From the gameplay videos I've seen it doesn't look promising. Obvious console port. Soldiers are all the same until you give them their class. There's no collissions with the environment for gunfire, except with the cover the target is using from what I've seen, so no accidentally blowing up the UFO becuase you hit the fuel and so on. No way to target environment either, except with explosives. I've even seen overwatch fire pass right through shit to hit an alien, glorious.
The two actions system is nothing but dumbing down. You can't take two shots per turn if you're standing still, it just means you elect not to move. One shot per turn. Crap.
Overwatch is 360 degrees. No need to cover directions, you cover everything all the time. No shots out of the darkness like in the originals either. Speaking of which, every alien you encounter automatically runs for cover. They say there are going to be patrolling aliens, but most of the encounters I've seen there are two enemies spotting you as you spot them, and running for cover. So no sneaking up on enemies either. And the dropping thin men in random positions, ugh.