Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

Darn Americans and their darn games getting released darn earlier than us darn Euro types.

Dibs naming squadmates after Cannon Fodder soldiers. :V
Have to wait till tomorrow till I can play. :<
Playing in classic difficulty almost sounds like a must then, heh. The many different possibilities to expand the base sounds awesome, I'll still miss having multiple bases though. Does anyone know if the homebase can get attacked aswell?
Surf Solar said:
Have to wait till tomorrow till I can play. :<
Playing in classic difficulty almost sounds like a must then, heh. The many different possibilities to expand the base sounds awesome, I'll still miss having multiple bases though. Does anyone know if the homebase can get attacked aswell?

Apparently not.
No a bummer is a damn Thin Man leaping from some highway overpass onto that UN VIP you are trying to save. Sure it makes you think on your feet and by think I mean hope that Captain can take some plasma to the face long enough for that VIP to scuttle on out of there. Stupid jerks and their smelly fart clouds.

But today GM learned that if you chase other aliens into said Smelly Fart clouds they get poisoned.

Did I mention I hate the Thin Men? Pricks leap everywhere and are pretty good shots. Sure Your vets in Better Armor are fine since they can take a hit(still keeps them out of action a couple days) but they can just decimate your rookies.
TheGM said:
No a bummer is a damn Thin Man leaping from some highway overpass onto that UN VIP you are trying to save. Sure it makes you think on your feet and by think I mean hope that Captain can take some plasma to the face long enough for that VIP to scuttle on out of there. Stupid jerks and their smelly fart clouds.

I find overwatch really helps there. Had one drop out of the sky in front of a rookie close by, popped him before he could blink... if they do blink.
Also characters holding med kits are dandy about the whole poison cloud thing.

Compulsory rookies in helmets, shame those helmets don't work on poison clouds. :P

But I digress.

Best part about healing poison cloud is when you heal a guy with your last move(hey ya know because sometimes you just heal a guy as your last moves N stuff) and a GOD DAMN THIN BITCH leaps out of the shadows and uses his poison puff to poison the medic and the other guy AGAIN!
Started new game. Decided to name all my squad members after star wars characters.

Luke Skywalker is dead. :(

EDIT: Meh, second mission and everyone was wiped out. One of my men missed a 65%-ish flanking shot and then all hell broke loose and I was down to my sniper and that was all she wrote. Dunno. That sorta didn't feel fair. But whatever...I'm early enough I'm just gonna delete this save game and start over. *shrug*
man I can't fucking wait for this game to be out. everything I've seen so far looks amazing. it even seems like the game is in fact not as short and I imagined, missions can still take some time to complete and not all maps are tiny. those were some of my biggest worries.

I guess this means I am fucked, haven't even done the first "story" event (capturing a live alien) because I wanted to research a bit other stuff. Now, insectoids don't even show up anymore, only Mutons and Cyber Discs. FU!
I should have bought this instead of Resident Evil 6. Damnit. I thought XCOM was going to suck worse. Waaaahhh. :cry:

Them far advanced alien minds sure work in mysterious ways, and are also hard to remove from the walls something fierce.

Remind me not to do what Surf Solar did. Haven't lost a squaddie since the first mission though, despite them all wearing white and helmets they shoot surprisingly well.
Alphadrop said:

Them far advanced alien minds sure work in mysterious ways, and are also hard to remove from the walls something fierce.

Remind me not to do what Surf Solar did. Haven't lost a squaddie since the first mission though, despite them all wearing white and helmets they shoot surprisingly well.

The funny thing is, I have a pretty kickass team with experienced soldiers and currently try to level a second "beta" squad up too incase shit gets out of hand. The combat missions are fun and all, but I am having more trouble keeping all the countries at non-panic levels, even though I spammed dozens of satellites. :D

Also, fuck those terror missions. In my first playthrough (where I got raped later on) they put me in a terror mission right at the 3rd or 4th mission, with Mutons and a fucking cyberdisc. oO

Also, armor design in this game is so wonky and ridicolous. ;D Atleast I have a team full of my BROS!!11

Nah I just gave one of my soldiers that classic Jersey Shore/Guile haircut you could find in the original XCOM. :P There are actually plenty of options to customize the characters.

If you rank up your soldiers a couple of times, the game gives you a random "nickname" too, additionally to the normal soldiers name. In my particular characters case, like you can see above, the game gave me the nickname "Solo". :|

Wonder if I should feel worried now..... :lol:
First mods are coming out for the game. Obligatory intro vid skip and a mod adding back in the NG+ Second Wave mode which appears to mostly work.
An interesting one is a balance mod, replacing the "pick one of three missions" with just pootling about shooting them down instead, easier to keep panic down while also risking more soldiers lives with more missions.
Also makes it feel more like X-Com.

Edit: Oh some fellers modded a squad size of 12.