Jasan Quinn
First time out of the vault

But I don't have a choice. Every 'choice' is the same; whoever you side with, they send you off to murder your way across the Mohave. Only the NCR let you spare the Brotherhood (so I'm told; I don't remember ever seeing that option. Might have been bugged).requiem_for_a_starfury said:Are you trolling? Really that's the whole fucking bloody point of roleplaying games, you make a choice it has consequences.
This is not a choice. A Choice would have been "these factions will play a role in the final battle, and you are advised to deal with them." The reason that is a choice is there is always a Third Choice - to ignore them.
Yeah, I am aware that FO3 doesn't let you 'ignore' the Brotherhood. However, Fallout 3 is essentially "Brotherhood vs Enclave". The Brotherhood don't order you to wipe out Paradise Falls if you don't want to, or force you to slay the AntAgonizer in Cantebury commons. New Vegas, on the other hand, did not give me the option to side with the Brotherhood - I was forced to destroy them. Again, that may well have been one of the several thouand bugs that plague the game, but the fact is it is NOT a 'fact' of Roleplay that you are forced to do stupid shit that has no bearing on how you have behaved up to that point, let alone what you want to do.
As to the Amnesia thing... well, it doesn't make sense to me that the Courier doesn't know the Mohave. Even if he wasn't though, why is he still oblivious about the politics of the region? The NCR do exist outside the Mohave, as do several other groups (although I realise that might depend on what the 'canonical' endings to Fallout 2 are).
Furthermore, is there ever any speech options that suggest you are from somewhere else? Do we have comments like "this place reminds me of New Reno" or "We have Deathclaws where I'm from too..." because I don't remember ever seeing them. If there are, please do correct me.