Ok, about the videos:
- The vault looks very cool. The door opening is different, a bit too steamy, but cool nonetheless. The old way was cooler though.
- CACHING?! What the hell?
- WTF's up with the morrowindy music on level up? Dude, so out of place... Or perhaps not so much considering the rest of the game?
- Destruction is lame and generic, like totally generic.
- The first pistol sounds like a pea shooter. WTH?
- The nukular car exploding is very lame considering that only the car actually explodes, the rest of the world remains as if nothing happened...
- The pipboy looks cool as ever. A shame it's so dumbed down. The rest of the interface looks solid too.
- The first robot (whatever it's called) looks awesome.
- Dialog? About as crappy as Oblivion's... But the choices look solid, even if there's little to no moral ambiguity.
- Junktown looks decent. A bit of a change from the real junktown, considering all the Z axis variation.
- The soundtrack in the town is nice, as in not orchestral. Lol. Seriously.
- Everybody in the world will still talk to you as you go near them, just like Morrowind. And Oblivion... The "Ah, what the hell do you want?" guy was completely out of place. He didn't even MOVE!!!
- The "interests" guy looks great. A shame everyone else's outfits are so lacking in charisma. For the most part, at least. The faces are also bearable in these low resolutions. For the most part, again.
- The brahmin looks a bit too mutated, perhaps.
- Combat is stupid, as we ALL know. You character gets shot two times, jumping and kicking. An NPC gets shot two times, dead. NICE!!!
- The 50's soundtrack will get old SOOOO fast I don't even know why they put it in...
- The water looks very nice. As they promised 2 years ago. It also heals you and gives you radiation at the same time. SCORE!
- Shooting the car in the trunk makes it go kaboom. Yeah, right.
- Those strange wierd creepy dumb monsters in video 3 are veru dull. And the AI shows off very well there too: it's inexistent.
- Even during a nuclear explosion, the radio still gets radio signal. NICE!!!
- The show off at the end of vid 3 was just unexpected. And stupid.
- At the super-duper mart (!) it was very cool when the first person handholding stupid combat system let the guy run backwards while shooting and run straight into an enemy, who didn't kill the PC. Which may be understandable seeing as they're probably using cheats here, but looks so SO bad.
- The power fist was raped, but the new raped power fist looks awesome. A power fist is not a pneumatic weapon, it's an electric weapon the electrocutes enemies... Shows how well they know the game...
- The lockpicking minigame seems understandable and playable, even if it's COMPLETELY unnecessary. You just have to orientate the pin and see how near "horizontal" position you are, then reorient the pin to fit the position. At least I think that's what it is. Leaves much room for skill influence, but let's see how well they handle that.
- The hacking minigame looks cool. Very complex looking, and seems simple enough to forget about the computer skill. Looks cool though.
- The railroad shotgun sounds STUUUUUUUUPID!!!
- The protectron walks funny. looks nice.
- The tempenny tower looks so cool. Very awesome. Of course, everything should look as cool as it, because I have a FREAKING TOWER half a mile away from my house that looks about the same...
- The guy at the gate keeps talking to a guy even after he hears a huge explosion? SCORE!!!