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  • Th characters don't seem to have any defined personality and the art is not that great.
    I started reading Plutona... feels like they just came up with the initial premise and they don't know what to fill it with.
    Is this crying about property damage like a side effect of the Terrorism paranoia? Or why are people so sensible about that now?
    I hope it turns out good, I have been hearing more of the same "property damage!!!" complaints from the same people already. lol.
    Is Bethesda telling us to fuck ourselves? Well I didn't need any help thinking you were pieces of shit anyway, bethesda.
    FO4 is literary the most expensive game on the Steam store in Lat Am... and al lbethesda games are also more expensive than others.
    Bethesda wouldn't be as successful these days if most people who buy Fallout 4 wasn't kids that have no respect for money because their parents are the ones forking over the dough. If they had to earn their money, I bet there would be way more people disappointed by the game.
    With how expensive the game is I doubt any parent in Colombia would fork the money for that, specially with this economy. Bethesturd must be making no money on Lat Am since the Steam switch to COP.
    Yeah I know the feeling, I live in Australia and steam rip us off here too -_-' that is why I have more than 300 games on GOG.com and have maybe around 35 games on steam.
    I can buy the Witcher 3 + the expansion for the same money they are asking for the FO4 season pass... that's fucking retarded.
    The world is going to shit, but it's not because of the new generation, but rather the old timers that have been at it for decades.
    If someone gets too friendly out of nowhere, they are goign to ask you for money, that's a rule.
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