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    Thank you
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    I made an elevator that works but I end up somwhere totally other than where I figgured I would end up. Is there a work around which dosn't include rebuilding the Maps.txt? Basicaly I want the elevator to work like a staircase. Well, not really but you know...
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    How do I position location on the Worldmap?

    Well I haven't the worldmap in an image so I'll just have to look for the program I guess. Thanks for the help Nope, the map was there but no program
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    How do I position location on the Worldmap?

    I wonder how I can place a location on the worldmap without having to update the City file a gazillion times. Is there a some kind of GPS in the game or perhaps a program that one can use?
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    How do I read the .int files

    Thanks for the tip
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    How do I read the .int files

    How the blazes did I miss that one? Thank you, but if I copy a script, decomp it, steal some stuff, put it in my script and comp that script. every thing's fine then?
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    How do I read the .int files

    I have the mapper and FSE but I haven't the complier files. I want to be able to open .int scripts to see what's in there so I can make my own. I have looked for watcom but it dosn't exist anymore so... What to do?
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    How do I read the .int files

    How do I read the .int files. I open them with my c editor and it's just gibberish. EDIT: I guess that I have to decompile them in some way but how and with what?
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    Movie shooting

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    Movie shooting

    Is there a program that letts you film inside F2 and stor the files in .mpg or .avi or someting like that?
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    Just wants to make his own G of E

    Sorry but Black Isle is down burried and dead as wild bill hickock and Interplay...
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    Scripting Tutorials

    Finaly a way to learn scripting... Lich you are my light in the dark limbo of fallout scripting modification...
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    GCD files help

    Why not just use the char editor in F2 to create .GCD´s?
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    Cliff Technique

    Very nice *Evil smile* Optical illutions is a good way to build... As long as no one finds out...
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    Is there some one who makes F2 screnery?

    Monsharen & Xavierblazer, I´m making a MOD that is growing out of proportion and I need some people that could help me, you interested? Happy now Brahmin?
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    Is there some one who makes F2 screnery?

    Monsharen & Xavierblazer, I´m making a MOD that is growing out of proportion and I need some people that could help me, you interested?
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    Fix AP ammo bug

    *Thumbs up* Got it thanks...
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    Is there some one who makes F2 screnery?

    Is there some one who makes F2 screnery? Cause I need some sings and railtraks and a few other stuff for my expanding mod...
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    Fix AP ammo bug

    Let me rephrase that, If a bullet have -10 DR and +10 AC dos it remove 10 DR and add 10 AC?