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  • But everyone is now just spouting bullshit about how country people are all perfect, noble and friendly people, almost like big children.
    Most of them are city hippies that have never gone to an actual colombian farm. The shit that goes down in those mountains is Mafia like.
    Now, I support the farmers but there is this awful hbit people are developing of over romanticizing the country....
    Just drive all farmers into absolute poverty and make anything other than private ventures not viable. Obviously that's Monsanto's goal.
    They were promised things that were never delivered in 6 months and the shit Monsanto wants to enforce would
    We have an on-going Farmer strike in the country, they did one before to protest Monsnato's idea that they can make laws in other countries.
    I would've made it an option you turn on at the beginning of the game like Hardcore Mode, but not toggable after choosing it then.
    Well between picking only 1 trait or 2 traits that give you extra pentalties, WW can be a good alternative, but it's mostly for flavor.
    But you will miss some later game cool things, for example the special Gauss Rifle that gets replaced with the Alien Blaster.
    Wild Wasteland nets you the Alien Blaster later on, some other weapons have name changes and you can get some nice gear earlier.
    I mean you usually want to obfuscate those, but not only did they made them obvious, they als put you a few steps away from them....
    Fo4's map is so poorly designed that you can reach the invisible wall around the map within the first minute of play...
    Might just save up for an used PS4 then... If I am waiting so long I might as well get the best version.
    I own a PS4 but if I was buying a console now I would get an xbox one. Microsoft are getting their ass kicked and are going to throw a lot of money to try and make it more attractive.
    That's the thing, the Xbone has nothing on it, I am only buying the PS4 because it has an irongrip claw on the Persona franchise. It would mostly be just a Persona 5 and Bloodborne Machine. Maybe Jojo Eyes of Heaven too but that would be it, console games are waaay more expensive in here than PC games, even without steam sales.
    Makes you wanna stop bringing lunch to work and just eat on a restaurant.
    Yes! Restaurants. With their anti-racism generators. But seriously man ,why not just report them? Especially if it was hateful racism.
    Because I ain't a snitch.
    The feeling when you are eating your lunch at work and a coworker makes a really casual super racist comment and others agree with him.....
    It's most definetly plain ol racism, the dude has said other stuff in that regard too.
    What did he say?
    He went on a rant about black people. This guy is from Venezuela so he should know better about discrimination...
    While the heroes kill each other.
    I'm all for cynism but, the winter soldier was never much of a hero in the MCU even as Bucky. The only way he could be painted as such would be with, in true comic book fashion, retcons.
    the MCU has systematically destroyed all totem pole organizations from the comics so now their villains are random dudes....
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