke mostly because I know addiction runs in my veins, I have even seen it take effect on others. It's fun.
    Ha! You and me come from same background. I have family members who are alcoholics and my genes are a minefield too. I too don't drink or smoke because of it. I have seen drugs ruin my aunts life. Its tough man. Not going to lie.
    Smash Bros 4 the Switch, in case you want to áy a third time for the same game, also probably a bunch of amiibos.
    So, already a bunch of WiiU ports confirmed and rumored for the Switch, this thing is gonna be dead on arrival too, isn't it?
    You can tell when an american cartoon was animated in Korea in any scene where they read books. They'll always do the right to left thing.
    I was gonna call my Gumshoos Turompu chan, but I guess I'll have to call him El Presidente I guess...
    Also I do own a Rain Pole that is used in Chibcha Dance Rituals, so Joke's on you!
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    Reactions: Vergil
    Deleted member 93956
    I saw a new one that looks like a badger, call it Trump :D
    These new Pokemon might be slow but their movesets and abilities are insane. 18th, come faster.
    If you believe our arbitrary time measurement system has some cosmic significance.
    Has the same attack, less speed and it only gets and increase in HP and Defense, but you have to lose 50% to use it in the first place?
    Zygarde 10% is better than Zygard 100%, what backwards logic is that Pokemon?
    Its like when someone goes to fight and takes their shirt off but leaves their sunglasses on. "What sort of backward fucking pageantry is that?"
    Than directly calling a portion of the voting population "deplorable". It bogles the mind how throughly fucked up that is.
    Everybody was going around with the "bad hombres" and "nasty woman" thing, but in context is a lot more tame...
    Yet you see people nowadays use the phrase completely unironically. This is why you lost.
    "We are the good guys" is a phrase you hear on a piece of deconstructive fiction that is about to turn Black and white morality on it's head
    Also don't make it a routine to designate bansl things as automatic signs of white supremacy. That's why people hate the modern left.
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