A new Fallout game... by Obsidian?

Can someone explain that earthbound comic to me? It's making me doubt my intelligence.

OT: Apparently we got more details tomorrow, I like this path better than the one where Bethesda makes the next spin-off. This is the 6th Fallout incarnation? Your little game has become quite the brand, credit due to Bethesda's managing the game's image into an adolescent power fantasy of sorts. Though I guess BOS was on the way there.
Interesting - can they make a good Fallout with the F3 engine?

If they do the quests in their fashion, and all the stuff like that, I don't see a reason for this not to become a good game!

And, anyway, Fallout 3 has some things in which it's better than 1 and 2 - it really is MUCH worse, but stuff like unique weapons, having your character being good in everything in a normal game (in F1/2, you can't use whatever weapon you find and have good scores at all other skills like Lockpicking, Science etc.) and having a good use of every single skill could fit in Fallout 1/2 too.

Still, I doubt it will fit in into the "real" Fallout series (Fallout 1 and 2) - but it will be better than Fallout Tactics - in fact, I doubt Fallout Tactics is better than Fallout 3.

And I hope the Bethesda's presence in the development don't screw everything up!
I really really really hope they see the demand for some kind of Turn Based mode a la van buren
I really haven't the slightest idea what to make of this...
I think the good ol' wait-and-see approach is best.
So I just came from my birthday, slept, woke, played Hearts of Iron 2 for some hours, and then I connect into the internet and... whoa, WHOA, WHAT IS THIS?!!

I think I had too much milkshake...
Personally, I'm excited. I like the obsidian games ive played. And hopefully at least the quests and main story will be done well. Even if it does turn into Knights of the old wasteland or whatever, will still be better than bethsofts piece of shit. I would ideally like to see a new engine with turnbased combat and whatnot, but thats not gonna happen. Beth would never allow a main franchise to not be marketed for the idiots with suckbox 360s. But the silver lining is a much better crew for writing. So ultimately well see what happens...but it is possible it will be alright. Plus its not a sequel so if it does suck i can just say "hey its not a true fallout its a spinoff" and enjoy it for what it is
Obsidian is rather unknown developer to me. I guess ill be buying kotor 2 to see if i like that to make some kind of "judgement" of the development house. I did kinda like the first game anyways.

Its good that they have some f2 - staff there, it gives me some hope.
moyogo said:
Can someone explain that earthbound comic to me? It's making me doubt my intelligence.

New Earthbound fans are pissed that Nintendo is putting Earthbound on it's Virtual Console instead of localizing the sequel.

Old fans are already used to this little shuffle and instead of blowing their top, just kick back and do something else.

Also, I really hope New Vegas doesn't turn out to be a glorified version of New Reno.

"Don't fuck this up....amen"

Best piece of news in...well...5 years ?
bhlaab said:
I really really really hope they see the demand for some kind of Turn Based mode a la van buren

The stories say that it'll be in the F3 style, so probably no turn based.
I don't know about you guys, but the licence has been raped so badly lately that I'm not asking anything more than "decent writing" now. If this Fallout has a decent story and writing ( not asking for more ), I couldn't be happier.

You guys have just been stuck in negativity limbo for too long.

Simply consider one thing: is there any viable event (so not Troika coming back to life and taking over Fallout) that could have been better for us fans than this? Realistically speaking, this is the best thing that could have happened to the license from our perspective.

I know you guys have been getting too used to disinterest and mindless bashing, and fine's fine as far as that's concerned, but I can't twist or turn this any way in which it does not become just a good thing, but the best thing to have happened with the Fallout license since Fallout 2.

If I were to chart the franchise's history, it goes down and down hit after hit; Tactics, BoS, Fallout 3, all it does is take punches and drop quality (ok F3 is better than BoS, but still), but now finally we have the potential for a big, non-MMO peak. Will it be as good as it can be? Wait and see. Is this something to be genuinely excited about again after years of abuse? Hell yeah. Be negative if you want to be negative, but consider whether or not you're just being negative for the heck of it.
I agree about Optimism, when it comes to Fallout 3 I actually like the game but I'm lukewarm on quests and main plot. Some of the far flung non obligatory ones are great but the hard to miss ones are not. When it comes to obsidian I enjoyed Never Winter Nights 2 (and mask) but the engine made the game slow and clumsy, I spent more time rotating my camera and in loading screens than having fun.

Smart writers + fast paced engine might mean something great, but this is coming from somebody somewhat optimistic who enjoyed FO3.
Brother None said:

You guys have just been stuck in negativity limbo for too long.

Simply consider one thing: is there any viable event (so not Troika coming back to life and taking over Fallout) that could have been better for us fans than this? Realistically speaking, this is the best thing that could have happened to the license from our perspective.

No, I know !
My message meant : I don't care if Obsidian keeps the gameplay from Fallout 3 ( I don't mind anymore ) as long as they come with a decent story and writing.

And yeah, Obsidian is the one studio that could do Fallout justice right now. I'm just a bit skeptical at the 2010 deadline but since they're using the same engine and gameplay, they'll probably just focus on what matters :


Praise the Lord :mrgreen:
Those of you who remember "kotor2" as a poor sequel should also recall that it had a really short dev-cycle.

Anyway... This could be interesting.
...And the plot thickens...

At least I hope it does. Obsidian will surly be adding a plot for their version right? None of this "go find my middle aged dad" crap.

If they build a Fallout 3 style game that has a compelling story, characters, and RPG aspects it might be worth playing. Only time will tell.

I've been burned FAR to many times to get even remotely excited about this.
frosty_theaussie said:
Roflcore said:
Well, they can't be worse than Bethesda, can they?!

Depends, do you like developers with notoriously buggy and unfinished or unpolished games?
Well... I like Black Isle. :P

I'm optimistic about this move by Bethesda. Time spent waiting and not playing F3 might pay off in the end.
Best news since VB got shitcanned.

I agree with BN, given the current situation, this is the best that could be hoped for.

I'm tempering my enthusiasm until I hear more about what direction their going in.

I wasn't all the impressed with KOTOR II myself - it's a consolized RPG through and through. But with Mask of the Betrayer Obsidian has proven that they are leaps and bounds ahead of Bethesda on the RPG legitimacy scale.

Who do we petition to get MCA involved with this?