A video on the Brexit and why the UK should leave.

Do you want Britain to Leave? Or to Stay?

  • Leave

    Votes: 23 47.9%
  • Stay

    Votes: 16 33.3%
  • I don't care...

    Votes: 9 18.8%

  • Total voters
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Wasn't that something the people supporting staying with the EU implied? I don't know, I didn't pay attention to the debate until now.
Probably yes. Looking at the average age of the 'stayers' - meh, you really need the conclusion to be spoken?
I don't know yet but some people starting to see Putin everywhere now, like leaving means for Russia a victory. For whatever baffling reason.

Well there is one reason this might be good for Putin, is that he will be able to negotiate sanctions and trade deals independently with UK now. This would be true for every country that would leave EU.
Well there is one reason this might be good for Putin, is that he will be able to negotiate sanctions and trade deals independently with UK now. This would be true for every country that would leave EU.
UK was forgot to be asked if they ever want to deal with Russia and Putin, like always.
Well there is one reason this might be good for Putin, is that he will be able to negotiate sanctions and trade deals independently with UK now. This would be true for every country that would leave EU.
I hope that's the case, the sanctions are a fucking ass over there.
The EU seems to be a sinking ship. From what I read now the Dutch want their own referendum on their EU membership. On the bright side though this should make those rich elitist in the establishment who think they can lord over everyone shit their pants and squirm. That is always enjoyable to see.:newevil:
Uh, I don't get this ... why all this EU hate? I always hear EU this, EU that.
But where are the arguments?

First. What is so shitty about the EU that makes our nations better? Would lobbyism, corruption and shitty politics suddenly stop without the EU?
Second. What is the alternative? Even without the EU, most of what the EU has, would still stay in place. Unless you love to pay taxes on everything.
And last but not last. It would be fucking expensive. If people think the EU is already expensive now, just wait when we have to make new negotiations and changing all the regulations, offices etc.

I mean, what has the EU ever done for us, right?
As Doom brought up, don't underestimate the power of frustration with political correctness and overboard liberalism.

One of the kids I went to highschool on facebook, a so called, 'activist', is singing the praises of Corbyn and how the financial problems that might follow wil spur the English into more action and take down the 'man'.

This fool is the same type who screams fuck the police, supports babying assholes who resist arrest and expect the utopia would be a coming tomorrow if only people would put into practice his politics.

Normally a person like Trump would get zero traction, as apparent by how he divided the GOP. But the fear mongering leftists just had to be extreme. Hillary is a criminal and most people who support Bernie are the same naïve folks who would wreck this country by pushing an extremely flawed version of socialism.

Instead of reaching across the aisles, like atleast some repubs like Fiorina did, they took their goddamn ball and went home.

Just like our UK friends, I too am worried about the path my country is taking. We have Trump, who is a xenophobe, isolationist on par with early 20th century America, intends to gut NATO, and seems to think all muslims are terrorists.

Then you have a criminal who you cannot trust or an old man who cannot wait to prostrate his country on the floor of the international community.
Well I would reckon that people are sick of globalism and they don't want people from other countries dictating how their country should be run. I mean, from what I read, Britain has a pretty bad immigration problem that the EU could give two shits about because political correctness. I am not going to go deeply into it for fear of being called a racist. Never underestimate how much people hate political correctness and social justice.
Well I would reckon that people are sick of globalism and they don't want people from other countries dictating how their country should be run. I mean, from what I read, Britain has a pretty bad immigration problem that the EU could give two shits about because political correctness. I am not going to go deeply into it for fear of being called a racist. Never underestimate how much people hate political correctness and social justice.

I don't see what's wrong with calling racists racist. People like you are obsessed with the non-issues of "social justice" and "political correctness". The fact is, when a party like UKIP has members who say gay marriages cause floods, they're going to be called homophobes.

Your rants about political correctness and social justice restricting freedom of speech are utterly unconvincing.
I don't see what's wrong with calling racists racist. People like you are obsessed with the non-issues of "social justice" and "political correctness". The fact is, when a party like UKIP has members who say gay marriages cause floods, they're going to be called homophobes.

Your rants about political correctness and social justice restricting freedom of speech are utterly unconvincing.
Whoa now! No need to get salty. All I am say is something similar to what @DarkCorp said. Never underestimate the power of how poisonous political correctness and social justice are. Also I could have said something bad about you but didn't. Like how many Muslim clerics like Anjed Choudary who “wants to see Sharia dominate the world” urged people to vote Remain. See, your side too has bad eggs. Don't throw a tantrum at me and play victim.
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Whoa now! No need to get salty. All I am say is something similar to what @DarkCorp said. Never underestimate the power of how poisonous political correctness and social justice are. Also I could have say something bad about you but didn't. Like how many Muslim clerics like Anjed Choudary who “wants to see Sharia dominate the world” urged people to vote Remain. See, your side too has bad eggs. Don't throw a tantrum at me and play victim.

Nice snide remarks. I'm simply stating my opinion, which anti-political-correctness people are always for right up until it's an opinion they don't like. Funny how that works.
Well I would reckon that people are sick of globalism and they don't want people from other countries dictating how their country should be run. I mean, from what I read, Britain has a pretty bad immigration problem that the EU could give two shits about because political correctness. I am not going to go deeply into it for fear of being called a racist. Never underestimate how much people hate political correctness and social justice.

People are idiots, that's true for every country (i'm an idiot too). How many of those that voted actually know anything about EU, other than the brexit movie? Most people couldn't name, or find a third of the EU countries, much less know about how it functions. If they are sick of globalism, they must be sick of those cheap smartphones and a million of other accessories that they are gladly using, Britain could not even feed itself without imports.

The migration problem will not just suddenly disappear with a flick of a finger, if they want tighter borders that means more restricted trade and from what i understand they will still function according to the current regulations for at least two years.
Imagine you have Brit who is pro EU, mostly. He isn't a racist, just sick of political correctness. He just dislike the paperwork and feels that other nations MIGHT be having too much say in UK affairs. However, they instantly get labelled racists and judged bigots, or fascists. They are told their worries are irrelevent, their opinions shit and so ignorant they aren't worth responding to. From what I gather, the referendum was pretty 50/50. Are people SERIOUSLY going to tell me that half the country supports UKIP??? How many Brits, who hate UKIP, still voted for Brexit. Maybe they were scared into it? Maybe the stay folks forced their hand by being arrogant and obnoxious? It is incredibly interesting that any dissent from PC, no matter how minor, is aggressively mauled into submission. Irony when PC is meant to give voice to EVERYONE, instead of just ONE side.

An American example of PC is favoring one race at the expense of another. In the U.S., blacks and latinos get all the attention, cause they are the loudest. In some states you can get GOVERNMENT FORMS in Spanish yet no such thing exists for the rest of the ethnic minorities that live here.

You have a new Dark Tower movie, a forced sequel because SK, a known liberal, wanted to make the main character Roland, black. Why does Roland need to be black? You cannot tell me that this has nothing to do with benefitting from all the race baiting happening in the U.S.

Many fans of the Dark Tower, before they knew the movie was going to be a sequel, had reservations that Roland was black when another major character, calls him a 'honky mofo ' (black derogatory slang for a white person), constantly. As soon as anyone disagreed with Idris Elba playing Roland, even while admitting he was a fantastic actor, they were labelled a racist.

The problem is people nowadays use the racist card way too liberally (no pun intended). And it is going to piss people off. If you scare moderate rights too much there is a chance they will go full on right winger, if only to fight fire with fire and get some support from others who kind of agree with them. Yes folks, democracy has ALWAAYS been a numbers game.
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People are idiots, that's true for every country (i'm an idiot too). How many of those that voted actually know anything about EU, other than the brexit movie? Most people couldn't name, or find a third of the EU countries, much less know about how it functions. If they are sick of globalism, they must be sick of those cheap smartphones and a million of other accessories that they are gladly using, Britain could not even feed itself without imports.

The migration problem will not just suddenly disappear with a flick of a finger, if they want tighter borders that means more restricted trade and from what i understand they will still function according to the current regulations for at least two years.
Well considering that most of people who voted leave were older I guess they were from a time when they weren't part of the EU. Who knows, maybe they longed for those days or only see them through rose tinted glasses. Only time will tell if Britain actually leaves or not, they have until 2018. Still it is nice to see the rich elitist and the bureaucrats wet themselves and squirm.
Nice snide remarks. I'm simply stating my opinion, which anti-political-correctness people are always for right up until it's an opinion they don't like. Funny how that works.
I never said you couldn't voice your opinion. You have a right to it as I do mine and its great that you are passionate about it. Sorry if I prefer speaking my mind and not worrying about being called a racist, a cis shit, homophone and a gender traitor cunt who hurt that persons feelings.
Still it is nice to see the rich elitist and the bureaucrats wet themselves and squirm.

A banker and a journalist, both educated in private schools. True defenders of the working classes.


On the point about freedom of speech. I couldn't care less about being called whatever either, but to act like "political correctness" is a real problem is laughable. I am merely pointing out that if you state an opinion, others have a right to state their opinion about your opinion. All I ever see online is racists and homophobes whining about how their freedom of speech is being inhibited by people calling them racists and homophobes.
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A banker and a journalist, both educated in private schools. True defenders of the working classes.

Just like how George Soros, one of the richest men in the world who has his dirty fingers in every pie in the west, and the plethora of celebrities like David Beckham, J.K Rowling and others backed Remain and they too are champions of the working class as well. Look your out of your league with me. Anything you throw I am going to throw back.
But who are these rich elitists and what have they done? Have you seen any of them squirm and wet themselves? And why would they, were they profiting from UK being in the EU and suddenly it all ends for them?
George Soros, who is a big backer of the EU, is probably squirming after all the money he put into the Remain campaign. Good, serves him right for trying to sway every Western countries election for his own personal benefit the fucker.
Just like how George Soros, one of the richest men in the world who has his dirty fingers in every pie in the west, and the plethora of celebrities like David Beckham, J.K Rowling and others backed Remain and they too are champions of the working class as well. Look your out of your league with me. Anything you throw I am going to throw back.

Again, I'm just pointing out that this EU referendum won't change anything. You can score as many political internet points as you want, but that doesn't change the fact that over half of the British population is deluded enough to believe that the referendum gifted to them by the rich is going to solve our socio-economic problems. How is political and economic instability going to help people lining up to food banks?
George Soros, who is a big backer of the EU, is probably squirming after all the money he put into the Remain campaign. Good, serves him right for trying to sway every Western countries election to his own personal benefit the fucker.

But he is a business magnate, not a EU official and also an 85 year old billionaire. This changes nothing for him. He could buy an island in the pacific and live out the rest of his life eating grapes from the bodies of supermodels.
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