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  1. U

    Losing vehicle problem, really need a solution to this, special encounter

    Got rather a big problem here. I saved the game beforehand thankfully, and have tried going on foot, but it doesn't seem to turn up then. The canadian invasion special encounter, to pick up the acid-thrower and a lot of lightweight ammo, basically a really, really long range, armor-piercing...
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    Stimpacks and superstims stop working on injured party member?

    Anyone know why stims of either regular or superstimpack type might abruptly stop working? Just had a fuckabout where the squad went on a rampage in a brotherhood bunker and then almost, although losing several members, ALMOST got through and had 'mother' disembowel the general covering for...
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    Alright! so what are you all munching on/drinking/intoxicating oneself with?

    Thread title says it all. Whats your poison? Currently mine is two packets of BBQ flavour beef jerky...or was it three. I can't recall, that stuff is just so damn tasty. Didn't look how many packets was buying in the shop earlier, I just grabbed as many as I could grab in the paw not used for...
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    Recruiting and vehicle transport Q?

    I just noticed while using the buggy to carry one of my squad members while moving across the wastes, that whilst in the vehicle, the pilot no longer showed up amongst the squad member slots. Does anyone happen to know if, (without breaking the game), the game engine could be tricked by...
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    Peoria tribal village turret question

    Is the 10s countdown when inside the underground peoria military base cumulative, if the switch is thrown multiple times, to allow access more than once, before those turrets open fire and butcher the tribal villagers? Because I've been leading return missions there several times, especially...
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    Armor question-AC vs stats change, relative importance?

    I've a question here, been unsure of quite which is going to prove best in a tactical situation. Got both a mark I and II metal armor, and the troops have sufficient strength to use them, only thing is, the resistance stats improve, whilst the AC goes way down, compared to the MK I and II...
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    Dead people shooting? Arrgh! ZOMBIEESSS!

    Can anyone explain this weird event? After getting busted stealing in a bunker, since they are one of the main sources of healing by way of stimpaks, superstims etc., of course everybody was pissed, so, just for fun, decided to go on a rampage before reloading and see how many BoS staff I could...
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    Assassinating the ghoul 'patches' in bunker, pros/cons?

    After the quincy mission, there are two ghouls that join up, one of them a trader, the other one has about 3000 ringpulls, patches, and they don't trade. Already had farsight get the five-finger discount on the easier targets, but even dousing the main aggregation of his bodyparts in alcohol...
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    close combat and stealth with noisy weapons?

    A quick question, I've been wondering about. When one wishes to perform a stealth-kill with a melee weapon, do powered weapons that have an obviously noisy sort of nature, like fr.ex the ripper, or cattle-prod either ever alert close by enemies, or make it more likely to be detected when...
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    Comitting a single, or just the occasional (stealth) murder? karma etc.

    Is karma affected when for example, one is wandering close to bunker alpha to stock up on stimpaks and shotgun shells (currently using flechette shells a lot, especially for those moments where one needs a couple of stealthy shooters to crawl down low below line of sight where there are multiple...