Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

I really can't see where else they could have gone. I loved the graphics, especially in Apocalypse with the bright color pallet but I don't see the problem with this.

I think the environments look great with good variety and a cover system that actually shows potential, I wonder if the tactical zones are randomly generated, hopefully.
The guns are big enough and the design for the armour is good. It would feel a lot more X-Com if the armour was purple rather than standard green/desert, get some 90's comic book hairstyles again and it would be great.
Still looks good enough and is at least coloufull and has character unlike the new Jagged Alliance.

Bodge it with some modding tools and it'll be a right corker.
fedaykin said:
Some of the info is reassuring, some is very worrying. No action points. WTF, how is that going to work? One base? LOL. Also, there will apparently be no soldier stats, only "perks" gained by leveling :(

Maybe like in Valkirya Chronicles, where you had one action per turn and movement was governed by a gauge that partially recharged between turns.

I wonder if this will actually play like VC, after all the creators of the series themselves had in mind a reboot that played like that.

I'm interested. For now.
PainlessDocM said:
It certainly doesn't look like X-COM. Not that the graphics or the art are "bad", it just doesn't have that unique X-COM atmosphere at all.

In fact I never would have guessed this was called X-COM if I saw these pictures out of context.
lets say its good turn based combat. And I mean "really good" like in "true TB combat" good then I think this is the best we can expect.
I'm shocked, that makes the game look good. There may be hope yet... I'm interested to see if there are classes like that makes it sound or not and perks could be a nice addition.

They have finally peaked my interest.
The flags on the back of their armour to show which country they are from is a really nice touch.
That is also some tip top animation used there, the way characters move just feels good to watch.
The kill cam feels very UFO:Afterlight (and the others) but looks like it works well and feels like a feature rather than a gimmick, X-Com has always been caring about your dudes so seeing your dudes up close when they do their thing is a great idea.
Armour is still eh but the big knee pads save it for me at least. :P

First game I'm hyped about in a while.
I have to say I am hoping this is good. It shows much promise.
The art direction really looks shitty and the kill cam is as superfluous as ever, but I will still give it a try when it's out.
^ If that is all they do to make the game seem mainstream, then we should should count ourselves lucky. I'm definitely looking forward to this. X-Com was was a classic.
Interview with producer and art director, guess Surf Solar will get a kick out of this:

When I asked Foertsch what some of the inspirations for Enemy Unknown's art style were (apart from the obvious XCOM-related trappings), he immediately compared the character designs to classic action figure designs. In his words:

"When we did this pre-vis [an early video Firaxis showed to 2K before the project was greenlit], we basically used most of the company as a focus group, so they didn't know what I was working on. No one knew. So we showed them the pre-vis, like I had these meetings with the whole company for two days. Like people could just come in for 15 minutes, sit down, and just let me have it. Rip me apart. So they came in, and one of the guys...because I think there was a little bit of confusion with people, he was like, 'So, wait, you're making soldiers like Call of Duty?' And I was like, "No..." And his response was, 'Well, you know, they sort of look like action figures.' And that was it. 'You're right. You're absolutely right.' And while I'd been working on this for several months, I had not actually articulated that. And at that moment, I was like, 'That's what they are.' That was that moment that set us down this path."

It went a step further when Firaxis actually hired a few new employees with a deep-seated love of miniatures. The idea of your characters effectively becoming your toys that you play with might sound childish to some, but in truth, any video game character is really just a toy that you play with--some just have stronger narratives than others. In this case, the idea is to give you these fully customizable toys that can create varying types of explosive alien death. Kind of hard to find much fault with that.
It is, simplified, to say it nicely. I have the GI rag right here and it states that instead of each squadmember having TUs (action points in original X-Com) based on their agility, each squad member can take 2 actions per round: move/attack, move/move, or in theory though it wasn't stated, attack/attack.
I can't see how you can dodge out behind a corner, take a snap shot, and move back behind that same corner using this system, and that is a turn based strategy standby for keeping mercs/squaddies alive. If I want to leave cover and take a shot, the aliens will have a chance to shoot me when their turn comes.
Also, It will be interesting to see how things like reserving TU's for snap shots during the enemy's move works. This also, was an important strategy to stay alive.
mobucks said:
I can't see how you can dodge out behind a corner, take a snap shot, and move back behind that same corner using this system

The only thing I can think of is that if you are taking cover near a corner you can shoot and then the soldier will return automatically behind cover. There are action games with this mechanism (MGS2 is the first that comes to my mind).
I'm not going to get my hopes up for this.

After the Jagged Alliance reboot, I've decided it's best to assume the worst.
The first post in this thread is almost the exact same press release the makers of the Jagged Alliance reboot put out. Therefore, I henceforth don't trust anyone that says they're 'huge fans of the original'.
mobucks said:
If I want to leave cover and take a shot, the aliens will have a chance to shoot me when their turn comes.

It cover based. If you are in cover you shoot and stay in cover.