Walpknut Aug 27, 2016 Why do shows boast about their teen or child character being realistic? Real life kids and teens are boring and annoying humans.
Why do shows boast about their teen or child character being realistic? Real life kids and teens are boring and annoying humans.
Walpknut Aug 27, 2016 While you guys tear each othr apart with dummy elections, today was the animated debut of Kira Yoshikage and Killer Queen.
While you guys tear each othr apart with dummy elections, today was the animated debut of Kira Yoshikage and Killer Queen.
Walpknut Aug 26, 2016 Movies for adapatations are overrated and insufficient, Tv Series is what they should do instead.
Walpknut Aug 25, 2016 It's official. Definitive Cease Fire between the Colombian govt and FARC will start from the monday on. Let's see what peace looks like...
It's official. Definitive Cease Fire between the Colombian govt and FARC will start from the monday on. Let's see what peace looks like...
Walpknut Aug 25, 2016 BI is extremely Middle class caucasian centric. It uses slavery only to make it's heroes look good, the only slave with a name is a villain.
BI is extremely Middle class caucasian centric. It uses slavery only to make it's heroes look good, the only slave with a name is a villain.
Walpknut Aug 25, 2016 The message of Bioshock Infinite is that suicide is the best solution to regret. Because every other theme is underdeveloped tonthe extreme.
The message of Bioshock Infinite is that suicide is the best solution to regret. Because every other theme is underdeveloped tonthe extreme.
Walpknut Aug 25, 2016 Some might call that hack writting and pretentious pseudo intellectualism, but game journos call it a master piece.
Some might call that hack writting and pretentious pseudo intellectualism, but game journos call it a master piece.
Walpknut Aug 25, 2016 It's funny how much Bioshock Infinit banks on the player feeling engaged on a poorly constructed narrative to seem clever...
It's funny how much Bioshock Infinit banks on the player feeling engaged on a poorly constructed narrative to seem clever...
Walpknut Aug 24, 2016 Explosive babies you say? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b5/ab/b4/b5abb49b0b2609b4965ed9638315fa43.jpg
Explosive babies you say? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b5/ab/b4/b5abb49b0b2609b4965ed9638315fa43.jpg
Walpknut Aug 24, 2016 Modders, making Bethesda's job sinc 2007 http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17507/?
Walpknut Aug 24, 2016 Seeing how people will often call others entitled if they don't want to buy certain things... Consumers are becoming cattle.
Seeing how people will often call others entitled if they don't want to buy certain things... Consumers are becoming cattle.
Walpknut Aug 24, 2016 A pretty self contradictory attitude, but one that's becoming alarmingly common...
Walpknut Aug 24, 2016 Where people demand you to always be positive, and when you aren't they basicslly fly into a psychotic rage.
Where people demand you to always be positive, and when you aren't they basicslly fly into a psychotic rage.
Walpknut Aug 24, 2016 I have seen an increase in something I like to call Positivity Psychosis online.
Walpknut Aug 22, 2016 Are people in a contest to see who can get the most offended nowadays or something?
Walpknut Aug 22, 2016 Also, pretty sure Bmovies are more than plentiful nowadays with how easier it is to create special effects from home. Look for them better.
Also, pretty sure Bmovies are more than plentiful nowadays with how easier it is to create special effects from home. Look for them better.
Walpknut Aug 21, 2016 Altho the idea that alien races would have a single unified culture is just as boring.
Walpknut Aug 21, 2016 One of the most unrealistic trops in space opera aren't the aliens, but the idea that an unified "human alliance" could ever be formed.
One of the most unrealistic trops in space opera aren't the aliens, but the idea that an unified "human alliance" could ever be formed.
Walpknut Aug 21, 2016 How would an empire even work on a galactic scale? Star wars never put any effort into thinking it's world through.
How would an empire even work on a galactic scale? Star wars never put any effort into thinking it's world through.