Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

Jebus said:
After the Jagged Alliance reboot, I've decided it's best to assume the worst.
The first post in this thread is almost the exact same press release the makers of the Jagged Alliance reboot put out.

The difference here is that new JA allows to make complex/sophisticated tactical moves. Yes, it is different than original, and yes, the game could be better, more polished (especially the inventory/UI and non-existent IMP) etc. But it's tactical backbone (the Plan&Go system) is very good and has a lot of potential.

Sadly, in the new X-Com they didn't show anything like that (yet?) so it looks overly simplified and not flexible enough for more complex operations.

Also, in the video linked earlier on 1:06 it looks more like a real time, not turn based - both sides are moving at the same time etc. :scratch:
Also, in the video linked earlier on 1:06 it looks more like a real time, not turn based - both sides are moving at the same time etc.

It's pretty likely that they will have "prepare action" type moves a'la Frozen Synapse and/or "simultaneous turns" a'la TOEE.
gabahadatta said:
Sadly, in the new X-Com they didn't show anything like that (yet?) so it looks overly simplified and not flexible enough for more complex operations.
Well you know ... in a perfect dream land we might get some really well done turn based combat. I for my self love Jagged Alliance. I think the second game had some of the best TB combat ever. Very rewarding. Very complex. Yet it didn't ffelt impossible to beat. It made for some great moments.

While I would love to see such a combat in the new X-Com I am at least happy they consider something similar. Not going the "lets make it a shooter for the lulz and money because thats how the game has to be and the original developers would have done it as well!".

We see a few projects that seem to go in a similar direction. Maybe and this is just a guess we might see at some point games that go even further then that giving is really good TB combat. And who knows? Maybe the X-Com game will have even good combat. It remains to be seen. This game might be the best we can get considering the stance of TB combat in current gaming ...
I dunno, I think true TB combat is not all much less common today than 5-10 years ago. We've had Frozen Synapse, Disciples III, HOMM VI, just to name a few big ones. Not to mention that PSP, NDS and to a lesser extent PS3 are full of Japanese so-called TRPGs which have remained strong - for example the immensely popular Disgaea series, or the Valkyrie Chronicles. So I think the whine about "there are no (good) TB games" is largely overblown. TB combat has been popular but rather niche for as long as I can remember.

I think this X-com remake looks rather promising so far, and there's nothing really wrong with the combat. I think replacing APs with a move bar and a limited number of actions per round (that's how I understood the interview) is completely fine - I daresay I prefer it since I've never liked the AP systems too much. TOEE had a similar approach and did a splendid job with it. Now whether the new X-com will feel as organic but complex as a game that directly adapted an already existing, polished set of rules remains to be seen - but there's nothing so far to raise any alarms.

There definitely needs to be an option to turn off/minimize the number of action cams. That crap gets old after you see it a few times, and serves no further purpose other than superficially extend gameplay hours for no good reason.
Ausdoerrt said:
...and serves no further purpose other than superficially extend gameplay hours for no good reason.

Looking dope is a perfectly good reason, just not a very deep one. 8-)

To clarify the bit at 1:06 in the video the heavy is supressing the grey taking cover behind the car, this continues while the scout (sounding like TF2 here) takes her turn and the grey leader takes his (which explains why the grey taking cover is huddling from the bullets), the supression ends when the grey leader uses his mental powers to rally the grey that is being supressed which would allow him to shoot the scout when she moves again except he gets killed by her shotgun. It was in a written interview somewhere.
Why do so many people call Frozen Synapse turn based? It uses phases not turns.

And I don't really see much XCOM here. None of the long periods of inaction, where you heard nothing but footsteps and doors openning and closing, suddenly interrupted by screams. The hide and seek feeling is more important to me than turn based combat.
Purists still have Xenonauts as an option, after all. This is a win-win situation, for once.
good point.

But it's tactical backbone (the Plan&Go system) is very good and has a lot of potential.
I agree. Some pretty awesome moments so far with it, thats all I care about; the combat being more fluid and faster to execute is just a plus.
Ausdoerrt said:
34thcell said:
Why do so many people call Frozen Synapse turn based? It uses phases not turns.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

I don't see the walk or the quack, though Frozen Synapse looks closer to XCOM combat (just needs stats and bigger maps).
Well the Demo is out on Steam.

Going have to get around to downloading it sometime today.

Color me intrigued.
huh, I'm trying to download the demo but I get an error saying "no subscription" and some other junk. what's up with that? anyone else been able to install it?
yeah got it working now. thanks.

well, that was pretty short for a 5+ gig download. looks pretty good though. controls in combat were mediocre, but I'm sure they'll be fine when you get used to them.

not really much you can say after such a short demo. it shows nothing in the ways of how research and manufacturing works, how many different choices you'll have in how to train and gear your soldiers etc. it does seem pretty streamlined in most areas, but it's pretty much only a tutorial, so...

overall good impression. will definitely give it a go once it's out. it's no Terror From The Deep though, that much is clear.
I wouldn't know, never played the original xcom games. But I agree about wanting to see more about the Base Management stuff, and I admit I find the prospect of managing my own Xeno Defense Force the reason I've kept a eye on this game.

Still would have liked to have had an autopsy done just for the hell of it.

At first glance, Combat reminds me of table top war games like Warhammer and such. You don't really see how deep it can be in the demo, but you can see the potential that is there.
Played the demo. Was a bit short. :p
The opening scripted tutorial mission didn't really explain everything that I think a newcomer would need to play the game. Maybe there's more tutorials in the final product though. Even I, as someone who played the original, had to use trial and error to figure out what some of the functions where. Would've been helpful to have a key bindings tab in the options. Hopefully the final product has it.
Anyway, got through the second mission without any casualties. Though one of my squaddies did get poisoned and would be out of commission for 5 weeks if the demo had a second mission. Oh well. :p

aenemic said:
it shows nothing in the ways of how research and manufacturing works, how many different choices you'll have in how to train and gear your soldiers etc. it does seem pretty streamlined in most areas, but it's pretty much only a tutorial, so...

I agree completely on this. Would be nice that once you get through the "tutorial demo", if you were to replay it, the demo would allow you to create your own squad to show how that part of the game works.

I am definitely getting this game day one though. Can't wait. Most anticipated game of all of 2012 for me. :)
Question to those who played it: How is the tactical aspect? Good despite changes (no AP etc) or too dumbed down? Or is it too early to say?
Hard to say, the demo is very very short. I can say for sure though that the interface is HORRIBLE. Made for gamepads. I think they promised at one point to adapt the UI especially for the PC. I guess they meant "PC with Xbox controller."
gabahadatta said:
Question to those who played it: How is the tactical aspect? Good despite changes (no AP etc) or too dumbed down? Or is it too early to say?

well, depends on how you look at it. in some respects you get a lot more tactical choices, or at leat the game feels more tactical. for example how cover works, how you open doors and look into a room quietly. it seems like you will also have many different skills and actions to use depending on soldier type.

but there's less micro-managing. you can't choose between aimed shots, snap shots or rapid fire. you don't have to spend valuable time units on looking around and decide what way to face. you don't choose to kneel or stand up. you don't have to time grenades and explosives. no different ammo types, at least not in the demo.

that's all I can tell from the demo so far. personally, I don't mind most of the micro-managing being gone as it seems like you'll have to make a lot of hard choices anyway, when it comes to both movement and skill use.