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  • What did the Empire do other than kill an order of religious Zealots that controlled everything?
    In Pokeymans, Gewunners think they are the elitist ones, but they are actually seen as the biggest peasants next to anime-onlys.
    Probably a good idea...
    I know.
    I guess I could be seen as one. I haven't played the few last gens but I assume they "fixed" some stuff that was annoying me in some newer games. Because have to have pokemon with Cut+Surf+Waterfall+Strength+Dive+Flash+Rock Smash+Rock Climb+Whirlpool+Fly+Whatever else really spoils it for me.
    Was it you Walpknut who told me they replaced some of the HM's for key items? If they did that I will enjoy new gens way more.
    I regret introducing my nephew to PC gaming. He went straight into CSGO and is buying crates every month now...
    Ah, I remember when I got into CS:GO. What an awful, awful time that was.
    Told him that we should buy a bunch of lottery tickets instead if that was what he was gonna waste his money on.
    Was gonna buy Overwatch but according to Battle net my country doesn't exist.
    Latveria is a more relevant and noteworthy country than Spain tbh
    Only thing about Spain that I know is that thir airports use cheap text to voice software for their announcements. And that they seem to think it's possible to materialize durgs in midair because they also check you when you get off the plane.
    Never trust any company, there are lots of mitigating factors that can fuck up any project regardless of those involved.
    Don't try to reconcile Click bait with logic.
    Every time I accidentally click "TomoNews" I feed them like a growing Hydra...
    Ate soldier food yesterday and now my asshole is on fire....
    They should invent a poop coolant for people who like spicy foods. Don't tell me they can't; they just ain't trying.
    From the trailer it sems like it'll mostly be reskinned creatures and Settlement building mode trinkets.
    Adobe Captivate is a piece of shit, but is the best software to make E-learning projects.
    Complted all the Witcher Contracts, that was fun and I have Superior Cat armor and lots of money and relics to sell.
    Does anyone who isn't a youtuber making unboxing videos even buy all that Lootcrate shit? Seems like the most poser thing ever.
    Francis H
    Francis H
    What? Getting random shit from words that could mean fuck all doesn´t sound appealing to you? You are a madman!/s
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    I have no problem with Unboxing videos, I just wonder who even subscribe to those kinds of services, I just can't fathom forking 40 dollars a month to get a box full of cheap crap.
    Or the kids will dub you as the creepy dude who walks around shirtless behind your back
    Erich van Loon
    Erich van Loon
    I mean, it felt like 100, and I'm not at all creepy. Am I somewhat crazy, sure, but I'm not that crazy.
    Hit rocks so you can hit more rocks, is like being addicted to cocaine but without the euphoria.
    Is just as monotonous as GTA-like games with their repetitive "activities".
    • Like
    Reactions: Earth
    I second what Big No says. GTAV's terrible foot controls, barely serviceable music, dull humor, characters, and writing, garbage A.I. and wanted system (having five stars instead of six was a very stupid decision), and the list goes on. I still have trouble figuring if out actually like the game, or just consider it a guilty pleasure.
    Bully bored me instantly, I've never felt that with any game except Rockstar games, same with Red Dead Redemption, the transparent repetitive game design is like an instant sleeping pull.
    Big No
    Big No
    GTA V has looks great and has impressive detail to the world, but it feels very bare when it comes to finding things to do, a concept a good portion of GTAForums shares oddly enough. RDR on the other hand feels amazing, the story too, especially compared to V's story. If you get instantly bored with R* games, perhaps their style isn't your thing maybe?
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