5 new gameplay videos

I like what I'm seeing here, just not as a Fallout sequel.

It's definitely Fallout inspired, which is great, but it's added stuff that I personally feel doesn't fit, and removed some stuff that I believe was necessary to make a sequel.

As for the game itself, these videos are beautiful, I'm sure I can excuse the shitty voice acting and shitty "railroad gun" sound effects, the environments look nice, and that A-Bomb explosion was extroadinary. :) I'm glad I've pre-ordered the LE. :)

EDIT: Fucking crab things. They look horrendous.
The exploding cars are just stupid. It takes a huge abandonment of basic logic to accept that fact that a few bullets on the exterior of a car's body would cause an old atomic battery to explode.
Heh. Here are my thoughts:

1# When he leaves the vault - World of Warcraft music... :|
Exploding car -

The floating radio bots or whatever, I really dont like those... especially in early parts of the game. Another odd thing imho is that megaton lies so close to vault 101. If everyone was aware of the vault, why no one tried to open it, blow up the vault door or something. People would try to get in and scavenge whats possible, its a post apocaliptic world god damn it!

I kinda like the enviroments, not that bad but could be better. Its stupid that mr burke tells his little secret to anyone. Well, I thought mentants were raising your intelligence, not exact skills, AMIRITE?

3# I am afraid that 80% of the game npcs will just be hostile... Just like the raiders. That dude vs a scorpion - thats the improved AI? :|

4# No comment on this one.

5# Kinda short blastwave for a nuclear weapon. Im tired...
SuAside said:
Brother None said:
Ghoul = not zombie.
just because the guard calls him a zombie, doesn't make him one.

seriously, the first time you see a ghoul, you'll think ZOMBIE! while they're not related, they look alike. enough for some people to call them the same.

Context, dude, I wasn't talking about what the guard was calling him, I was explaining how I feel the monotone throat-cancer voice doesn't work for ghouls but would for a zombie.

Monotone just ain't ghoul. Ghouls got personality. Throat cancer? Sure, nice touch. Monotone? Not so nice.

MapMan said:
The floating radio bots or whatever, I really dont like those... especially in early parts of the game. Another odd thing imho is that megaton lies so close to vault 101. If everyone was aware of the vault, why no one tried to open it, blow up the vault door or something. People would try to get in and scavenge whats possible, its a post apocaliptic world god damn it!

That's what happened to Vault 15, yeah. I dunno, maybe Vault 101 has a special reinforced door. Maybe that's why it has a different opening cinematic, different type of door?

Also, they're not all that close:
Unillenium said:
50/50 whereas Fo3 looks like about 75% fps 15% rpg and 10% ????

10% the Sims house management.

And the thing about the exploding cars, as was said before, is that they "survived" a nuclear blast 200 years ago to explode from some pistol shots.

- I hate Howard's voice. The Vault exit is pretty impressive, though has little in common with the previous titles. May be the nature of the East Coast early Vaults, though.

- Music is vaguely Falloutish, propably because it emulates the Modoc music track. Landscape is pretty generic - if I didn't knew it's from Fallout 3, I wouldn't guess it's supposed to be Fallout.

- Ugh. Somebody should mod out that idiotic cash register sound when earning XP.

- WTF? Trumpets and a full orchestral score when earning a level? Stupid.

- Oh yeah, wooden structures can survive 200 years. Uhum.

- The 10mm Pistol looks vaguely like it's older brother. Colt made semiautomatics too, without the cylinder. But wait, what's that? An immobile weapon hammer in a next-gen immersive game? Awww.... how cute they pay attention to details.

- Typical moronity: fusion-based cars can explode, TWO HUNDRED years after being abandoned...

- Stiff animation of the lead character.

- Since when do unexploded bombs create craters? Oh wait, let me guess... Bethesda rewrote the laws of physics. What kind of a moron greenlighted this design idea?

- The Metro Protectron is a nice nod to Robby the Robot. Wait, did Beth put in something subtle?

- Interesting design for Megaton's gate. Like it.

- What's with the needless profanities?

- Wow, the character design is pretty impressive for Bethesda. Finally the NPCs look human and the equipment is properly worn. Gob's raspy... man, can this actually be something good?

- ...Burke. Forget everything I said.

- No shadows? I thought this is supposed to be a next-gen game.

- What's with the bullet time, err, VATS? Why is it a superpower instead of, you know, something that offers actual tactics?

- Giant mutated crabmen. Fits the 50s pulp sci-fi but... god, do they look hilarious.


- Look at the ingenious Radiant AI and the magnificent animation! Standing in one place with a rake up his ass!

- Why did his leg go off if the scorpion hit him in the chest (Scorpion looks great, though).

- Did he get Combat Armour after 15 minutes of play? Art of balance is unknown to Bethesda seemingly.

- Power Fist doesn't look even remotely like it's older brother. Whee, lack of continuity?

- Bleh, boring death animations.

- Uhum, backflip. Where are the game's great physics?

- Tenpenny Towers look impressive.

- WTF? StealthBoy wasn't a PIP-Boy plug-in, it was a military cloaking device.

- Looks good inside. The bloom is killing me, though.

- Meh, kind of stupid that the quest is so straightforward. Would be more interesting (not to mention, unconventional) to have Burke trick the player into installing the charge and meeting him at TP Towers. But I guess such subtlety is beyond Bethesda.

Overall, the impression is rather good. It's a well done Fallout-inspired shooter, though definitely not a worthy RPG sequel.
JESUS said:
And the thing about the exploding cars, as was said before, is that they "survived" a nuclear blast 200 years ago to explode from some pistol shots.

Nevermind how in an area of constant warfare between BoS, Enclave, supermutants and raiders they were never hit by stray bullets, or on purpose.

Anyway, since Fallout 3 now determines canon someone needs to go back and mod Junktown so that now the entire town explodes if you shoot a gun within its limits.
Brother None said:
Also, they're not all that close:

Well, actually they are! Look closely when todd leaves the vault, I think you can see megaton from the cliff. Need higher res vid for proper judgement. Also, later on you can see that all he does to get to megaton is walk down the cliff, enter the destroyed buildings area and walk up a road straight to megaton doorsteps. Lame imho.
Ok, about the videos:
- The vault looks very cool. The door opening is different, a bit too steamy, but cool nonetheless. The old way was cooler though.
- CACHING?! What the hell?
- WTF's up with the morrowindy music on level up? Dude, so out of place... Or perhaps not so much considering the rest of the game?
- Destruction is lame and generic, like totally generic.
- The first pistol sounds like a pea shooter. WTH?
- The nukular car exploding is very lame considering that only the car actually explodes, the rest of the world remains as if nothing happened...
- The pipboy looks cool as ever. A shame it's so dumbed down. The rest of the interface looks solid too.
- The first robot (whatever it's called) looks awesome.
- Dialog? About as crappy as Oblivion's... But the choices look solid, even if there's little to no moral ambiguity.
- Junktown looks decent. A bit of a change from the real junktown, considering all the Z axis variation.
- The soundtrack in the town is nice, as in not orchestral. Lol. Seriously.
- Everybody in the world will still talk to you as you go near them, just like Morrowind. And Oblivion... The "Ah, what the hell do you want?" guy was completely out of place. He didn't even MOVE!!!
- The "interests" guy looks great. A shame everyone else's outfits are so lacking in charisma. For the most part, at least. The faces are also bearable in these low resolutions. For the most part, again.
- The brahmin looks a bit too mutated, perhaps.
- Combat is stupid, as we ALL know. You character gets shot two times, jumping and kicking. An NPC gets shot two times, dead. NICE!!!
- The 50's soundtrack will get old SOOOO fast I don't even know why they put it in...
- The water looks very nice. As they promised 2 years ago. It also heals you and gives you radiation at the same time. SCORE!
- Shooting the car in the trunk makes it go kaboom. Yeah, right.
- Those strange wierd creepy dumb monsters in video 3 are veru dull. And the AI shows off very well there too: it's inexistent.
- Even during a nuclear explosion, the radio still gets radio signal. NICE!!!
- The show off at the end of vid 3 was just unexpected. And stupid.
- At the super-duper mart (!) it was very cool when the first person handholding stupid combat system let the guy run backwards while shooting and run straight into an enemy, who didn't kill the PC. Which may be understandable seeing as they're probably using cheats here, but looks so SO bad.
- The power fist was raped, but the new raped power fist looks awesome. A power fist is not a pneumatic weapon, it's an electric weapon the electrocutes enemies... Shows how well they know the game...
- The lockpicking minigame seems understandable and playable, even if it's COMPLETELY unnecessary. You just have to orientate the pin and see how near "horizontal" position you are, then reorient the pin to fit the position. At least I think that's what it is. Leaves much room for skill influence, but let's see how well they handle that.
- The hacking minigame looks cool. Very complex looking, and seems simple enough to forget about the computer skill. Looks cool though.
- The railroad shotgun sounds STUUUUUUUUPID!!!
- The protectron walks funny. looks nice.
- The tempenny tower looks so cool. Very awesome. Of course, everything should look as cool as it, because I have a FREAKING TOWER half a mile away from my house that looks about the same...
- The guy at the gate keeps talking to a guy even after he hears a huge explosion? SCORE!!!
Mikael Grizzly said:
- Meh, kind of stupid that the quest is so straightforward. Would be more interesting (not to mention, unconventional) to have Burke trick the player into installing the charge and meeting him at TP Towers. But I guess such subtlety is beyond Bethesda.

Yeah that is indeed a much more Falloutish approach, and it would require some skill checks (int. or speech maybe), to see beyond his bullshit.
Ok, the first thing that annoyed the crap out of me is every time you killed someone you heard, "Cha-Ching!" Holy crap, who made that decision? Next is the train whistle when you fire the railroad gun. I just don't want to use that weapon at all now. It also looks retarded. A lot of the weapon models as well as reload animations could be much much better. I have seen modders do much better.

And we all fucking hated the voice acting from oblivion so why the fucking hell would you bring back anyone??? There are already two voices making a return and they didn't even attempt to disguise them. I knew they were gonna pull this shit from the start. The only voice I liked was the president's. I mean you couldn't get the people who did the fallout voices or baldur's gate or VTMB???? Where the fuck is the money going??? It is like they are purposely trying to ruin their game.

The area's look great still. The sheriff saying fuck twice was over the top. Swearing at the radio was perfect.

Overall animations....still shit.
Dialogue...could be better.
Why won't it let you operate on the bomb? If your skill is not high enough you should just go at it. You fuck up, big explosion.

The landscapes are fantastic, animations are shit, dialogue is decent to above average, voices are shit to mediocre, and the sound effects that I mentioned before are just annoying.

F+ (The plus is for effort.)
They had to change the power fist. The old one made no sense whatsoever. It was a mechanical gauntlet that went up to your forearm that somehow made you punch harder. Nothing was ever said about an electrical attack in 1 and in 2 the Mega Power Fist mentioned upgraded servos or somesuch.
the ghouls that attacked you in necropolis in fo1 weren't exactly smooth talkers either. isnt it safe to assume ghouls have varying charisma and intellect? the game explained it itself, Set ruled essentially because he had cunning and smarts.

i dont view the demo ghoul's voice as characteristic zombie, that would usually mean a drawl voice lacking any sort of dimension. i mean harold doesnt sound too out of place with that demo ghoul, he has more personality sure

the only major disappointment so far from what i can gather in these videos is the simpleness of your replies and the sparse dialogue
That little ominous SFX bit when you accept the offer from Burke was pitch-perfect, even with his uninspired VO.

Also: POWERFIST! *super-socko*
raunchy said:
the ghouls that attacked you in necropolis in fo1 weren't exactly smooth talkers either. isnt it safe to assume ghouls have varying charisma and intellect? the game explained it itself, Set ruled essentially because he had cunning and smarts.

What does that have to do with monotone voice acting?
Anani Masu said:
They had to change the power fist. The old one made no sense whatsoever. It was a mechanical gauntlet that went up to your forearm that somehow made you punch harder. Nothing was ever said about an electrical attack in 1 and in 2 the Mega Power Fist mentioned upgraded servos or somesuch.

Maybe you hit harder.... because... you know... you have big piece of metal in your hand... like a brass knuckle +5 :P


The pneumatic thing is stupid.. :|

Power fist sucks
Brother None said:
raunchy said:
the ghouls that attacked you in necropolis in fo1 weren't exactly smooth talkers either. isnt it safe to assume ghouls have varying charisma and intellect? the game explained it itself, Set ruled essentially because he had cunning and smarts.

What does that have to do with monotone voice acting?
Some people in real life speak in a monotone voice?