Yeah I get that but I imagine if I wasn't super into Fallout and was asked to paint/draw this dude and I found out there's an "official" artwork and there's a sprite that was used for many characters, I'd likely go with the former as well is all.I understand, but it’s not like they used that character model for the art on any other cards (to my knowledge). Could’ve at least gave him longer hair and a 10mm SMG.
Not that any of this matters, of course.
Some of it is good! A lot of MTG art is good though it has its variance of course. Some of it... not so much.This is undeniable, but it's fun to speculate. I'm mainly just digging the art.
Nuka-Nuke Launcher looks weird and it's probably because it was edited or requested to be edited to show the super mutant's face after the painting was done. But it just looks weird to hold it like that.

Also, I kinda dig the Power Fist card. It is silly and whatnot but not in the ways I dislike for Fallout. And I think the artist did a good job of capturing the essence of that. Because, yeah you can wear a vault suit and punch a deathclaw but you better be doing some damage while avoiding getting hit on your way in lmao.

Also if you give a shit about numbers I decided to pick out which cards are heavily or directly referencing which games.
These are my totals:
Fallout = 15
Fallout 2 = 7
Fallout Tactics = 1
Fallout 3 = 33 (add 7 if you want to count the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Bobbleheads)
Fallout: New Vegas = 56
Fallout 4 = 56
Fallout 76 = 24
One or two land cards definitely depict 4 or 76 but I can't tell which so I didn't include that in their totals and some of what I consider counting for what could be up for debate or difference of opinion. But that's the rough spread. This includes reprints with Fallout art and brand new cards. If it didn't have flavor text or some obvious indicator it could only be from a certain game, I didn't include it either. Some things like the Nuka Nuke Launcher I include in Fallout 3 since it was iconic for that game and other similar cards got counted similarly. Some I counted for more than one game (Marcus and Marcus related cards for FO2 and NV, Crimson Caravan for 1 and NV, etc).
Also notable that while 76 has almost as many cards as 3, most of the 76 ones are lands with 11 being lands and 3 of the nonlands being cards that interact directly and only with lands.
With 146 new cards and 172 reprints for a total of 318 and I attributed 192 cards above, 7 more with Bobbleheads, and 2 more that I couldn't definitely attribute to one game or another. But there's also repeats but excluding those which I think there were 5 cards that got counted twice, leaves 196 cards I feel specifically call to one (or two games) with the remaining 122 being more "generic" to the franchise.
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