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  • I would have no problem with the donations and all that if it wasn't for the fact that some streamers have pop ups for every donation & sub.
    Even the Big streamers make money from Donations and paid subscriptions, not so much from amount of people viewing their video.
    Is twitch like a stripshow for game videos. No matter the gender of the streamer, they mostly live off viewer donations.
    You should probably actually include what movie you are refering to, reading minds is hard, but reading text is easy so comunicate there.
    All those teltale movies are linear as fuck. They actively insult the intelligence of the player with how blatantly they lie.
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    Oh true, though the ToB has good story, good characters and good humor. Also, please don't tell me you play them for the GAME aspects?
    I was so blinded by how good Zootopia was that I forgot that the furries ruin absolutely everything... shit.
    I never really grow up with the Ghostbusters movie. Saw it far later when I was a teenager and I wasn't too impressed.
    Didn't Ghostbusters have a shit load of crappy tie in cartoons and wasn't the sequel badly received?
    Stone Cold Robert House
    Stone Cold Robert House
    What? No, man, the 80s cartoon was awesome. The storylines and comedy made for one of the most mature, refined and entertaining cartoons of the time. Everybody loved The Real Ghostbusters.
    Maya confirmed for Ace Attorney 6. Now is the best time to be a fan of Ace Attorney.
    I don't really remember muh of it other than I found it enjoyable. I saw it on a Bus so that might have helped my dispossition.
    Why do Korean Comic artist don't know how to fucking compose a page? They just throw 2 panels on a page at random places and call it done...
    I validated their points by stating how much of a parody of itself the Trump Candidacy is?..... ok--
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