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  • Trump's entire candidacy is like something out of Southpark.... It's hilarious that he is actually leading the polls.
    Deadpool's R rating Hype was bigger than the actual movie. It could've easily pass off for a pg13 movie if it wasn't for the pegging scene.
    Shit, why did I discover Jojo's merch when the dollr went up so much? I could've bought these 2 years ago and I would've been happy.
    The WiiU is starving for games but the dumbshits at NoA and Treehouse actively avoid bringing games over...
    What's with old people and refusing to learn? I give my mom step by step instructions on how to resend a mail and she just refuses to follow
    With Netflix/crunchyroll being so cheap and giving you HD I doubt it would. Maybe with console games but we have better options for video.
    Gotta say the last part might be reason enough. I rather see fem ass than man ass with all the "cinematic" climbing those games have.
    Aren't the new Tomb Raider games just Uncharted but multiplataform and with a Female character?
    People are defending FEfates shit localization... People would defend 4Kids nowadays it seems...
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