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  • Why do shows boast about their teen or child character being realistic? Real life kids and teens are boring and annoying humans.
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    Reactions: R.Graves
    Do you guys have dubbed tv? Been a month in Spain now, and while dubbing is annoying enough, kids are *always* dubbed by adults who make their best creepy-ass child-voice. It's horrible!!!
    We do, depends how old the chafacter is and what his personality is.
    More often than not they'll get an actual kid (comon for tv shows) or a woman to dub them.
    While you guys tear each othr apart with dummy elections, today was the animated debut of Kira Yoshikage and Killer Queen.
    Curious you ask about Kira getting ruined, because they did ruin Killer Queen's introduction las week (Episode outsourced to a Korean studio, Kira Sandwich), but they reanimated it for this week's episode and at points straight up took the panel from the manga for the level of detail.
    I think the art style is actually pretty good for the anime adaptation, detail is a sacrifice for tv animation but David Productions actually makes it work.
    Those character sheets that went public are not a good representation of how the series actually looks. Of course, the manga will always be better.
    Movies for adapatations are overrated and insufficient, Tv Series is what they should do instead.
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    Reactions: Crossfire
    Always felt like it should be a miniseries. Not everything can be adapted to tv properly. Just look at the watered down version of the walking dead airing on AMC
    It's official. Definitive Cease Fire between the Colombian govt and FARC will start from the monday on. Let's see what peace looks like...
    BI is extremely Middle class caucasian centric. It uses slavery only to make it's heroes look good, the only slave with a name is a villain.
    Well, the heroes are white, the writter was white and the only other characters with speaking lines are white. Seems like one of those "alleviate white guilt" games, I am sure Levine thought he was super progressive while writting, right before he made a pretentious post about sitcoms and one liners.
    Not specifically saying being white is a problem, but that Levine is such a walking stereotype he couldn't help himself.
    like, he had to prove to himself and everyone in the room he wasn't racist so he put a bunch of generic characters expressing how bad slavery is.
    The message of Bioshock Infinite is that suicide is the best solution to regret. Because every other theme is underdeveloped tonthe extreme.
    Along with "The concept of infinite universes is that it's very limited and rigid, along with having one constant that makes no sense, d-don't look into it too much". Rick and Morty makes the game look like a joke.
    Some might call that hack writting and pretentious pseudo intellectualism, but game journos call it a master piece.
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    Reactions: R.Graves and Vergil
    Hacks often enjoy the work of other hacks.
    Why care what Game Journalists say about it?, They are pretentious people on keyboards with fake jobs, 9/10 times gaming journalists know nothing about gaming.
    It's funny how much Bioshock Infinit banks on the player feeling engaged on a poorly constructed narrative to seem clever...
    Seeing how people will often call others entitled if they don't want to buy certain things... Consumers are becoming cattle.
    Where people demand you to always be positive, and when you aren't they basicslly fly into a psychotic rage.
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    And that's when you sit there, with a smug smile, 'Is that rage?'
    Also, pretty sure Bmovies are more than plentiful nowadays with how easier it is to create special effects from home. Look for them better.
    Altho the idea that alien races would have a single unified culture is just as boring.
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    Reactions: R.Graves
    I don't have much exposure to Star Trek.
    Juza The Cloud
    Juza The Cloud
    Without getting too crazy basically a federation of many races but also along side aggressive empires (klingons and Cardassians and an isolationist empire (Romulans) and it all takes place in our milky way galaxy split up into 4 quadrants. Most of the shows are in Alpha quadrant.
    Kardassians? Well it sounds like what I don't like, mono cultural aliens aliens, but I can say much more, I have never seen anything other than a few episodes of the Patrick Stewart series.
    One of the most unrealistic trops in space opera aren't the aliens, but the idea that an unified "human alliance" could ever be formed.
    How would an empire even work on a galactic scale? Star wars never put any effort into thinking it's world through.
    All nations are kind of empires consisting of population centres unified through convenience. Either dependence on resources, or threat of immediate re-conquest if one should rebel. A solar system would be ripe with resources, so, constant threat of re-conquest
    Either way, a galactic empire is probably much more for fiction than reality. I imagine the polaric opposite much more realistic. Humans colonizing space would likely not be like a growing "human empire", but a patchwork of ever-fragmenting independent realms
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