Imagine you have Brit who is pro EU, mostly. He isn't a racist, just sick of political correctness. He just dislike the paperwork and feels that other nations MIGHT be having too much say in UK affairs. However, they instantly get labelled racists and judged bigots, or fascists. They are told their worries are irrelevent, their opinions shit and so ignorant they aren't worth responding to. From what I gather, the referendum was pretty 50/50. Are people SERIOUSLY going to tell me that half the country supports UKIP??? How many Brits, who hate UKIP, still voted for Brexit. Maybe they were scared into it? Maybe the stay folks forced their hand by being arrogant and obnoxious? It is incredibly interesting that any dissent from PC, no matter how minor, is aggressively mauled into submission. Irony when PC is meant to give voice to EVERYONE, instead of just ONE side.
An American example of PC is favoring one race at the expense of another. In the U.S., blacks and latinos get all the attention, cause they are the loudest. In some states you can get GOVERNMENT FORMS in Spanish yet no such thing exists for the rest of the ethnic minorities that live here.
You have a new Dark Tower movie, a forced sequel because SK, a known liberal, wanted to make the main character Roland, black. Why does Roland need to be black? You cannot tell me that this has nothing to do with benefitting from all the race baiting happening in the U.S.
Many fans of the Dark Tower, before they knew the movie was going to be a sequel, had reservations that Roland was black when another major character, calls him a 'honky mofo ' (black derogatory slang for a white person), constantly. As soon as anyone disagreed with Idris Elba playing Roland, even while admitting he was a fantastic actor, they were labelled a racist.
The problem is people nowadays use the racist card way too liberally (no pun intended). And it is going to piss people off. If you scare moderate rights too much there is a chance they will go full on right winger, if only to fight fire with fire and get some support from others who kind of agree with them. Yes folks, democracy has ALWAAYS been a numbers game.