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  • I killed the Dragina in the Depths on DS1, that thing will need to change it's name to gaping asshole now.
    Deleted member 93956
    You stuck your crystal halberd into its gaping dragon, yas?
    Get ready for The Pitt, DS edition :D
    Or when you call your friend a hipster constantly as a joke but when some other asshole calls him one as an insult you tell him to fuck off.
    The Matamoros last name in spanish would be like being called John Killalljews in english.
    Deleted member 93956
    Well, it's more like "Slayer", it wasn't about religion.
    They conquered us first anyway ▶-◀
    When I fill glass beer bottles with water in Survival they become Aluminium cans. The Sole Survivor is a reality Warper.
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    Reactions: R.Graves
    Transmogrification is a wonderful thing. It just works.
    In the end anything I say about Fallout 4 just amounts to "My god, why does this shit keep tasting like shit?".
    So... the Bethesda.net thing makes it so that you have to manually activate each mod you are using everytime you launch up the game...
    How unbalanced is it compared to the base game? I remember that being a big mess.
    Enemies still take little damage while one shotting you, the Needs system is out of whack with increase rates being ridiculous coupled with all chems and stimpaks having ridiculous levels of Thrist and hunger increases evne tho they heal even slower than before. So the meds you need to survive the bullet sponge shit actually make you weaker.
    I don't know how anyone could find that enjoyable. Sounds boring.
    Everynow and then I log in to find out someone created an account and proceeded to like about 50 of my posts.
    Why make a beat em up out of the TNMT? they weren't allowed to punch anyone or hit people with their weapons.
    Bethestard going full EA on the only thing giving their games longevity. Can't wait for the mod to remove that.
    So I guess the reason why FO4 stopped recognizing the mods is because you have to signup for Bethesda.net or it won't recognize them...
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