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  • Can we all agree that shiny locking Pokémon is one of the dumbest ideas put into action in video game history?
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    The fact that they're actively making it harder to get shinies is a pain in the ass.

    It doesn't hurt normal players to let legendaries be Shiny. All it does is piss off shiny hunters.
    And Arnust miss the mark big time once again. Shinies are a base game feature, they are not cut and the game encourages people to get them, they are not a cheat either, they are base game content that is made to be played. Walling it to allow only some people to get it while doing something outside of normal gameplay is ridiculous for a paying customer.
    Remember that Pokemon is aimed at kids. Kids are jealous by nature, if a kid get a special shiny pokemon that can only be "awarded" when they go to some official event or something, all of his friends will want that shiny too. So they nag the parents to take them to that official event (most official events are paid). It is a money grabbing technique that takes advantage of kids natural jealousy.
    Post season one Bojack Horseman is a solid 10/10 show. No exaggeration, I swear.
    Yes. You say it like it's bad. I've never seen a show take this route before and ist refreshing to see a character like Bojack.
    You don't see shows do it because it's dumb. You think a character that never evolves and is just constantly contrived into misery is refereshing? Maybe for like a season but then it just turns into a self indulgent parade of Misery with no point.
    It fetichises depression because that shit is in right now. The characters' problems aren't even relatable to most people and they pull everything and the kitchen sink from trite soap opera drama to contrive new misery every season.
    Bojack horseman starts as borderline trash then once it starts being super depressing becomes oddly watchable.
    Rick and Morty doesn't celebrate nihilism, also it isn't a self indulgent emo fantasy.
    Bojack is a good show. Nothing wrong with a depressing cartoon
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    From my understanding (I've watched very little, so this is all second-hand information,) you're not supposed to sympathize with him, you're supposed to empathize. He's not relatable, but you can still feel bad for him or feel good when he succeeds.
    Finally it's getting cold. Now I can actually be comfortable.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    The one thing that annoys me more than anything else is when people assume Arizona is all desert and cacti. We have the largest ponderosa pine forest in the world, yet people think Arizona begins and ends with Phoenix, Tucson and Yuma.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    It gets cold here. Very cold. Too fucking cold.
    I'm most content at 50° to 60°F
    Is our god gay? I mean, how many demigods do you see around?
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    God is clearly gay, he only impregnated Mary to cover it up.
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    Deleted member 93956
    The gay gods are over at Greek mythos, right down the corner.
    Gender is meaningless, He loves us all!
    More than papa nurgle could do!
    Morrowind is almost as overrated as skyrim. Sure it's got far more postives than skyrim but it's got a lot more negatives than people admit.
    @Black Angel The way I see it, there's no reason not to use newer games when comparing older games. A good game doesn't remind you of it's technical limitations, or that it's not modern.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @Jogre Yeah, but in this case, what good can come out of it? What does grapes really tried to argue in the first place, right here, stating that 'Morrowind is almost as overrated as skyrim. Sure it's got far more postives than skyrim but it's got a lot more negatives than people admit.'? Why not elaborate, instead? Make a new thread and talk about it in details?
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Also, yeah, a good game won't remind you of its technical limitation, or that it's not modern, but a flawed gem surely would.
    Apart from the last 20 minutes and the fact that many of the losers are barely given any backstory or context, it (2017) is pretty good 7/10
    blade runner 2049?
    No, Graves means "IT" the 2017 movie based on Stephen King's book.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    For a moment I tought he means 2017 with it.
    Portal is so much shorter than I remember. Also I didn't know they reference black mesa in the credits.
    UPDATE: Ash vs evil dead may be the best thing to come out of the evil dead franchise. 10/10
    Wow, Ash vs evil dead had me worried. That 1st episode was horrible. Just an abomination. 2nd episode gives me hope. That was some gr8 shit.
    Death notes ending is so... Anticlimactic. I guess that's how it should be but the lack of an epilogue is pretty disappointing.
    How come every gay guy hasta be a faggot? Even out here in rural america they're prissy fags. Can't find a man's man gay to save your life.
    To be fair, you have to have a *very* high IQ to understand my sexuality. My mannerisms are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of sociology most of my quirks will go over your head. The shitposters understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these flirtations, to realize that they're not just cute- they say something deep about LIFE.
    Fuck your meme
    Does dishonered count rats as hosiles killed Wtf is going on?
    Hounds should count tbh. Eaten by eats seems to be the only possible explanation because I do no kill and ghost runs on stealth games.
    Yeah stuff like thats pretty annyouig but I guess it just one dood
    One dude is 100% too many
    Dishonored Npcs seem to have no peripheral vision even on very hard
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    They also don't really care if a door beside them magically opened, without anyone coming in.

    That was fixed in Dishonored 2, though.
    Dishonored felt more like Dark Messiah than Thief IMO.
    Dishonored's core design seems to be about using weapons and magic to manipulate the environment in killing, IMO.
    The two dishonored dlc should have been one expansion. Tbh this all feels like one game that has been cut to pieces to make more monies
    Deleted member 93956
    Because it's not about assasination but Stealth? Except you can do the former very well, and in more ways than you say. For instance, even without the rat summoning power, you can bait them with yourself and corpses up to whenever you want, distracting your enemies if they latch on to them for precious time.
    Deleted member 93956
    There is a good amount of side objectives but most of all, it's the freedom of play. Even Hitman is more of a puzzle game in the end, while here something as simple as if you want to be Deadpool or Batman can make the game play entirely differently. I only use the Crossbow and the "essential" moevement, playing more like a thief than an assasin, always trying to nick absolutely eveything,
    If the game was about stealth then it wouldn't be piss easy to kill everything in every level. And besides the game's narrative obviously encourages a low chaos run. Freedom of play? Oooh you can kill or not, ooh you can enter this building in upwards of 4 ways. Meh. Also calling hitman a puzzle game is beyond retarded. Its a stealth game. Dishonered is an action game with stealth as a mere suggestion.
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