No, it does not. Why are you fixated on your „build more fences” mantra so hard?
Because that is what we're doing and it isn't very effective, and you're idea of "round them all up" would end up in the same direction. How else do you keep people fleeing from wars with the intention to migrate to Europe in one spot? By asking them nicely?
By deporting anyone who would illegally slip in EU back to the designated hot-spot area perhaps? Just in the same manner as we're doing it with these refugees coming illegally from Turkey now, according to deal signed by frau Merkel.
That works if you have relatively small numbers and groups. But as we saw in the past, this helps not much if you're not ready to use force. Like Turkey does now. It is a pipe dream to believe we could solve the issue like that in the long run.
It's your rhetoric trying to force German immigration policy to all member states against their will by changing legislative on the run what hurts EU actually.
No, my opinion is that we should fight the reasons why those people want to migrate to Europe, and not doing the same thing we did for the last 20 years, which apparantly isn't very effective. But this would be much more dificult than building fences. But as long as France, the UK and particularly the US are messing around with the politics of foreign nations and making shitty deals with some, Europe has to deal with the effects of their politics.
What we should really do, in my opinion.
We should start to make fair economic deals with African states, which don't just benefit European nations and undermine the effort of the more democratic nations in Africa trying to improve their economy. The Economic Partnership Agreement in particular has done a lot of damage. Opening African states with an underdeveloped industry to the European Market, we allow our highly industrialzed economy to flood their single markets with goods that are much cheaper than their domestic products. Particularly the agriculture in those areas is suffering a lot from this, destroying the basis of existence for thousands. Which than decide to migrate eventually to Europe.
We should reduce our production and selling of arms. Particularly into the middle east. The UK, Germany and France are among the top dealers with weapons. Infact, among the biggest 5. And we have to get that message across to the US, Russia and also China. Those weapons fall often into the hands of rebells, terrorists, fanatics and other questionable groups, fueling wars and conflicts all across the world. It is impossible to make sure that the equipment we sell, doesn't end up in the hands of the wrong people. It happens already today.
We have to stop meddling in the affairs and politics of other nations, this includes also Dicatorships, of which many saw support by us in the past. Like Lybia, Syria, Iraq and many more. Particularly the drone strikes which are increasing, show little effect and do a lot of damage to civlians. There is no doubt that the actions in Iraq after 2001, and our interventions in Lybia and Syria created a situation that allowed groups like ISIS to emerge, finding a basis for their growing and radicalism. The power vacuum that we created was exploited by all kinds of radical groups. While we oviously are not the sole reason for this to happen, the biggest offenders are obvoiusly the dictators which opressed their people for centuries. But the actions of Europe and the US played a very important role in the destabilizing of the region and in fueling the hate against the west.
And last but not least, we have to finally act against the growing right wing populism in Europe that is proposing easy and fast solutions to highly complex and decade old issues. They will do in the long run, far more damage to Europe and any work that is trying to improve the situation, undermining the political and economical work that is done here and destabilizing Europe. As we can see it right now with the UK.