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  • According to Max Landis, they'll supposedly use more practical effects than anything
    But as soon as you bring up their own, much more serious fuck ups they just react like you are the asshole.
    It's funny how alcoholics and shitty parents are the first people to try and criticize the lives of others for superficial aspects-
    The time has come my little friends to talk of other things - of pussies and emails and taxes, and Saudi jihadist Kings. And while the Earth is boiling hot and wikileaks has pings...Come and play, no work today..We're savages and kings.
    Not sure why that was a reply to you though. Oops.
    Pokemon Sun and Moon and Young Justice Season 3 confirmed on the same month, Year fucking redeemed.
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    Until they somehow manage to ruin some aspect of it. ;)
    Greg Weisman and Vietti are back on their usual roles, so I doubt it.
    A ussual sight, in the end of year..
    I always find it puzzling when people complain about shitty pop bands. Seems like you would have to go out of your way to hear them.
    It's more to do with the fact that smaller bands with a lot more talent are usually left in the dark due to the masses flocking to trash. I don't go out of my way to complain per say, I try to ignore it usually.

    And it's not really an "opinion", because nowadays there is auto-tune, shit generic lyrics and boy bands that rely on looks to get famous.
    I wouldn't even know that Justin Bieber is still active if it wasn't for everyone still complaining about him. I don't think I have heard shitty pop for longer than 10 seconds since I graduated Highschool 10 year ago. If I listen to music it usually is because I went out of my way to listen it.
    I agree, but I see why people don't like it. My mates all listen to pop music so that's where I hear it. I'm not going to think of someone differently just for their taste in music though.
    So the new Avengers 3 2 hour long trailer came out and people are saying it's basically every MCU movie but with pretty effects.
    we were all excited because the Marvel movies were interwining and becoming more like the comics, then they became like the comics. Too bad.
    I am also kind of bored of super heroes in general, Dr Cucumberstarch just came out and I feel so apathetic about going.
    Deleted member 93956
    The very worst i've seen is Iron Man 3 though. Lamest crap i've ever seen. At least 2 had lazors
    Juza The Cloud
    Juza The Cloud
    Anyone interested in Wonder Woman, or The Batman ?
    Maybe the reason why some director stick to one genre is because they have experience/talent in said genre has that ever crossed your mind? Do you really want to see Christopher Nolan "do something new" and make a rom comedy? Or Ridley Scott making a stoner comedy?
    Mr muggyman 3000
    Mr muggyman 3000
    I'm just saying a director should stick to his style no matter how niche that style may be.
    I think a director should try to experiment every chance they get.
    Having David Lynch make a Disney film was a surprising successful. Perhaps some directors should try to experiment with different genres?
    The first Amazing Spiderman was good, not great but good. In any case we have a Super hero epidemy ravaging the industry anyway.
    Raimy's Spiderman movies are extremely overrated, only the second one is good.
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    Mr muggyman 3000
    Mr muggyman 3000
    I'll agree with on that one he's basically a Tumblr fanboy jerking off to all the heros and uses his cum to shine iron mans dick
    Mr muggyman 3000
    Mr muggyman 3000
    I actually liked Scott pilgrim it was beautiful directed/edited. And it had some really creative boss fights/comedic moments
    I hate that fucking comic, one of the few times I almost puke at reading something.
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