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  1. P

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    The generator thing is bugged. The text says it's fixed and there's nothing more you can do, but it's not fixed. You cannot fix it until you get the quest to fix it - I had that same problem. EPA is great.
  2. P

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    Wanted to chime in some more on this. The Verti-Assault encounter is cool and it's great you can talk your way out of it. As someone mentioned elsewhere, The Enclave troops should have the weapons equipped though, because a Guass Pistol that early is pretty game-breaking. Beating it off of...
  3. P

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    Have a few observations and comments on this build of the RP. In the Primitive Village, the first quest you get from the head warrior, do you need more than 6 perception or is there another skill to properly examine the supplies? From what I can tell you get the same karma and reward if you...
  4. P

    Protection Against Criticals?

    I wanted to chime in on this topic and bring forth another interesting point. Due to how Fallout and Fallout 2 are designed, without Super-Critical hits, there is -no- end game difficulty whatsoever. This is because the player character essentially has infinite HP and HP is more of an...
  5. P

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project Gameplay Thread

    For the well - just did it last night. Use rope on the well after I got the quest, talked to the guy, he tells you to use the bucket. Pickup the bucket, and then use it just like the rope you used on the well. Should attach that too. I had basic repair skills (<=20%), so shouldn't...
  6. P

    Fallout Trivia!!

    40 bullets a burst. (Assuming regular old Minigun) I cannot remember the name of the guy hanging out on level 3 of Vault City's Vault, but he constantly sings a song. What is the name of this song, and what other game in the Fallout series is it found?
  7. P

    F3 Enclave : Were they really bad guys?

    As far as it is morally concerned, the Enclave do not seem that bad overall. Eden had good reason to believe the wiping out Mutants was a good idea. Lets talk about which mutants were good to have around: A) Ghouls B) Regular non-Vault peoples. Both of these are debatable 'good'...
  8. P

    Heres what I don't get.

    The only reasonable explanation I can think of why Dad wouldn't just let them have it because of 'freedom'. It's possible that he knew the Enclave would only give it to who they wanted to, and it wouldn't be free, clean water for the entire wasteland (which was Mom's dream). Then again, who...
  9. P

    Playing on Very Hard: It Means One Thing Only...

    I'd suggest a couple of things with this: Big guns are fun, but are inefficient at this difficulty: -takes more ammo to take something down -ammo costs more considering damage done -lose durability faster because they are firing much more often Leg shot: Yai Giyo (or whatever those...
  10. P

    Ideas to enhance experience?

    A friend and I designed a challenge in Fallout 3 that was pretty fun. I suggest you play it, Lan-party style, with a few friends of yours. Every person plays through their game with a singular goal in mind: Use the Rock-it Launcher to shoot a Teddy Bear at the Lincoln Statue in the Lincoln...
  11. P

    Inflexibility of Main Quest

    Fallout 3- Main Quest: Find your father (unlike a water chip, he's been to several places and people happen to have information about him and where he's gone) 1) Follow the main quest line, eventually everything puts you at Vault 112 (unfortunately there is no time limit, I actually...
  12. P

    Inflexibility of Main Quest

    In reply to the pick showing one of the holodisks: It never says in there where 'Bakersfield' is. From playing the game so much (I LOVED that game) I know of course where it is, what it is, and how quickly I can nab the waterchip. So, on your first play through this 'additional direction'...
  13. P

    Inflexibility of Main Quest

    I can't help but reply. How was Fallout 1 much different in this regard? If I recall correctly, there was only 1 way to learn that Necropolis had a water chip - that's through the water merchants who, if you follow the quest line by talking to certain people, you are eventually lead to...
  14. P

    Enclave in FO3

    My understanding of the topic at hand is somewhat limited but is this: Kid's Dad from Greyditch: Him and a group of other Enclaver's ditched Navarro (seemed like just after the Oil Rig went down) and they were considered 'defectors' so they were hiding. When he and his family eventually...
  15. P

    Only three complaints.

    I can understand why you would aim for the head, but I can name several times where I chose non-headshots over headshots strategically. Shooting at the arm or gun of Super Mutants (I can't stand rocket launchers); Knocking out a Deathclaw leg before it gets to me; crippling the chest of those...
  16. P

    V.A.T.S. is NOT a combat system

    If anyone has noticed, most of the time when you shoot a weapon out of an enemy's hand (I do this a lot with rocket launchers) the weapon gets 'broken' such that it has no durability and cannot be fired. Enemies will pickup unbroken weapons, but they are smart enough to ignore broken ones...
  17. P

    But was the spirit preserved?

    New to forums, but certainly not to Fallout. It's hard for me not to agree with OP. I've browsed these boards for awhile, but from my personal experiences with Fallout I think the mechanics in the game were great, especially for their day and age, but were largely flawed mechanics which were...