zegh8578 Dec 2, 2021 I love the brownish purplish golden glow of the atmosphere when the snow and the sky reflect the city light between each others.
I love the brownish purplish golden glow of the atmosphere when the snow and the sky reflect the city light between each others.
zegh8578 Nov 30, 2021 Holy fuck, I had to shift through shit about cannabis, mass murder, neural disorders, before I got Google to understand I was looking for -
Holy fuck, I had to shift through shit about cannabis, mass murder, neural disorders, before I got Google to understand I was looking for -
zegh8578 Nov 28, 2021 Every now and then it occurs to me that I know zero Saami words, the ethnic indigenous minority of northern Scandinavia.
Every now and then it occurs to me that I know zero Saami words, the ethnic indigenous minority of northern Scandinavia.
zegh8578 Nov 26, 2021 Why does saami wiki have an article about the patellar reflex, but norwegian does not? Also, hello Hoarse, are you doing well?
Why does saami wiki have an article about the patellar reflex, but norwegian does not? Also, hello Hoarse, are you doing well?
zegh8578 Nov 24, 2021 Playstation will shut off in 10 minutes - LIES! It says 10 minutes the whole time, there should be a countdown!
Playstation will shut off in 10 minutes - LIES! It says 10 minutes the whole time, there should be a countdown!
zegh8578 Nov 24, 2021 "Crisis actor" is a very loaded term nowadays, but I actually *was* a crisis actor during my draft, and it was fucking awesome
"Crisis actor" is a very loaded term nowadays, but I actually *was* a crisis actor during my draft, and it was fucking awesome
zegh8578 Nov 23, 2021 Goddamnit, I'm somewhat managing to convince some moron that I have become posessed by the devil, but then he doesn't recognize latin
Goddamnit, I'm somewhat managing to convince some moron that I have become posessed by the devil, but then he doesn't recognize latin
zegh8578 Nov 23, 2021 D: I got an epiphany in the shower, of mixing my carton of pineapple juice with milk. Like - whoaaaa - that's gotta ruuuule
D: I got an epiphany in the shower, of mixing my carton of pineapple juice with milk. Like - whoaaaa - that's gotta ruuuule
zegh8578 Nov 23, 2021 "21% of American adults are functionally illiterate. According to the U.S. DoE, 54% of adults have literacy below 6th-grade level."
"21% of American adults are functionally illiterate. According to the U.S. DoE, 54% of adults have literacy below 6th-grade level."
zegh8578 Nov 22, 2021 Being transgressional is half the battle - allow me to demonstrate: Murder is good, and not-murder... is bad.
Being transgressional is half the battle - allow me to demonstrate: Murder is good, and not-murder... is bad.
zegh8578 Nov 22, 2021 Lol, fuck, I'm getting a comment liked by American conservatives, including one #MAGA-account...
zegh8578 Nov 20, 2021 What, "metaphilosophy" isn't in the spell-check either? What is this thing good for, writing vacation post cards!?
What, "metaphilosophy" isn't in the spell-check either? What is this thing good for, writing vacation post cards!?
zegh8578 Nov 20, 2021 Oh fuck you spellcheck, for pretending the Nor. word for "reefer" doesn't exist! Grow up!
zegh8578 Nov 17, 2021 Convicted child killer and rapist is trending on Twitter, and I'm not sure I wanna know.
zegh8578 Nov 3, 2021 Any good YT to MP3 sites? ytmp3cc seems to be broken, only giving me corrupted files.
zegh8578 Nov 1, 2021 fuuuck hotline miami ost is some seriously sexay shit, i can't get any writing done, im too busy just grooving in my chair doing robot moves
fuuuck hotline miami ost is some seriously sexay shit, i can't get any writing done, im too busy just grooving in my chair doing robot moves
Oh, and articles about lyme disease. I hate Google so much. So much.