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  • I hate when the Anesthesia doesn't wear out after a dentist appointment, your face feels wrong.
    They have been really good to me, but if this person handles any more of the contracts I'm in then that might be a problem.
    Altho my bosses know that demanding that is just illegal, this person in charge of the contract think other people's time is worthless.
    The one in charge of the contract even told me that I would have to make unpaid extra hours and that just crosses the line.
    I am not gonna kill myself to deliver work on the Deadline when they are making me do 2 people's work.
    There was a certain development in how they are handling a contract that makes me worried about continuing working with them.
    I am seriously considering quiting my job on june, not without looking for another one of course.
    Some people in the US actually want this type of Third World shit in their country? The bliss of ignorance.
    And we are now going through an energy crisis, they are already giving out instructions but the media wants to insist it's unrelated.
    The president privatized the biggest energy company in Colombia because he is a corporate whore, and even sold it way too cheap too.
    Bogota is like a kid making his first Skylines city... the newy mayor even cut the budget 40%, FORTY!
    Well that's an exageration, but the traffic is still insane, I shouldn't have to leave my house 2 hours early.
    It just appears on screen with an annoying sound and some even interrupt what they are doing to acknowledge it.
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