Walpknut Aug 21, 2016 What did the Empire do other than kill an order of religious Zealots that controlled everything?
Walpknut Aug 21, 2016 In Pokeymans, Gewunners think they are the elitist ones, but they are actually seen as the biggest peasants next to anime-onlys.
In Pokeymans, Gewunners think they are the elitist ones, but they are actually seen as the biggest peasants next to anime-onlys.
Walpknut Aug 20, 2016 I regret introducing my nephew to PC gaming. He went straight into CSGO and is buying crates every month now...
I regret introducing my nephew to PC gaming. He went straight into CSGO and is buying crates every month now...
Walpknut Aug 18, 2016 Never trust any company, there are lots of mitigating factors that can fuck up any project regardless of those involved.
Never trust any company, there are lots of mitigating factors that can fuck up any project regardless of those involved.
Walpknut Aug 15, 2016 From the trailer it sems like it'll mostly be reskinned creatures and Settlement building mode trinkets.
From the trailer it sems like it'll mostly be reskinned creatures and Settlement building mode trinkets.
Walpknut Aug 15, 2016 Th Nuka world trailer = Th last dsperate flop of the dying fish that was Fallout 4.
Walpknut Aug 15, 2016 Adobe Captivate is a piece of shit, but is the best software to make E-learning projects.
Walpknut Aug 15, 2016 Complted all the Witcher Contracts, that was fun and I have Superior Cat armor and lots of money and relics to sell.
Complted all the Witcher Contracts, that was fun and I have Superior Cat armor and lots of money and relics to sell.
Walpknut Aug 15, 2016 Does anyone who isn't a youtuber making unboxing videos even buy all that Lootcrate shit? Seems like the most poser thing ever.
Does anyone who isn't a youtuber making unboxing videos even buy all that Lootcrate shit? Seems like the most poser thing ever.
Walpknut Aug 14, 2016 Or the kids will dub you as the creepy dude who walks around shirtless behind your back
Walpknut Aug 13, 2016 Hit rocks so you can hit more rocks, is like being addicted to cocaine but without the euphoria.