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  • So Bethesda now just reuses to give out Review copies, gonna wait how the fanboys spin that as a good thing at all.
    It's smart, because the 8 year olds that play the game will buy it anyway.
    Man. are the menus in Tomb Raider obnoxious, also all that simulated screen glaring is making me dizzy, Lara should wear some glasses.
    So the rumor is that they are making a Mulan live action where the protagonist is an European merchant who falls in love with Mulan.
    Why the fuck are places still playing that Frozen song? It doesn't even snow here and it's just fucking October, shit.
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    Frozen was in like 2013.

    Funny how somehow people still think it's relevant.
    Deleted member 93956
    It's not in sake to be despective, but doesn't this kind of stuff "last" longer on Lat Am?
    Not really. We got the movie at the same time and it's even more looked down upon to even state you like animated movies.
    I doubt Bethesda ever tells the actors they are working on a AAA game. That's how ythey get their signature dollar store voice work.
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    I am not even sure if you really can consider their games triple A?
    The 'dressing' isn't really that great compared to other titles, and gameplay has been streamlined and reduced over their various titles.
    Bethesda more 'plays' at being a triple A developer.
    These whole titles "AAA", "AA" are just meaningless labels. The sooner we stop obsessing over the classification of a game the better.
    So now Kellog is considered a great villain and a well realized character? Are you joking you or you just don't read often?
    The Dutch Ghost
    The Dutch Ghost
    Where did you read that? Kellog barely makes it as a villain, he is a two dimensional quest 'filler'. At no point was I ever interested in this guy's life or goals when I explored his memories.
    Trying to come up with what I would consider a good villain but nothing really quickly comes to mind. The Master? The Transcended One? SHODAN?
    Skyrim remaster tagline: ENBs are still better. Also download the UV improvemt and parallax normals mods.
    What is open world Narrative?
    It's a fancy term meant to describe games that have a story and are open world...

    I don't know why it exists but it does.
    In College I used to listensleep an australian kidcom called Elephant Princess every night. They always ran like 3 episodes of that at 12.
    I've been using Netflix to watch BB and to sleep hear Friends at night. I need my cheesy comedies to sleep tight.
    Breaking Bad is still pretty good, just finished season 2. Started How I met your mother and cringe-quitted out of the first episode.
    Steam is only expensive if you live like in Brazil or something, or if you ignore sales and green man gaming.
    Sales are great on Steam. Got Serious Sam 2 for a dollar the other day. Granted I don't like that game but it was a dollar! :)
    Tell me about it, I bought a bunch of games in the last sale that I immediately realized I hated, but they costed me like less than a taxi ride so whatever.
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