5 new gameplay videos

Brother None said:
Anyway, let's get on with the critiques and positives

The Vault still looks cool, though I still don't understand their need for changing the door opening cinematic. I can see where SuA gets his "steampunk" angle from.

Fallout is a world "where nuclear energy permeated everyday life" is basically a correct thing to say from our Toddster, but to then demonstrate by a car exploding is just asinine. That's right, Todd, people drove exploding cars.
Thought the same thing exactly.

I think this game at least warrants a rental based on these videos sure there's some stupid stuff and it probably won't be a very good game, but renting games is still cheap and I at least want to try it before I completely knock it. I'll just have to come up with something else to call it. Hrmmmm
Anani Masu said:
Some people in real life speak in a monotone voice?

M'kay, two points:

1. Voice acting is not a reflecton of how people speak in real life, it's a reflection of what carries over well in a game. You're not supposed to be imitating real-life voices. Imagine Todd Howard being one of the voices in the game.

2. I've never heard anyone protest "passionately" their debarment from a gate in such a monotone voice. The sentences indicate "I'm angry/excited!" the tone indicates "I'm a corpse"

It's appropriate where it's appropriate. Y'know, Ellen Muth in Dead Like Me. That's appropriate monotone.
Brother None said:
Context, dude, I wasn't talking about what the guard was calling him, I was explaining how I feel the monotone throat-cancer voice doesn't work for ghouls but would for a zombie.

Monotone just ain't ghoul. Ghouls got personality. Throat cancer? Sure, nice touch. Monotone? Not so nice.
from glow-in-the-dark ghoul to tree-in-the-head ghoul, there are all kinds. i think there can be a monotone-voice-ghoul too. ;)

what's your point?
Brother None said:
That's what happened to Vault 15, yeah. I dunno, maybe Vault 101 has a special reinforced door. Maybe that's why it has a different opening cinematic, different type of door?
only thing that's going to keep people from getting in after decades of potential attempts is guns. lots of guns.

i don't care what kind of steel grated concrete they used for the walls, but in decades time, motivated people can easily get through.

so the only plausible explanation (since secrecy is not an option here), would be automated defenses and armed patrols. and looks like there's neither. not on the outside anyway.
I loved it for the most part.The escape video was beatiful, once he left the vault and walk to that scenic view I wanted to play the game immediately.I couldnt care less about voice acting and stale animations and what not, fuck that.I dont play games for that.The overall atmosphere was simply great.Combat could be better, but I have no doubt thatit will be - on mouse and keyboard.The overall responsivness will be much more comfortable.And VATS actually looks like it might not get old after one use, although that remains to be played and seen.

October can not come soon enough. Stalker CS, FarCry 2, Witcher EE and Fallout 3...where the fuck should I get the time?
Brother None said:
Anani Masu said:
Some people in real life speak in a monotone voice?

M'kay, two points:

1. Voice acting is not a reflecton of how people speak in real life, it's a reflection of what carries over well in a game. You're not supposed to be imitating real-life voices. Imagine Todd Howard being one of the voices in the game.

2. I've never heard anyone protest "passionately" their debarment from a gate in such a monotone voice. The sentences indicate "I'm angry/excited!" the tone indicates "I'm a corpse"

It's appropriate where it's appropriate. Y'know, Ellen Muth in Dead Like Me. That's appropriate monotone.

1. Unless they want to voice a character which doesn't exist in real life. In this case a ghoul.

2. Well the meer fact that they are indeed ghouls, heavily mutated does kind of scream "WHY THE HELL AM I STILL ALIVE?".
I'll get some stills, right now I'm downloading the videos from the highest quality source I could find.
A. Bads
1. Ghouls sound like Dark Elves from TES
2. People talk to themselves just, exactly, like in Oblivion- the guy/girl coms in, and talks to another guy
3. Lips move always the same, no emotions showing when the voice actor is saying louder or something like that (you know what I mean)
4. The first main mission is to activate the atomic bomb in Megaton. When he does that people should be noticing that someone just messed something up with the bomb! For fuck sake, it's a bomb that can destroy your damn city!! And it looke like "Ohhh, he just activated the nuclear bomb that can destroy our whole town, but what ever..." WTF??
5. A 19 year old noob, 101 vault dweller, just came out from the vault and he ripped off the whole riders camp? With just a pistol?? WTF???
6. The VATS option gives even more "easy playing and killing" ability to the player, even like "god" like ability. Which sux because in Fallout the player was on the same ability level like his enemies, sometimes even the enemy had one extra turn to play. Fallout had difficult combat that made you think. This combat reminds me more of Counter Strike (that I'm very into at the moment) than the one was in Fallout.
7. "No zombies allowes"??? I forgot maybe, but were there "zombies" in fallout??
8. The game looks like a sandbox to have fun with just for one or two playing throughs...hopfully it's just a demo.
9. The world has that feeling like The Great War was yesterday. The area looks like a big, piece of junks just fell from the sky, and civilization didn't achieve anything after 200 years. For example, FO2 world looked like there was a civilizations progress, but FO3 looks like...nothing happened :?
10. The music doesn't feel like Fallout, but like something else and it usually goes by the same notes and melody. They guy is not talented in this one as Beth said.
11. Haven't see many original guns from the previous Fallouts :/
12. Nuka Cola shooter?

B. Goods
1. I like the graphics, I think their engine fits nicely with the climate of the game's setting.
2. They used good voice actors.
3. Can't think of anything else...
lol railgun has a choo choo train SFX? :P

and did he actually say "Critical hits with this gun, rip people's body parts off". LMAO! JUST LIKE WITH EVERY OTHER "WEAPON" IN THIS GAME!

blood getting stuck in mid air, physics looks crap (like subjects don't have mass), and when targeting those crabman - he has less chance to hit at the crab that is standing closer to him and in better angle than the one standing farther away and worse angle? wtf?

STALKER looks way better. But still would be interesting to play.
Not gonna write much, except that that I don't like the game much from videos. Looks too much of a Bioshock clone.

So, what I like:
- lockipicking looks nice, no longer will I have to press 2 every goddamn time I fail to lockpick
- radscorpions look pretty nice also
- that black dude's voice from radio is cool
- crafting is always welcome
- you can llot the bodies from everything they got

What I don't like:
- Sheriff absolutly sucks. No proper animations, voice acting is bad
- dialogue animations suck, so to speak, as does bodies' ragdoll
- PC's model is horrible, armors look even worse
- that guy from Oblivion is back as Mr Burke...I hoped never to hear his voice in other game...also, Burke and Tenpenny SUCK DONKEY BALLS, they don't fit in a Fallout game AT ALL.
- perk per EACH level? Makes no sense, perks were something rare, that required at least some planning. Now it's something you don't need to worry about. Lame
- deaths look lame. The ones from Fallout had that something which these animations don't have

*EDIT* guys from Bethesda can't make a game without some kind of Mudcrabs, now can they? They make too many mutants, badly made mutants in addition.

I could go on and on with the things I don't like, while throwing some positives from time to time. but I think it's enough to present my feeling towards the game. Game looks pretty uninteresting IMHO.
How can anyone say they liked the voice actors????
What is going on here?? I feel like I'm in the fucking twilight zone.

There was one good voice actor and that was the professional actor playing the president.

I know realities are subjective but this is ridiculous. I reject your realities and substitute my own. My reality includes gravity, breathable air and a nice looking planet that I like to call Earth(I think I'll trademark that).
1st impressions:

The main character moves too quickly. I'd prefer him to move at a more realistic pace.

Voice acting isn't great but it's certainly passable.

Character facial expressions aren't very good. When Mr Burke chuckles, his face remains blank. When he's at the top of Tenpenny Tower, the blank expression really jarrs with what he's saying.

Dialogue feels a little clunky, when they say 'fuck' it kind of jars half the time - maybe it's the average voice acting. I'm a proponent of not using voice actors unless they're really good - maybe a lot of this dialogue would have been better unvoiced. But you can tell they're trying and the dialogue's miles better than Oblivion.

Graphics and atmosphere are nice. Music is good, and the radio seems as if it might be a nice feature. I liked the topdown view, a lot better than I expected.

Liked the tactical use of VATS with the crab people; found the existence of crab people amusing. I have a feeling VATs will be overpowered, though.

Clothing looks scavenged and cool.

VATS sans bloody mess is a lot better. In fact all deaths are dramatically improved without Bloody Mess.

Didn't like the 'hidden' and 'danger' immersion breakers - if you want to give players a warning, at least integrate it somehow, maybe an acquirable item like Thief's light gem.

Power Fist: first time I've gone, 'oh yeah' at a death in FO3. Reminds me of how I reacted to many of the original FO's deaths. Thumbs up. Though it's a shame VATs seems a bit redundant in HtH.

Protectron is a lot of fun.

Aside from the blank facial expressions, the scene of Megaton's destruction is atmospheric and powerful. Like it.

Overall: not too bad at all, really.
oh man.
everything looks so... unnatural. All the characters move like puppets. The girl that went downstairs was passing the steps.

the writing is not bad, but the animation in dialogues just sucks balls. It ruins everything. How can you expect anyone to cry in astonishment without moving a muscle?

The music wasn't that bad. I loved the tune that was playing when entering super-duper-mart.

The sounds are shite mostly. That drumroll and fanfares, when you level up and checkout sound when smth happens, just piss off. Also, the sound of hitting the glass, when shooting at a mudcrab was stupid.

I liked the ruins, they're pretty good.

Combat is still a meh. Mostly because of the animations. Power fist melee looked ok, though.

The radscorpion looked nice, but moved as a piece of shit.

Protectron is my love from now on.

Stealth looks stupid.
The game reminds me of a mix of Deus Ex and BioShock which, while not Fallout, is a nice combination.

It looks FUN. Weapons building, a world that looks interesting, it's story based so I can sense it being less boring than Oblivion, and there's a lot of little minor details like the character customization and dropping live grenades on people (a nod to the previous games I bet) that make me happy.

I can tell I'll have fun with this one for hours on end which is all I ask for in a video game. It would have been nice if Atari or Bioware bought the license and did it justice but until Interplay brings out Fallout MMO (I'm laughing pretty hard as I type this) I'll just have to enjoy Fallout as a custom GURPS game I run with my friends.

EDIT: Oh, and to everyone who questions the cursing... did you guys like not play Fallout 2? Fallout 1 was pretty good but Fallout 2 was like written by a half competent team and the other half by a group of middle schoolers. There was even a "quest" where you get raped by a mutant and he leaves the ball gag. What?
I thought, the boy is 19. I never meet a 19 years old with such a big beard.

Some parts of the videos are good, but I don't like that the people are talking to each other, even if one of them is already dead. I also don't like the animations or the camera view. It looks a bit hard and not flexible.

Also... has someone mirrors from the HD videos? I tried to download them, but it wasn't really possible. I could only download approx 20mb and then the download stopped.

/Edit: What I also like is the raider outfits. It reminds me a bit of Mad Max and I would love to run around as a dirty raider.
So did anyone else catch that reused Oblivion drum-roll sound effect after he left the vault? I think im gonna barf
SuAside said:
i don't care what kind of steel grated concrete they used for the walls, but in decades time, motivated people can easily get through.

so the only plausible explanation (since secrecy is not an option here), would be automated defenses and armed patrols. and looks like there's neither. not on the outside anyway.

Maybe your father passed through megaton also, but the dialogue options should have something like: "How do you know about Vault 101?" He might have still "guessed" from the big 101 in the jumpsuit.

What annoyed me the most was the exit of the vault. What the hell was that? a door? if your father was the first to leave in ages how come that stupid narrow passage had a door at the end?
1. Voices are terrible- Tenpenny, Burke and ghoul's voices are simply terrible. Even that ghoul IS A GODDAMN DARK ELF from oblivion. Or at least he sounds like him.
2. Todd messed with the bomb in Megaton and people around didn't even notice or react? The hell? He was tinkering with an unexploded atomic bomb and they didn't even notice? Another example of radioactive AI or lazy design?
3. Dialogue is mostly made of one-liners. I guess times when unimportant NPCs (like Jules in New Reno) had lots of dialogue to read are over, eh?
4. Hate the sounds that the rail-gun makes.
What annoyed me the most was the exit of the vault. What the hell was that? a door? if your father was the first to leave in ages how come that stupid narrow passage had a door at the end?

It was probably built when the Vault was built to keep the weather from clogging the gears in the main vault door. Every vault in previous Fo games had their main door underground and a small building or tunnel leading up to them.
Cow said:
What annoyed me the most was the exit of the vault. What the hell was that? a door? if your father was the first to leave in ages how come that stupid narrow passage had a door at the end?

It was probably built when the Vault was built to keep the weather from clogging the gears in the main vault door.

Yeah it's a wonder how the main vault door passed through that advanced weather protection system.