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  • pompous snobs breaking the law always gets a newspaper spot where theyre like "i think I should be let off the hook u guys"
    the rest of us should be allowed to do that, newspapers would have to be rolled around with tractors, lifted onto your lap with a crane
    When it's a rich person doing a horrible crime the newspapers over here are always like "FAMILY TRAGEDY" but about the perpetrator, and their family who is usually also accomplices or attempting bribes and cover up as well.
    One of the noisiest things in the world: In the silence of night, pick up earbuds, on a table, entangled in your keys.
    Night time makes it all so much worse - I'm not used to AC's here, it's Norway, we're all about *insulation* - but visiting Spain, I was melting away at night, and I turned on just a regular fan, just - metal that spins fast, and it sounded like a goddamn hurricane! Again, night quiet made it worse, but yeah, had to turn it off, it was impossible to sleep with it, worse than the heat.
    I can't sleep without the noise now.
    I have a lot of that, needing some sleep-noise, wonder what that's about. Maybe thoughts are too loud by themselves?
    Windows search function ignores words if written in all caps? That's what I can gather anyway, as it considers any acronym as not found :S
    Ever stop and think that at any point in time, you could put 100% effort into manipulating some dummy to thinking you're jesus
    Then you have a cult, 1 dummy is a dime a dozen, then you have a foot in the door. The dummy knows other dummies, and there you go, you're now Charles Manson with 5 members - and from there you just grow it. In a few years time, you build a compound.
    For most of us, there are only 2 reasons we don't do this: 1, we're unaware of how depressingly easy this is. 2, it REALLY seems like the wrong thing to do, immoral, risky - you know, a bad and possibly criminal thing to do. But you could pull it off.
    Anyone "favs" a dino of mine on DeviantArt, I never check their profile. Always a no-no. DA profiles are always hell on earth
    Random joy of writing: Wiki "Urinary tract infection" twice, to read and re-read, because a character made a joke.
    Do I dance too much, when nobody can see me?
    For reference, I dance whenever nobody can see me. Music is not necesary, but it helps.
    Is this some kind of lonely bachelor joke?
    I'ma go ahead and call it right now: What we refer to as Facebook today will, in 50-years time, be fielding armed forces on foreign soil
    Hardboiled Android
    Hardboiled Android
    I was going to say hold off considering the name change, but read your post more carefully. Rats.
    They wouldn't need armed forces. Zuckerberg already buys land with pocket money on a regular basis.
    They are Umbrella.
    I just realized Donald Duck's been dropping F-bombs my whole life.
    Like, in the comics, they essentially bleep him, using the "@#!!!"-sort of squiggles when he gets angry enough to - presumably - cuss everyone out, especially his nephews.

    Like - you're not gonna convince me that @#%&!!! means darn and heck, and even if @ means darn and # means heck, what about %, & and !!!?

    There's at least a couple of heavy F-bombs in there.
    Sortof like that meta-joke in Friends, where it is "revealed" that they all regularily cuss - cus its human - but that it's never shown *on* the show. Don't remember the episode, but it focuses on Joey, and alludes to some pretty hefty cusses being used. Seinfeld also pulls a similar joke/"revelation"
    Mucha gente me decia - que yo no podia - fumar marihuana por la policia :0
    Which is fine just like having a beer and they are close minded assholes that are pushed to push you towards rehab because money and God stuff.
    Worst is they do sell medical weed here, I've stared, teary eyed, at big fucking transparent bags of pure green, sold at the pharmacy here - but autism doesn't cut it. It's cancer-in-the-brain or nothing.

    They came SO CLOSE to decriminalizing THIS YEAR, they even settled on ammount and stuff, even with public support they chickened out, and dropped it. SO frustrating!
    Even with decriminalization though, I'd still go to jail - cus they can never go all out. They were to decriminalize upto 15 grams, and treat anything above as "trafficking"

    like.... what kind of boy-baby smokes less than 15 grams in a fucking month? I'm an adult. I smoke big, I buy big - like them kilo bags of weed for the cancer patients! That's what I want :(
    Have there been many billionaire revolusionaries?
    It sounds like a cool character; I always liked that kind of historical figure. It’s unfortunate that so many who fund Revolution aren’t actually involved beyond that, I assume due to fear of being killed.
    Yeah, sure, you gotta be cray-cray to take such a risk, and most likely fail face first :D Cool to think about though, to explore - very romantic! Like a dream of something that cannot be, but that should
    I agree with that. It’s almost like the logical conclusion of “alea iacta est”: “the die is cast.” When you put yourself in that situation of both general and financier, the entire rebellion you’re leading hinges on you not dying.

    The proverbial Rubicon gets crossed just by you going into combat, and risking it all.
    My spellcheck accepts certain Norwegian compound words, but not others. "Sweetpiece" was not accepted, but "buttcavalry" was
    Was Giggity accepted?
    giggity is not accepted, neither is buttgiggity. this is bullshit!
    Went to the woods, met a bunch of goats. Goats are awesome! These were in fact municipal goats, there to maintain meadow landscapes.
    Someone in some comment section lamented how women always friendzone nice guys, and thus singlehandedly contribute to promote evil chads.
    I am personally bothered by the tone of many of them - Stefan in particular has this... home-tutoring classroom sort of approach and tone, where it is so clear to me, that he is knowingly and deliberately communicating his message to children.
    They have a way of pulling you into it with words, without explicitly telling you anything. Then once you've entered their circle it's kinda hard to leave. I just watch those kinds of videos just to see the way they word things and the tactics they use.
    As for the whole neo nazi thing, you could be the most racist, most batshit insane neo-nazi ever, and completely dedicated to stomping my race into the ground, and I'll listen to you and hear you out. But the moment I see an anime girl wearing a SS Waffen uniform, I stop taking you seriously and tune you out. It frustrates me.
    My favorite aspect of following Reuters is that each one of their posts give me at least 3-4 cryptobots to block at the time.
    I'm not a big blocker, I prefer muting. I just like the algorithm associated, accounts with lots of blocks tend to become relegated to the "more comments" section. Sometimes I just like doing my part!
    Weird. According to this Youtube comment section, ALL the young men there would bravely stop evildoers from doing evil, without hesitation
    Such remarkable bravery! Such gallantry! Such heart-warming compassion! But... they seem oddly absent from every single violent situation in the world. Which is strange, cus there were hundreds of brave souls in the comment section, all of them HEROES to humanity - ready to fight against evil, at a moments notice!
    To be fair, I also block all big-cleavage phisher accounts - mostly cus of how egregious they are about their unhuman bottish nature - any post, they swap between "horrible" and "amazing!" and the results are usually... counter intuitive at best.
    Trying to explain to people that Kremlin never needed Trumps permission to do political manipulation in the US and their allies
    And that if Trump ends up cleared on all charges, it says more about overcharging and American legal system, than it does anything else - is a frustrating endevour.
    I've been told twice now, in no uncertain terms, that Trump *made* Russia meddle. HE did it. Kremlin didn't even consider meddling, before Trump told them to.
    Trying to explain that there exists detailed litterature dating to 1993, describing both what ended up becoming Brexit - as well as formenting racial tension and strong-men in the US, as destabilizing tactics, and their knee-jerk response is "nevermind that. Trump invented Russian political manipulation >:O"
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