Vault Senior Citizen

And my first playthrough on Classic Ironman mode resulted in me sucking really bad. lol
Surf Solar said:Have to wait till tomorrow till I can play. :<
Playing in classic difficulty almost sounds like a must then, heh. The many different possibilities to expand the base sounds awesome, I'll still miss having multiple bases though. Does anyone know if the homebase can get attacked aswell?
TheGM said:No a bummer is a damn Thin Man leaping from some highway overpass onto that UN VIP you are trying to save. Sure it makes you think on your feet and by think I mean hope that Captain can take some plasma to the face long enough for that VIP to scuttle on out of there. Stupid jerks and their smelly fart clouds.
Alphadrop said:[spoiler:134091944e][/spoiler:134091944e]![]()
Them far advanced alien minds sure work in mysterious ways, and are also hard to remove from the walls something fierce.
Remind me not to do what Surf Solar did. Haven't lost a squaddie since the first mission though, despite them all wearing white and helmets they shoot surprisingly well.