Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

I put my pre-order in because:

a) I love x-com
b) Firaxis is awesome
c) My laptop can play it

Pretty excited to get a halfway decent xcom after such a long wait.
From the gameplay videos I've seen it doesn't look promising. Obvious console port. Soldiers are all the same until you give them their class. There's no collissions with the environment for gunfire, except with the cover the target is using from what I've seen, so no accidentally blowing up the UFO becuase you hit the fuel and so on. No way to target environment either, except with explosives. I've even seen overwatch fire pass right through shit to hit an alien, glorious.

The two actions system is nothing but dumbing down. You can't take two shots per turn if you're standing still, it just means you elect not to move. One shot per turn. Crap.

Overwatch is 360 degrees. No need to cover directions, you cover everything all the time. No shots out of the darkness like in the originals either. Speaking of which, every alien you encounter automatically runs for cover. They say there are going to be patrolling aliens, but most of the encounters I've seen there are two enemies spotting you as you spot them, and running for cover. So no sneaking up on enemies either. And the dropping thin men in random positions, ugh.
Alphadrop said:
Rock Paper Shotgun has a an article about why the demo is a little bit naff, hoping to mollify some of the doubters.

You can tell when some release a truly terrible demo when someone needs 11 points to defend it.
Dead Guy said:
Soldiers are all the same until you give them their class. There's no collisions with the environment for gunfire, except with the cover the target is using from what I've seen, so no accidentally blowing up the UFO because you hit the fuel and so on.

Soldiers have different stats and I think you can see fuel getting caught in crossfire in the earliest gameplay video. Shots going through stuff is apparently a bug
In JA2 it was a feature. Nothing was better then loading armor piercing bullets in your rifle and blowing trough a door or thin wall to hit the enemy.
Blowing up said wall with C4 or a LAW and then unleasing a hail of bullets with machine guns was even more fun.

It's how I clear the Alma warehouses nowadays.
I noticed in the demo that you can catch idle enemies by surprise if you discover them by blowing up a wall (usually they get a free turn to move into cover).
did you knew that you could actually disarm people in JA2? If you happen to be directly around the corner you can run up to an enemy and "try" grabing his gun. This will take ALL your action points though, so with the next move he will either shoot you (if you fail to get his weapon) or he will try to kill you with melee combat. So this works usually only if you have another mercenary around to kill the enemy once you stole his gun. I only realized that after a decade of playing. Awesome game.
Tagaziel said:
Jebus said:
It's how I clear the Alma warehouses nowadays.

Brute. You need to be a scalpel, not a jackhammer in overdrive.

I used to be. Then I realised that I was carrying around tons of explosives and heavy weapons without ever using them, and I found the joy in blowing shit up and unleasing hell on my enemies.
Especially with the supression mechanics in JA2 1.13, this is shitloads of fun. The stealing mechanic Crni Vuk mentioned about also plays a part in this: suppresed enemies are very easy to steal from.
Wait, so you blow up the walls in Alma, suppress enemies, and then run up with naked mercs and steal their guns? Does this require the Benny Hill song to be on repeat in the backround or?
Naked? Hell no! I have the most badass of my mercs (Usually my IMP, or Magic or Stoogie or sth) standing closeby behind a corner, and when the enemies are sufficiently suppressed, he runs out (while covered by snipers), steals their shit, and then shoots them in the face with a hand cannon (like Desert Eagle .50 or a Super-Shorty shogun).
It's where I find joy.
Double fun: shooting them in the face with the gun you just stole from them.

Razor is very good for this too, you can then just knife them afterwards.
In a futile effort to steer this topic back on course, grasping at the wheel in a storm of JA2 so to speak, here are two playthroughs of an X-Com mission.

Giantbomb's which has two of the dev chappies involved.

And Gametrailers.

If you can get past the commentary that isn't to everyones taste it shows a pretty neat game, especially how liable rookies are to shoot each other in panic. :P
all the maps we've seen so far have been pretty small. while I do think the old xcom mission could be a bit long-winded, I hope there will be some longer missions here as well. so far it looks mostly like you start off at one end of a small map and the aliens on the other end. you move up, kill them and complete the mission. one of the most fun and challenging things about the old games was that the aliens could appear anywhere on the map, and you had to be extremely careful in finding them. if you closed in on a ufo before you had cleared the surroundings, you could very well find yourself in an ambush.
they should also throw hints in.

Imagine you want to approach an UFO, and the alien says you cant approach the UFO and most players be like, I dont know what to do, because the Alien said I cant approach the UFO! So I was stuck!
Aww PC Gamer, you used to be cool.

Yea that demo is pretty neat. Got the "you are awesome but one guy died" ending.