So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

The thing is, no walkthroughs I've ever seen suggest Power Armor runs, if someone asks for tips very few people would suggest something like that, very few forums actively discuss the classic games, ect.A. That would be true if this was the late 90's, basically no one had the internet, and online communities didn't plaster websites with guides. You basically have to avoid looking up anything about games to not know you can do these sort of things anymore.
It is so unlikely that a new-time player would not only stumble across something which would not only have to suggest the possibility of Power Armor runs, but also tell them exactly how to do it, that it isn't even a factor worth taking in to account.
Regardless of how it's handled, getting a powerful suit of armor early in the game will make you find low-level encounters easy. Does it really make that much of a difference whether you're fully-immune, or take tiny amounts of damage?, Your going to own the encounters anyway.B. Because you can still have power armor be powerful, while not making you totally immune to damage.
Well given that on the way there you encounter several Enclave Patrols, that, between all the soldiers do enough damage to take down most high-level players, I would say it's near impossible for somebody who has no prior experience of Fallout.C. You can get power in Fallout 2 in less then two hours into the game. It is by no means difficult.
"A good game would spend lots of time trying to make you play the entire thing in a certain order, because stopping a couple players who would have had to actively read up on these techniques first from abusing the game, is so much more important than allowing player freedom"A good game wouldn't let you do it at all
"Let's rewrite the previously established rules of the universe, in order to make the gameplay slightly more balanced"Hence why Fo3 and NV had PA training.
Yeah, that works perfectly

But by doing that, they made using Power Armor feel like a chore, rather than it making you feel badass wearing it.And why Fallout 4 gives you a 80% broken suit of PA, that needs power cores, and uses rare materials you literally can't have early in the game to repair it.
Which kinda defeats the whole point of Power Armor to begin with.