A new Fallout game... by Obsidian?

MrBumble said:
Wasteland Stories said:
The same engine and same graphics means DLC.

No, in that case it means stand-alone...

Just like GTA Vice City wasn't GTA IV.
Vice City was completely new in graphics (texture etc.). GameBryo seems ok for 2007, maybe 2008... 2010? When you have UE3 experience and game that already developed on them (Alpha Protocol).
Kilus said:
Wasteland Stories said:
This game has a one-year dev cycle.
That's official too? I just didn't get it from press release.
The same engine and same graphics means DLC.

It's got a 2010 release date. So putting 2 and 2 together 12 - 18 month dev cycle seems to be the case.
They just begining? You know that clearly? Is it official?
It didn't just start, but there's no official word on when it did. My guesttimate would be no longer than 3 months ago, but that's just a guesstimate.

Anyway, considering Fallout 3 got heaps of praise for its graphics - even though it does indeed look like shit - I really don't think anything more than a minor texture upgrade is necessary for a 2k10 release. The media is lapping from the palm of Bethesda's hand too much for that to be a priority.

Logic really does point to it using the same pack of assets. Blue's News says as much but has no source, and I think I saw Briosafreak say "same engine" too somewhere, and he's usually fairly in the know.
Brother None said:
The media is lapping from the palm of Bethesda's hand too much for that to be a priority.
You're too naive!
They were creaming over graphics and all the other shit that was bad because it was bethesda. Now that it will be Obsidian they might as well say "well, graphics aren't as good as in FO3 but it shouldn't be a surprise, after all, Obsidian isn't as good as Bethesda".
Actually I bet something like this will happen.
Brother None said:
It didn't just start, but there's no official word on when it did. My guesttimate would be no longer than 3 months ago, but that's just a guesstimate.
As I recall, about a month or so ago JE stated on his Twitter or wherever that Obsidian had just signed a contract for a new game with an undisclosed party. Assuming the party in question is Bethesda, I doubt New Vegas could have been in development longer than a couple of weeks.

I don't think the one-year development cycle is entirely unrealistic, though. Not only are Obsidian working with existing art assets and a finished and tested game engine (and I mean finished, they have pretty much all game mechanics implemented for them), but I also like to think that the story and design have been written and refined years ago, and MCA and JE only need to randomly choose from the dozens of old design documents for cancelled Fallout games they undoubtedly have stored in a top-secret vault somewhere.
Huh...this next Fallout might actually be worth a damn. I've got a good bit of confidence in Obsidian, and maybe we can get something similar to New Reno.
Now that you mention it, a more fitting title for this game might be New Reno: Avellone's Redemption. :D
I'm stuck in apathy limbo, it seems. If MCA had been involved I'd have been more excited. JES isn't going to get to turn this into a turn-based affair.

However, if the game has a scorpitron and land mines then it will be awesome by default.
Wow, good for Bethesda. It's like a little kid deciding they should let the butterfly out of the jar they caught it in.

I'm pretty sure Todd & Pete are more of the pull its wings off type so I wonder who made this decision.

edit: please change the name though it sounds too much like a new CSI spinoff
Heh, when I saw the article of this on ign most of the comments (right behind "Noooo! More TES not Fallout!" idiots who didn't actually read the article) were about how Obsidian was gonna screw up Bethesda's awesome game, which I frankly thought was hilarious. Just a little bit of turnabout, heh.

Anyway, I think this could be good, and as FO3 has shown us that gamers and reviewers don't even remotely care about any sort of balance in a first person shooter (I say this because three is perhaps one of the easiest games I've ever played) Obsidian could very well spend a lot of it's time crafting a balanced turn-based combat system out of what little turn based seeds exist in FO3 and just toss in a few new weapons for the FPS crowd to ooooo and aaaaahhh about and be rather successful.
im a newbie to fallout.
I beat Fallout3 and although the graphics are poor and isotopic view is annoying, i am currently enjoying Fallout 1 much more than I did 3

Needless to say, I am very ecstatic about obsidian working on a game in FO3
Black said:
You're too naive!
They were creaming over graphics and all the other shit that was bad because it was bethesda. Now that it will be Obsidian they might as well say "well, graphics aren't as good as in FO3 but it shouldn't be a surprise, after all, Obsidian isn't as good as Bethesda".
Actually I bet something like this will happen.
All depends on how much marketing Bethesda does for it. If they are in charge of the campaign and do something in between what they did for DLC and what they do for full releases, they should be fine. That said, I'm betting you're (partly) right that they're going to say that the graphics were good for Fallout 3 but fall a bit flat now.
Ratty said:
I don't think the one-year development cycle is entirely unrealistic, though.
And it could be a year and a half or so at this point. That's not too soon to throw together a full-priced expansion pack. Rockstar North does this sort of thing all the time. Of course, Obsidian didn't do a great job with KotOR 2 in a similar situation. Hopefully they will keep the scope in check and deliver a finished product.
TwinkieGorilla said:
yeah, well the fact still remains that KOTOR 2 > Fallout 3 anyway.
Says you. Personally, I had more fun with FO3 than either of the KotOR games. It's defintely a different sort of game than they are accustomed to if they go with the open-world design (which is likely given the title). It will be interesting to see what they do with it.
Hmm, feeling alot like the kid who was told the truth about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and God all on the same day, but who's just been told that he's still getting presents, chocolate and guilt. Vaguely excited by the prospect of gifts, but the magic's all gone.

Mixed feelings. Very mixed. I'm definitely taking the 'old Earthbound fan' approach and go do something else for a year.. but if I hear any news that might spark interest in what has become a very depressing subject namely, Fallout, then perhaps apathy and negativity can take a back-seat for once. They've been driving the Fallout-related car for a few years now..

As a sidenote, I remember being profoundly disappointed by KoTOR II .. not for its lack of story just general balance issues.. here's hoping Obsidian don't fuck it up!
JES can at least leave us confident of some damn good writing, even if it has to play exactly like FO3. But what I really hope for is a floating 3d camera and pause, etc. It's not TB-iso, but it's the next best thing, and has proven to still be viable in today's market of sell crap to everyone possible.

Then again, floating 3d camera with Gamebyro...
woah...am i dreaming?! this is amazing....at least there is Chris Avelone at Obsidian....NICE!

